
Stay Away Thots!


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Once the class had ended, Aurora and Luna exchanged knowing glances before making their way to Orion, grabbing him by the arm and guiding him out of the classroom. Their faces held an air of determination, and Orion knew that his sisters had planned something.

"We're going to lunch," Aurora announced, her tone brooking no argument.

"And you're coming with us," Luna added with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

Feeling slightly intimidated but amused by his sisters' overprotectiveness, Orion agreed, allowing them to lead him to Restaurant Yukihira. This unique establishment was run entirely by the school's Cooking Club, with members taking on the roles of chefs, side chefs, and waiters. The atmosphere was lively and inviting, with the tantalizing aromas of expertly crafted dishes wafting through the air.

Behind the counter, the club's leaders worked diligently, preparing meals for the excited patrons. Souma Yukihira, the ambitious and creative chef, masterfully orchestrated the kitchen, his competitive spirit driving him to constantly improve and innovate. Beside him, the refined and highly skilled Erina Nakiri plated dishes with precision, her prestigious culinary background evident in her every movement. Rounding out the leadership team was the kind-hearted Megumi Tadokoro, who used her impressive skills to create comforting and delicious dishes that warmed the hearts of all who tasted them.

As the trio of siblings took their seats, they couldn't help but admire the culinary prowess on display before them. They eagerly placed their orders, anticipating the delicious meal that awaited them.

As they began to eat, Aurora and Luna decided it was time to address the matter that had been on their minds since that morning. "So, Orion," Luna began, her voice casual but her eyes sharp, "we couldn't help but notice some... interesting interactions between you, Tatsumaki, and Hinata today."

Aurora chimed in, her voice equally probing, "Yes, do tell us what's going on with the three of you."

Orion couldn't help but chuckle at his sisters' not-so-subtle attempts to uncover the truth. Deciding to have a little fun, he said with a mischievous grin, "Well, you could say you have new sister-in-laws now."

Aurora and Luna's eyes widened in shock before narrowing dangerously, clearly not amused by his teasing. Sensing that the situation was becoming precarious, Orion quickly shifted gears and attempted to appease his sisters.

"How about this?" he proposed, his voice soothing and conciliatory. "Tomorrow is the weekend, so let's go shopping together. I'll treat you both to anything you want."

The sisters exchanged glances, and after a brief moment of silent communication, they agreed to Orion's proposal. Their faces softened, and the dangerous glint in their eyes subsided.

"Fine," Luna said with a reluctant smile, "but you better keep your promise."

Aurora nodded in agreement, adding, "And we'll be expecting a full day of pampering."

Throughout the remainder of their lunch, Orion indulged his sisters, attentive to their every need and request. Though they remained overprotective and wary of the situation with Tatsumaki and Hinata, they couldn't deny that their brother's love and devotion had eased some of their concerns.

For now, they enjoyed their meal, sharing laughter and conversation, while the talented chefs of Restaurant Yukihira continued to work their culinary magic.

As the final class of the week commenced, the students gathered in the gymnasium for physical education with their instructor, Hatake Kakashi. In their first class, Kakashi had tested their physical abilities with a game of dodgeball, which had resulted in a thrilling showdown between Orion and his sisters. This time, Kakashi decided to switch things up and have the students play basketball in teams of five.

Before the game began, Kakashi had the students do some light warm-up exercises to prepare their bodies for the physical exertion ahead. Once they were warmed up and ready, he announced the teams for the first match.

"Alright, everyone," Kakashi said, his voice firm yet encouraging. "For this match, we'll have Team A with Orion, Winry, Yachiru, Orihime, and Levy. Team B will consist of Aurora, Luna, Mikasa , Saeko, and Yuuki.

Hinata, Tatsumaki, and the rest of you will sit this one out, but be prepared for the next match."

The students nodded and took their positions on the court, with Team A donning white vests and Team B in blue. Hinata and Tatsumaki sat together on the sidelines, watching intently as the game was about to begin.

Kakashi blew his whistle to start the match, and the ball was tossed into the air. Orion and Luna both jumped for the ball, their competitive spirits flaring. Orion managed to tap the ball to Winry, who swiftly dribbled down the court, skillfully evading Mikasa 's attempts to block her.

"Nice one, Winry!" Orion shouted encouragingly as he sprinted to catch up with her. Winry grinned and passed the ball to Yachiru, who expertly dodged Saeko's reach and shot the ball toward the hoop.

Aurora, however, was quick to react. She leaped into the air and swatted the ball away, snatching it out of its trajectory before it could score. "Not today," she muttered, her eyes fiercely focused on the game.

