
Betrayal Part - 06

A year later.

There was loud alarms going off all over the ship. A bloody figure can be seen in front of Shiro's pods.

"Minerva can you wake Shiro up?" ??

"Waking Tachibana Shiro at this moment may cause harm to his body." MInerva.

"I don't have enough time I need to talk to him." ??

"Negative. You don't have authorization." Minerva.

"What do you mean I don't have AUTHORIZATION!! I am the highest ranking individual as well as the only one conscious person at the moment on this ship, cough cough." ?? the figure coughed out a lot of blood.

"Checking, affirmative, you are the highest ranking conscious individual onboard the ship at the moment." Minerva.

"If you understand that, then please wake him up." ??

"Waking up Tachibana Shiro." Minerva.

"Ughh..." Shiro slowly opened his eyes.

"[What is happening? Why do I have this weird floating sensation. This is liquid? I remember I was put into a pod by my parents. Then what happened? Why am I floating in liquids?]" Shiro.

"Shiro calm down you are inside the pod you parents put you into filled with liquid." ??

"[Aunt Mel!! what happened? why is she covered in so much blood? and where is mom and dad?]" Shiro panicked seeing Melinda's bloody figure.

"Calm down Shiro. Don't try to speak as you are. I know you have a lot of questions but I don't have much time. Listen to me and please try to be calm." Mel.

Shiro nodded at her indicating that he understood.

"You know the objectives of this ship right? We achieved primary success in terraforming Mars. And we successfully warped at Europa and dropped the two driller bots on Europa then warped back to Mars. So far it's perfect right? Then that bastard Sam, your uncle Sam betrayed us. He and those scientists from other nations tried to steal our research and leave this ship. I managed to prevent that. Your parents suspected something like this might happen that is why they had me infiltrate their rank. Have you understood so far what I've said." Mel.

"Tachibana Shiro's heart rate increasing abnormally." Minerva.

"[What is aunt Mel saying? Uncle Sam betrayed us? That can't be true, and what was that voice?]" Shiro.

"Calm down Shiro, I still have more to tell you." Mel.

"[There is more? Let's hear her out.]" Shiro nodded at Mel.

"Seems you have calmed down a bit. Then let us continue. Since they could not silently steal the data , they took the violent approach, they killed everyone on our side basically all the crew members. The crew did not suspect them. How could they suspect them as most of them did not know of their conspiracy and they have been living with them for more than a year. As a result they were able to kill them off pretty easily. And they escaped to Mars with one of the drop ship. Sam didn't even spare your parents and me. Luckily I survived, till now at least. The worst thing is we can't leave as he damaged the other drop ship. And he even entered a random warp coordinates so we don't even know where we will end up. That is, if we even survive the solar flare during the warp. Impeccable timing right, there is a huge solar flare right when we will warp. That damn bastard he is been planning this for a long time. Sigh we can't escape, we can't ask for help we can only wait for our death I guess. Anyway I just wanted to talk a little with you before my time's up and let you know the truth." Mel.

"[What is she saying, everyone's dead? What happened to mom and dad? and aunt Mel is also dying? This can't be right. This has to be a nightmare. Ughh my head hurts, I feel sick.]" Shiro.

"Tchibana Shiro's heart rate increased beyond normal, taking measures to preserve Tachibana Shiro's health. Putting him back into coma." Minerva.

"Sigh, so he is going into shock ha. It is understandable. Goodbye Shiro. Know that we always love you." Mel.

Shiro saw Melinda's loving smile right before he lost his consciousness.

"Cough cough." Melinda coughs up blood again.

"Melinda I suggest you lie down in a cryo pod anymore blood loss and you will die." Minerva

"I will don't worry. More importantly, have you done what i have asked of you?" Mel.

"Yes I've sent it." Minerva.

"Can you shut down the warp drive?" Mel.

"I have been trying, but it seems they have done something to the drive and I can't access it in a short amount of time. We can't stop the ship. It's possible they have known about me or suspected about my existence." Minerva.

"No hope huh." Mel.

"I suggest you lie down in a cryo pod as there is a possibility of your survival no matter how small it is." Minerva.

"I am going, I am going stop nagging. You really are no good with comforting people." Mel.

"If you want I can behave more humanly." Minerva.

"No need, you are fine as you are, but maybe you can behave in a more human like manner with Shiro." Mel.

"Understood. T minus three minutes till we warp. You should hurry" Minerva.

"Alright, take care of Shiro for me." Mel.

"Affirmative." Minerva.

Melinda left the room for cryo sleep room and laid herself on her pod and initiated the cold sleep procedure.


"T minus thirty seconds to warp." Minerva.

"Five, four, three, two, one and warp in." MInerva.

Right when the ship was entering the wormhole it was hit by a massive solar flare.

"Massive amount of foreign energy detected in the warp drive. Warp drive unstable. Trying to access the drive system. Unable to access the drive system. Detected alteration of course. Unable to correct course. Detecting massive amount of foreign energies outside the ship. Ship's shield is working at full capacity. Unable to stop foreign energy infiltration into the ship. Detecting alteration to some of the ship's key systems. To preserve the ship's functionality the ship will be entering the dark mode all while only keeping the essential systems running. Entering dark mode." Minerva.


All the lights and non essential systems in the ship began to shut down. The ship became eerily quiet. Only the low humming noise of the warp drive could be heard. Also here and there in the ship starlight like glittery shiny energy particles could be seen flashing. A lot of those particles were gathering toward Shiro's pod and were slowly infiltrating into Shiro's body through the pod.

"Foreign energy detected in the host's body." ??

"Host's body is unable to hold this much energy." ??

"Taking measures to preserve host's life." ??

"Starting the process of modifying host's body to be able to contain the energy." ??

"Estimated time till modification complete...." ??

"Unknown." ??

"No alternatives found." ??

"Proceeding with the body modification." ??

If Shiro was conscious he could hear those voices talking in his head. But fortunately or unfortunately he was in a coma so he can't feel or hear anything.