
High School DXD: Rise of the Devilish Dragon and Pokémon God

what if issei had a brother , a brother with a sacred gear just like his brother however unlike his brother his is the true power of which is completely unknown to everyone. So what issei and his brother accomplish. slight Pokémon crossover just for the sacred gear.

TheKeneticLord5 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

chapter 6

Author's Note: this is more of a question but should i scale dark type to Devil energy or no and the same question should be said about fairy type should be scaled to holy energy? With that asked, let's carry on with the chapter.

Chapter: 6

Issei P.O.V


...I got up from my bed after getting woken up by the alarm clock with a boyish-girl's voice.

I set the alarm one hour earlier than usual.

I needed to go to the club room at all costs even if I had to scratch out my eyes!

I left the room after getting into my uniform.

Part 2

"Ara, so you came on time."

When I arrived in the club room, Buchou was the only one present.

School hasn't started yet.

I came here early in the morning because last evening we were told that we will have a meeting in the morning.

Buchou is sitting on the sofa, drinking green-tea elegantly.

"Good morning, Buchou."

"Yes, good morning. Looks like you have gotten used to the morning."

"Yes, thanks to you."

She then looks at my legs.

"How's the wound from the Fallen Angel?"

I had my thighs pierced by the spear of light from a battle a few days ago.

"Yes, it's completely healed thanks to that healing power."

I answered her with a smile.

"Is that so? It seems like that girl's healing power is something you can't ignore. I can see why a single Fallen Angel would desire it, even by keeping it a secret from her superiors."

I sit on the sofa opposite Buchou.

There are several things I want to ask her.

"Umm Buchou? If there is the same number of [Evil Pieces] as in chess itself, then it's possible to get 7 other [Pawns] besides me, right? So will there be a day when another [Pawn] besides me will join us?"

Yeah, just like in real chess, there should be the same number of [Pawn] pieces. So it's possible to get more [Pawn] pieces besides me. I asked her, thinking it will turn out like that one day.

But Buchou shakes her head to the side of my question.

"No, my only [Pawn] is you, Ise."


Eh? Should I be happy?

Is it a confession? Something like "Ise is the only one I want!" or something like that?

"When reincarnating a human to a Devil we use the [Evil Pieces], but depending on the ability of the person being reincarnated, more [Evil Pieces] will be consumed."

...So it's not a confession...

Huh? Piece consumption?

"There's a saying like this in the world of chess. Queens have a value of 9 Pawns. Rooks have a value of 5 Pawns. Knights and Bishops have a value of 3 Pawns each. Like this, there are standard values that also apply to the Evil Pieces. A similar phenomenon happens to those reincarnated. If there are those who can only be reincarnated with 2 Knight pieces, then there are also those who need 2 Rook pieces to be reincarnated. There's also the compatibility with the pieces as well. You can't use 2 separate Pieces to give them different roles, so it's important to think about how to use the pieces. Once you use it, Devils won't be given new [Evil Pieces]."

"How is that related to me?"

"Ise, I used all of the [Pawn] pieces when I resurrected you. If I hadn't, I couldn't have made you into a Devil."

All!? Seriously?

So do I have a value of 8 [Pawn] pieces then?

"When I found out, I decided to definitely make you into my servant. But I couldn't find the reason for a while. But now I'm convinced. The Sacred Gear that is said to be supreme. Because it was you, Ise, who possessed the [Boosted Gear] which is said to be one of the supreme Sacred Gear, the [Longinus], therefore it had that much value."

I look at my left arm.

The red gauntlet. An insane embodiment of power which doubles my power every 10 seconds.

Depending on how you use it, it's said that it can even kill God.

This Sacred Gear is something which is too good for me, but it can't be helped since it resides in me.

"When I was trying to reincarnate you, the only pieces I had left were 1 Knight, 1 Rook, 1 Bishop and 8 Pawns. To make you into my servant, I could only use all 8 pieces of Pawn. And your compatibility with the Pawn was also good. The other pieces didn't have the power to reincarnate you. To begin with, the value of [Pawn] is still a mystery. Also including its [Promotion]. That's why I gambled on that possibility. As a result, you were the best."

Buchou smiles happily.

She pats my cheeks with her fingers.

"Our matching is also great since it's crimson and red, "Crimson-Haired Ruin-Princess" and [Boosted Gear]. Ise, first of all, aim to become the strongest [Pawn]. If it's you, you can definitely do it. After all, you are my adorable servant.``

—The strongest [Pawn].

It sounds so great.

Buchou brought her face closer when I was thinking about it.

Close! You are too close to Buchou!

Then Buchou's lip touches my forehead.

"This is a good luck charm. Get stronger."

Kiss on the forehead...


I became unsteady because of what just happened, and my face turned red.

Uwa. Uwa. Uooooooooooooooooooooo!

Something triggers in my head! I am so happy that I'm about to dance!

