
A Dream In the making

As the sun cast its warm glow across the city skyline, Sora gazed longingly at the glossy pages of Vogue spread out on her bed. The models, draped in designer labels, seemed to dance off the pages, their outfits a symphony of colors and textures. Sora fingers traced the lines of the couture gowns, her heart beating with a mixture of admiration and envy.

"Sora, are you coming down for dinner?" called her mother from downstairs.

"In a minute, Mom," Sora replied, tearing her eyes away from the magazine. She reluctantly closed the pages, tucking her dreams of high fashion away for the night.

The next morning, Sora trudged through the halls of her high school, her eyes fixed on the ground. The whispers and giggles followed her like a shadow, a constant reminder of her status as an outsider.

"Look at her clothes, they're so last season!"

"Yeah, and her hair looks like a rat's nest!"

Sora clenched her fists, willing herself to ignore the taunts. She had long grown accustomed to the jeers and sneers of her classmates. But deep down, she harbored a secret longing to be one of them, to be accepted into their glamorous world of fashion and beauty.

After school, Sora hurried to her part-time job at a local clothing store. As she folded shirts and rearranged displays, her mind drifted to her ultimate goal: attending the prestigious Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. But with her family struggling to make ends meet, Sora knew that her dreams were a distant fantasy.

"Hey, Sora, need help with those jeans?" a voice interrupted her thoughts.

Sora looked up to see a girl with vibrant blue hair and a mischievous grin standing beside her. It was Luna, her coworker and newfound friend.

"Thanks, Luna," Sora said with a smile, grateful for the distraction.

As the days turned into weeks, Luna became Sora confidante and mentor. She taught Sora the art of makeup and styling, transforming her from a shy wallflower into a confident young woman.

"You've got potential, Sora," Luna said one day as they browsed through racks of clothes. "With a little bit of practice, you could be a model yourself."

Sora heart skipped a beat at the thought. Could she really pursue her dream of becoming a fashion model?

That night, Sora lay awake in bed, her mind buzzing with excitement. She imagined herself strutting down the runway, her name whispered in awe by fashionistas around the world. But as she drifted off to sleep, a nagging voice of doubt lingered in the back of her mind.

Could a girl like her ever truly belong in the world of high fashion?