Throughout the match, the girls from both teams found themselves drawn to Orion, attempting to "defend," "block," or "jump to block" him, while also flirting with him openly. Even when they fell on him, their actions seemed more flirtatious than accidental.

"Oops, sorry, Orion," one girl whispered as she fell against him, her cheeks flushed. "I didn't mean to bump into you like that."

As the game continued, Hinata and Tatsumaki exchanged worried glances, unable to shake the feeling that something was amiss. They could see the flirtatious behavior of the other girls, and it made them uneasy.

Meanwhile, on the court, Orion's sisters were doing their best to not only defend for the game but also to protect their brother from the other girls' advances. They stuck to him like glue, determined to shield him from any unwanted attention.

As the game progressed, Team A managed to pull ahead by a narrow margin, with Orihime scoring an impressive three-pointer. The excitement in the gym was palpable, with the players on both teams pushing themselves to their limits.

In a particularly heated moment, Orion found himself in possession of the ball, weaving through the opposing team's defenders with practiced ease. Luna and Aurora were hot on his heels, determined to block his path to the hoop.

"You're not getting past us, Orion," Luna warned, her eyes locked on the ball.

"Nice try, but we've got you covered," Aurora added, her voice dripping with determination.

Orion couldn't help but grin at his sisters' tenacity. With a burst of speed, he feigned a move to the left, only to quickly change direction and dart to the right. Caught off guard, Luna stumbled slightly, giving Orion the opening he needed.

With a powerful leap, Orion launched himself into the air and released the ball, sending it soaring towards the hoop. Time seemed to slow as the ball arced gracefully through the air, before finally swishing through the net. The gymnasium erupted in cheers as Team A celebrated their hard-fought victory.

Orihime, caught up in the excitement of the win, jumped up and down, her enthusiasm impossible to contain. In the heat of the moment, she grabbed Orion and pulled him into her bosom, her face flushed with joy.

"Orion, we did it!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight.

Tatsumaki, Hinata, Aurora, and Luna could only watch in irritation as Orihime embraced Orion. The atmosphere among the girls was tense, a mixture of jealousy and protectiveness simmering beneath the surface.

As the girls yanked Orihime away from Orion and formed a protective barrier around him, he couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. It was as if he was a prized possession, fiercely guarded by his very own entourage.

As they walked towards the showers, Orion could hear his sisters, Aurora and Luna, muttering under their breath, their voices a mix of annoyance and determination. "We're not going to let any of these girls take advantage of our brother," Aurora grumbled, her brow furrowed in concern.

Luna nodded in agreement, adding, "We'll keep him safe, no matter what."

Tatsumaki and Hinata, who had been quietly observing the sisters' overprotective display, exchanged knowing glances before leaning in to whisper reassuring words to them. "We trust you girls," Hinata said gently, her voice full of understanding. "We know you can handle him."

Tatsumaki chimed in, her voice firm but kind. "We'll be right here, keeping an eye on other girls. We promise."

With that, Tatsumaki and Hinata reluctantly left for their game, leaving Orion under the watchful eyes of his sisters. As they walked away, the sisters decided to take matters into their own hands, determined to protect their brother from any further attention.

As they approached the group of girls who had gathered to "celebrate" the win, Aurora and Luna stepped forward, their expressions stern. "Back off," Aurora warned them, her voice cold and unyielding.

The girls hesitated for a moment before reluctantly dispersing, leaving Orion and his sisters alone. Orion sighed, both amused and annoyed by the entire situation. "You guys really didn't need to do that," he mumbled, rolling his eyes.

His sisters exchanged glances before Luna replied, "We just want to keep you safe, Orion. We don't trust those girls."

With a shake of his head, Orion continued towards the showers, his sisters trailing behind him like guardian angels. As the cold water cascaded down his body, Orion couldn't help but ponder the events of the day.

As he finished showering, Orion wrapped a towel around his waist and stepped out of the stall, only to find his sisters waiting for him, their faces flushed so red, as if they could drip blood. Their expressions were a mix of concern and determination, making it clear that they had no intention of leaving him alone. Their gazes were taking furtive glances, every once in a while, as his muscular wet body walked with nothing but a towel around his waist.

"Seriously, you two?" he sighed, shaking his head in exasperation.

Aurora and Luna exchanged glances before replying in unison, "We're just looking out for you, Orion."

He couldn't help but smile at their dedication, despite the annoyance he felt. "I appreciate it, you are lovely sisters," he smiled at them.

As they walked back to the gym, Orion couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards his sisters, Hinata, and Tatsumaki for their unwavering support. It was clear that they genuinely cared for him and wanted the best for him, even if their methods were a little overbearing.


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