
High: school drama

Mary isn't your typical teenager or your cliche female lead. She is sassy and rich, hot headed and daring. She transferred to Lekki High school when her family moved to Lagos State. Unlike her other school where she was the queen, in Lekki high there are queens too and ones who wouldn't give up their spot. Then bring in a sassy, rude, handsome, intelligent and obnoxious male lead; Dean. Dean is the typical example of a bad good high school boy who knows when to act crazy and when not to. Mary and Dean first meet isn't a nice one but a fight for apology one, with no one backing out and the competition of power, there are more exciting tale ahead of them. Mary isn't your typical teenager or your cliche female lead. She is sassy and rich, hot headed and daring. She transferred to Lekki High school when her family moved to Lagos State. Unlike her other school where she was the queen, in Lekki high there are queens too and ones who wouldn't give up their spot. Then bri

DaoistpaI7jP · Urban
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28 Chs

Chapter 18

Mr.Ben's class was still ongoing and the two friends were kneeling in the front of the class sharing glares and subtly hitting the other with their knees.

Their classmates shared giggles and whispers as they stared at the girls completely ignoring the teacher who was saying "Nonsense" as they sweetly put it.

Thirty minutes later the class ended.

"Both of you, follow me" Mr. Ben pointed at Mary and Angela before walking out.

"This is all your fault" Mary glared at Angela

"And it's not yours? You started it with your stupid question!" Angela retorted

"So it's stupid because you were caught?" Mary shot back

"Enough" Mr. Ben yelled

"I don't want to hear a single word from both of you" He said in a serious tone as he stared straight into their eyes.

They both sighed and followed him in silence.

They walked into the almost empty staff room.

There were only two teachers sitted in their desks three with Mr. Ben who took a sit on the wooden chair.

He dropped his books on his desk and studied the girls standing before him with an expressionless face.

He watched as they both figured with their hands.

"What happened in the classroom? What was that fight all about?" He asked

"Nothing" they both said in unison

"How can you just fight without a reason? Now speak up unless you want me to punish in the worst way possible" they shared a look and rolled their eyes at the other before mumbling

"Nothing" He glared at both of them thinking of a suitable punishment for the stubborn friends.

A huge grin spread across his face when he found a perfect punishment.

It will not only annoy and tire them out, it will also bring them close because they will have to work together.

He smiled at the thought and cleared his throat. As though he was about to give a speech on a huge stage.

"Both of you will be on toilet duty" their eyes bulged out and they both gagged dramatically.

"For one week you will wait after school and wash the toilet alongside the cleaners. And if I hear any complains from them you will get additional an punishment" He said as he stared them down.

Angela groaned while Mary mumbled curses under her breath.

"Now go back to your class" He said in a stern voice and watched as they scurried out the door.

"This is all your fault" Mary glared at Angela

"And it isn't your? Let me remind you that you started this whole thing! If you had just kept your mouth shut till the class was over this wouldn't have happened" Angela shot back.

Mary stared at her in surprise. "Look who's finally out of their shell, congratulations! Glad I helped" Mary said with sarcasm evident in her voice.

"You see that your problem. You think everything happens because of you. Do you think the world revolves around your big head?" Angela angrily yelled

"I finally see what this is about...So you sent that video to the principal just because you are jealous? Is that it? Jealousy" Mary glared at Angela who rolled her eyes and smirked at what Mary just said

"Well guess what back stabber? You can go ahead and plot against me a thousand more times, I don't care, and I will always overcome every single huddle you place on my path" Mary hissed and walked away.

"Are you kidding me? Jealousy? Backstabber? How did I even become friends with this girl! She doesn't even know what I can and can't do" Angela mumbled in disbelieve under her breath as she watched Mary's retreating back.