Oh man! Oh man!

My first kiss from a girl!

It wasn't a kiss on the lip or cheeks, but there's nothing happier than this!

I'm about to cry because of the joy!

I! I will work harder Buchou! I promise with this kiss! I definitely will!

"I probably should stop adoring you here. The new girl might get jealous of me."


What is she talking about?


Voice came from behind me. I have heard this voice before.

When I turned around, the blond girl, Asia, was trying to smile.


Eh? Is she mad?


"It has to be... R-Rias-buchou is very beautiful, so even Ise-san will also like her... No, no. I can't think like that! Oh, lord. Please forgive my sinful heart."

Asia makes a prayer but she then screams "Auu".

"I have a headache."

"Of course. If a Devil makes a prayer to God, of course you will receive damage."

Buchou says that normally.

"Uu, that's right. I turned into a Devil. I can't face God any more."

Asia seems a bit troubled. Asia, please don't make a sad face like that.

"Do you regret it?"

Buchou asks Asia.

Asia shakes her head.

"No, thank you very much. No matter what situation I am in, I'm happy as long as I am with Ise-san."


My face starts to turn red because of her embarrassing reply.

T-This is something which makes me happy. For a guy, it's the ultimate praise.

Hearing that, Buchou also smiles.

"I see, then it's okay. From today you will also be my servant, and I will make you work along with Ise."

"Yes! I will do my best!"

Asia replies very energetically.

She will have to do the leaflet handing first, but I wondered if she will be alright?

I feel uneasy.

Then I realised the change in Asia. Why didn't I realise it until now?

"Asia, that uniform..."

Yes, Asia is wearing the school uniform of our school. Kuou Academy's girl uniform.

"D-Does it suit me...?"

She asks me shyly.

Of course!

Another Angel has descended to our school! I can already hear the guys in our school talking about it.

You look great in it!

"It's the best! Let's take a photo with only the 2 of us."

"Eh, y-yes."

She was troubled with how to react, but it's true that she looks cute in it. Aaah, my school life is becoming glorious!

"I decided to make Asia attend our school. Since she is about the same age as you, she's also in 2nd year. I also made her in the same class as you. Today will be her first day, so make sure to look after her."

Buchou said that to me.

Are you serious!? My class!? Asia will be in my class!?

"I will be in your care, Ise-san."

Asia bows her head.

I started to imagine introducing Asia to Matsuda and Motohama already. I can't stop laughing, thinking about how jealous they would get.

"Yeah. I will introduce you to two of my pals."

"Yes, I'm looking forward to it."

Fufufu, Matsuda and Motohama, looks like I'm getting closer to becoming an adult.

Pals, my life as an unpopular guy is over!

While I was imagining that, Kiba, Koneko-chan and Akeno-san entered the room.

"Good morning, Buchou, Ise-kun, Asia-san."

"...Good morning, Buchou, Ise-senpai, Asia-senpai."

"How are you all doing, Buchou, Ise-kun, Asia-chan."

Everyone greets us.

Everyone called me "Ise" and acknowledged Asia as a member.

It's great.

There's nothing better than this.

Buchou stands up.

"Since everyone is here, shall we start the party?"

Saying that, Buchou clicks her fingers.

Then, a big cake appears on the table. Wow, is this also demonic-power as well?

"It might be good sometimes to gather in the morning to do these kinds of things, right? S-since we got new members, I made some cake, so let's eat it together."

Buchou says it shyly.

But handmade cake! I will gladly eat it!

Buchou, first of all, I will aim to become the strongest [Pawn].

I will work hard along with Buchou, Asia, Kiba, Koneko-chan and Akeno-san.

After making a promise to myself, I got ready to do kamehameha to raise up the mood for this party.

"Well that's cute you look good in the school uniform Asia."

A familiar voice said from behind me.


I yelled in shock as I spun around to look who it was and low and behold it was Hakura standing in uniform with a smirk on his face.

"Yo" He greeted




"Hey guys, how are you doing today?"

"...you weren't at school."

"Wait a minute, scratch that, how did you get in her without anyone noticing?"

"Ok one at a time first of all I apologise to Koneko-chan. I was testing something and as your question is simple to answer and that is teleportation."

"Wai- what?"

"...was it your sacred gear?"


"So Hakura-san, I'm going to assume you want to talk to me?"

"Ahh Rias-senpai, the person I wanted to see, yes we need to talk."

I was so confused about what was happening right now and it seemed I wasn't the only one as Asia was just as confused as I was so I decided to make it known.

"Um buchou, Hakura what's going on?"

"Oh nothing Ise it's me and Rias senpai are going to have a talk nothing more ok." Hakura replied with a smile.

"Alright everyone can leave the room for a while i'll call you all back in when we are finished ok."

Buchou said with a smile but her tone indicated that she was serious.

"O-ok." I replied confused

"Yes buchou."

