
High Mind

Lorenzo, a renowned quantum physicist have brought a great deal of influences in science. Consciousness, life, light, the universe itself, everything, a mere human was able to perceive its deepest mystery. However, one day, he was found lying in the floor, devoid of life and is rotting for more than 3 days. In his head connects a mysterious fiber optics that is used for his research purpose. No one knows why he died, but there is one they are certain of. It was of unnatural cause. Neither it is made by a 2nd person nor a 3rd party... It was as if done intentionally by himself. The reason for them to conclude such shocking occurrence is his smile that signify his satisfaction. His research was successful.

Edenshell · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Another World I

The death of Lorenzo, one of the greatest mind of human history, became the center of the newspaper and social media newsfeed.

The reason for this is his influence in science and the breakthrough he achieved that helped people give more way towards a better future.

Many send their sympathies towards the renowned man who received three noble prize award for his dedication which resulted to his amazing discovery and inventions. Some are even top level government staffs such as head of state and leaders of countries.

Still, the reason for his death is unknown. The note left by him was also impossible to decode and it will probably takes time before they achieve even a little bit of its message.

Even the device he left was inoperable due to the magnitude of its destruction which is caused by a dangerous level of short circuit. Something that is also unheard of.

In months of investigation, the people of authority was unable to achieve even a single bit of information left by him. And in the end, his laboratory was left unused and was simply made to a symbol of his effort.




The sun shines brightly in the midst of cold season. The cold breeze flow and hit the back of my palm as I touch the body of the tree in front of me.

I successfully transferred my consciousness to a digital body of mine in a world simulation that is also artificially created. I am currently overwhelmed by the excitement within my heart and thus unable to comprehend my situation.

Is this real, or am I suffering from the theory I came out with called "Afterlife"?

To begin, the afterlife theory is the study I conducted to know what comes after the death of a person. Since I was able to successfully discover the mystery behind consciousness with the help of quantum physics, I decided to check upon this new theory and if possible, make it a foundation of my new creation.


It may sound unethical, many will or would probably question my sanity if they found out about my research, but its the last thing I want to do to repay the kindness my lover gave me.

Lynda, her name is still marked in my mind that frequently causes my heart to ache. Even though 50 years have passed, I am yet to fully accept the fact that she was gone.

This afterlife theory of mine, I will continue it here. In this world where no one can stop me, where no one can question my actions.

Now, according to Alice, my body was created in an island. Specifically, an isolated island surrounded by large ocean water. However, this ocean water is also surrounded by massive 4 continents that have different inhabitants.

The inhabitants of this world is also classified as supernaturals. Supernaturals means that they are species that wields unnatural forces that comes out from their body such as elements.

And this elements are fueled by the fragments of the air called mana. Which I deduced them as magic particles.

About the inhabitants of this world, in the northwestern direction from this island is the continent occupied by the humanoid species called Infernithrax Spectraformis, aka demons.

This species comes with different variation. But mainly are the humanoid creature with two black horns like goats. In their horns hold an immense mana that can help them control their power more accurately and efficiently.

The only disadvantage of this is that it can be easily removed and damaged. And damaging it means damaging the entire life of a demon since their society lives depending on their magical status.

Oh speaking of society, they also managed to create their own civilization while I was busy in the reality.

In the northeastern side, the occupants of the continent are the Sylvanidae Luminastra, or also known as elves.

Elves are also humanoid species with the same feature as human like the majority of demon species. However, unlike demons, elves don't have horns and instead they have long ears which helps them in their precision.

Regarding their power, elves have two major elements. Wind and Nature. Most of their populace who lives in the forest focuses on the use of nature to utilize their surrounding to the fullest. Their power also helps them appreciate the surrounding as well which made them a delicate variation of elf, that is the wooden elf.

But contrary to them, the elf who instead chose to build civilization in plains are the ones who specializes in wind. In this case, they were able to create a better infrastructure and transportation unlike the former. Surprisingly though, the two still coexist in harmony despite the two's difference.

Additionally, they are of ancient lifeforms. Which means they are the first creation Alice ever made. It may sound strange since I am a human, and Alice was supposedly following the image of us but since she follows an efficient way of preserving the civilization, she made a centuries living creature that can store information despite ages of difference.

In the southwestern continent lives another humanoid species. But unlike the aforementioned creatures, this one have a distinct feature in them that makes them unique.

This species is what I call a Therianthropus. A humanoid species that have the body of both an animal and human merge together. They may also be known as beastfolks, or beastkin.

I have no excuses of their creation. By the time I was making the universe alongside Alice, I have a great deal of perversion to this kind of creature.

I was simply out of my mind at that time and thought about something naughty that led to this beautiful species. A human x cat or dog or hamster, you name it.

Not only that, they also have the tendency to follow their instinct more than what a human should do which made them unique from the rest.

But this also became their disadvantage and led them to their slow civilization progression. While the two species compete for magic technological superiority, the beastkins are yet to even leave their hunting and gathering society which may also leave them vulnerable against their counterparts.

Poor creature, if not for my naughtiness they wouldn't have suffered such cruel fate. However, now that I am here, I will change it.

They may follow their instinct unlike the formers, but their distinct feature made them befitting of becoming battle hardened warriors that can help me unite this world since their species specialize in strengthening their bodies, and with their animal features such as claws, they are better fit for cq combats.

Also, they are docile creatures. One word from their superior and they will all fall in their graces.

Now, for the last but certainly not the least, in the southeastern continent, there they occupies the entire continent which they call as Avril, the 2nd creation of Alice and also the smartest species that crawls in this planet.

Though they do not have unique prowess or distinct features that differs them from the rest of the species, they have one thing they are good at. And that is being able to discern every possible situation they are.

Although I do not really have much knowledge about them since they are built to be unpredictable, according to the human history, they must've at least be in equal civilization to the current reality I have.

They must have flying machines already that can traverse the land across the great plains of their continent which helps them distribute supplies and have a working system that manages every people within it.

Of course, they also have power. They are quadra elementalist that specializes in 4 different elements such as earth, water, fire, and wind. However, unlike the elves and demons, they have lesser mana capacity.

Nevertheless, they are smart. So they must've found a way to utilize their power more efficiently while using lesser mana. They are resourceful after all.

In minimum expectation, I can at least say that they have invented a ring capable of storing mana that exceeds even an average body's mana capacity. And with that item, they will surely have fair fights against demons or elves. If ever they encountered one.



But that was all merely a delusional speculations of mine after all.

In front of me, a holographic image of the current human civilization status is currently being viewed. And I can't help but let a single tear of mine flow through my cheeks.

A fragile wall, a wooden houses within it, a castle made of rubbles and bricks...

How the hell did this happen...?