"Trouble in Paradise?" Diane Whispered in Angela's Ear

"If you are here to annoy me then walk away" Angela replied

"Aww was the fight that bad?" Diane asked in a soft voice

"Can't you get a hint, I'm not in the mood to deal with your wahala so jejeli walk away" Angela glared

"Don't you want to know how the video got out?" Diane faked a sad look

"How did you know about that?" Angela gave her a suspicious look as she watches Diane's sad look turn into a smirk

"I have my ways" She smirked

"You...you did It" Angela concluded

"Dhur, atleast your brain works" Diane grinned

"But how? No one knows about it but Mary, Dean and I" Angela spoke her brain running a mile per minute trying to wrap the whole thing around her head.

"Now thats the right question but I won't answer it so bye!" Diane smirked and walked out.

"No you don't" Angela ran to her and grabbed her hand pulled her back with her back against the wall. She gave a her a decision glare she hoped will scare Diane into telling her the whole truth.

"You better start talking or I break some bones" To get her Point through she squeezed Diane's hand that was in her grip.

"You can't do that...we are in school" Diane rolled her eyes.

"And it's teaching period so the hallways are empty! And even if you report me, no teacher will believe you cause I'm the calm girl and you the bully. Use your head" Angela smirked as she watched Diane's confident face fall.

"Remember on tuesday when you went to the bathroom to wash your face or whatever?" Diane asked

"Yes, and so?" Angela asked not seeing what that has to do with what she wanted to know.

"Your went with Mary's phone and started taking pictures" Angela's mouth made an O-shape as she remembered

It was breaking time and Angela was feeking pressed. She excuse herself and rushed to the restroom, she quickly entered and empty stall and after releasing herself came out and walked to the tap.

She washed her her hands and splashed water on her face.

She sighed in relieve as the water cascaded down her face, giving her a sense of freshness.

She quickly brought out her handkerchief from her pocket and dried her face and hands. She then placed it back on her pocket.

She was about to turn around when she felt a vibration go throughout her body.

She does her hands in her pocket and brought out Mary's phone.

She saw a message notification and quickly input the password (OBUVSBM) she once asked Mary what it meant and she said Natural spelled with the letter that comes after the alphabets.

She saw the message and hissed. It was from bella a girl from Mary's previous school.

It was about her party that's coming up this weekend and she mentioned how grand and lively it would be.

"Why are you now telling her? Is she suppose to fly there because of your yeye birthday" Angela mumbled.

She opened the camera and started taking selfies in the Mirror.

She heard a stall door creek but didn't pay it any mind. She went to the gallery and deleted the pictures she didn't like and left the ones she thought was okay.

She started scrolling through pictures when a came across a video.

"Eww, I have to wash my eyes with holy water now. This Dean sef what did he see in this woman that he had to have sex with her?" She said out loud.

She brought out her powder to apply but saw that the sister/foam/applier was missing. She quickly dropped it together with the phone and rushed into the stall to get a tissue.

Diane who was in the other stall when Angela walked in, slowly creeped out and quickly grabbed Mary's phone.

The screen was still lit since angela forgot to press the power button. She quickly send the video to herself and placed the phone back where she found it.

With a huge smile on her face she rushed out of the restroom in search of Dorathy.

"Oh my God!" Angela yelled not knowing how to express what she felt inside

"So I did help you!" She screamed

"You bitch, why would you do that? I thought you liked Dean?" Angela raised her eyebrows waiting for her answer

"Yes I did and I still do but your "best friend" was getting in the way and all thanks to her video, Dean hates her now" Diane laughed like a maniac

Angela stares at her with anger and disgust. "Has anyone ever told you that you are a fool? So you did all that to get a girl who doesn't even like your supposed boyfriend out of the way?" Angela glares at her

"Well guess what? Dean doesn't like you. He likes Mary!" Angela screamed to her face

"Not anymore, Kayode told me he hated her now because she released the video" Diane shot back

"And even though you know the truth you can't tell anyone and even if you do tell no one will believe you. Afterall only You and Mary know about the video" Diane smirked dragged her wrist from Angela's grip

"Bye" She smiled and walked away.