The rest of the peerage said though Koneko replied hesitantly. But Hakura gave her a reassuring smile and she nodded to him as she followed the rest of us out of the room.

Part 3

Hakura's P.O.V

I watched the group leave the room leaving Rias and I alone in the room I walked over to the sofa that was across from Rias and took a seat and Rias sat back down in the sofa she was in before i arrived and the smiles faded off our faces because we know this isn't a friendly talk anymore this is a business meeting a very important one.

"So do you have an answer for what I asked?"

"Well i had thought about it but before i give a proper answer I need some questions answered."

"What do you want to know?"

"Well let's start off with a question I asked previously: did you reincarnate Ise by force or not?"

I asked her while activating mind reader because I can use certain psychic type moves without activating my sacred gear, my real time lie detector. Rias's face shifts into one of confusion.

"I thought you said you already knew the answer?"

"Well no I said I already knew the technical answer and even then you didn't answer me."

"Ok then the technical answer first is well a no."


"And the normal answer…is also a no."

"Expected but i'm pretty sure even if you did ask him he still would have said yes knowing his nature."

"Huh what I thought."

"Thought what that I was going to be mad no i would have if the situation regarding him becoming a devil was different but no you saved my brother so no i'm not mad."

"O-oh wait then why ask?."

"What can't be too safe can't i?"

"Fair, ok, next question."

"Next, huh, I have a personal question."

"What is it?"

"Who or what exactly are you trying to get away from?"


Her face said it all one of complete shock, surprise and anger. That question came up because of a thought that came up briefly. It went along the lines of 'I hope i don't mess this up cause i need all the help to get out of that.' and I couldn't help but ask but seeing her face and hearing how much of a mess her thoughts were in now makes me feel bad for asking.

"How did you know that?"

Her tone was cold and serious, well time to come clean.

"Calm down, Rias let me speak."


"Well how I know isn't exactly right it's more like i heard it from your thoughts."

"My thoughts wait, were you reading my mind?"

"Still am so calm down please, it was thought I heard pop up briefly and I couldn't help but ask I'm sorry you don't have to answer."

"No, if you do join us you, issei and Asia will find out anyway but promise to stop snooping around people's minds without permission ok?"

"Sorry about that but that was the only way I could tell if you were lying or not and if I told you well…"

I said as I turned off mind reader.

"Yeah I get it, by the way is that an ability of your sacred gear?"

"You could say that now, can you explain?"

"Well as for your previous question it's a mixture of both a who and what i'm trying to get out of to put it bluntly it is a arranged marriage well the arranged marriage itself isn't all bad even though i want to find some i love myself but the person i am set to be married to makes it so much worse."

"Well if you don't mind me asking how bad?"

"Well for starters he's a cocky, arrogant, aggressive playboy with a holier-than-thou personality."

"So he's just a plain asshole then."

"Pretty much."

"Well damn I see why you want to break it off but how?"

"Rating game a fight between peerage of both parties that includes the kings."

"Huh makes sense, I'm going to assume that it's not meant to happen soon, is it?"

"Right, it shouldn't be happening till I'm in college."

"Well that's good alright i have come to my decision."

"That is?"

"Allow me to join your peerage."

"Are you sure Hakura?"

"Yeah I am plus I have to keep an eye on Ise and Asia."

"Sigh, thank lucifer ok let's do this."

She got up and walked over to me.

"Lay down."

I sighed and followed her order. She reached into her pocket and pulled out two red chess piece's one [rook] and one [knight] and held both of them over my chest and both of them glowed crimson.

"That's odd it seems you're able to be either a [knight] or [rook] so it looks like the choice is up to you."

"Hmm let's see [knights] priorities speed right?"

"Yeah why?"

"Then give me [rook]. I don't really need speed right now anyway."

"You sure?"



She put back the [knight] piece back into her pocket and she placed the rook piece on my chest and started the incantation while releasing crimson demonic-energy .

"I order, in my name Rias Gremory. You, Hakura Hyoudou. I, resurrect you back to this soil as my servant, and have you reborn as a Devil. You, my [Rook], be delighted with your new life!"

The crimson chess piece glows and goes inside my body and I felt an outside energy enter my body and alter my body and not even a minute later it was finished Rias stepped back and sat up and flexed my body to test my body's new strength.

"Well that went well."

"Yeah it did."

"Should call everyone

 now, they are probably worried."


She walked out the room to call the rest of the peerage back into the room.

"Well the energy boost isn't something to joke about, being devil gave me a higher energy boost than i thought, nice."

A minute later Rias walked into the room followed by the group. Then Rias dropped the bombshell.

"Alright everyone, please welcome our new peerage member Hakura."

Everyone was surprised but the one who was surprised the most was Issei and his reaction well.

"What what WHAAAAAAAT!"

Spoke for itself.

Chapter: 6 end