
High-Dimensional Invasion

In the bizarre world located at the turning point of space and time, various events beyond comprehension occur, horrifying invasions of reality, a fusion of fantasy and truth, concealing what kind of secrets? Unique talents lead to the path of the strong, the struggle for survival, forging an invincible will. Ultimately, fate will be in our own hands!

mingzheng_liu · Eastern
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21 Chs

Learn Boxing

Wang Luo said, "You can use the furniture here, so you don't have to buy your own."

"Thank you, Uncle Wang."

After Wang Luo finished speaking, he went downstairs, closed the door, and the world became quiet.

Wu Mei sighed, "From today on, I'll be living here."

Being a stranger in a foreign land, only he knew the taste of it.

Early the next morning, Wu Mei got up early and practiced Bajiquan in the small courtyard.

These past few days seemed like a lifetime ago for him.

He had gone through many ups and downs and had been busy just to survive. Only now had he finally settled down and found the time to practice his martial arts.

Bajiquan is a battlefield martial art, with grand and open movements, as well as various changes.

However, the core is still the stake technique and the various stake stances.

Power starts from the feet, stable and immovable like a wise king.

He slightly spread his legs, feet in a character "八" shape, and gently lifted his hands as if holding a ball. His mind seemed to enter a meditative state.

Warm currents rose from his feet, and Wu Mei's entire body, muscles, and bones trembled slightly. A unique frequency made his whole body feel warm.

Reaching the peak of the first stage of external bone and muscle strength allowed him to completely control his bones and muscles, making every inch of his muscles as easy to control as an arm.

In particular, the extreme improvement of his physical fitness made his body as solid as a mass of fine iron.

He seemed to have an epiphany at this moment, and the faint warm current circulated between his bones and muscles.

"This is the strength generated by the bones and muscles,"

Wu Mei finally understood what the warm current flowing between his bones and muscles was. With the perfection of his bones and muscles, the strength was naturally generated. It was at this moment that he truly stepped into the path of martial arts cultivation.

However, Wu Mei didn't know what this newly born strength meant, and he was still immersed in his cultivation until the sun really rose, and he came back to reality.

A voice rang out, "Mr. Zhuang, you're a martial artist."

It was Wang Luo, who had just gotten up in the morning and happened to see Wu Mei finish practicing.

Wu Mei turned his head and smiled at Wang Luo, "It's just some basic martial arts, nothing special."

Wang Luo's eyes were filled with admiration, "Looking at your stance, it's not ordinary. It seems that you have learned some real skills."

"Being a martial artist is one of the money-making professions. As long as you can enter the first level, you can qualify as an instructor in any martial arts school."

Wu Mei's eyes lit up and he laughed, "Uncle Wang, you seem to know a lot about martial artists. Could you please tell me more?"

Seemingly interested in the topic, Wang Luo became talkative and enthusiastically discussed martial artists.

"Brother Zhuang, ever since a hundred thousand martial artists broke through the Guandong region back then, the martial arts industry has experienced unprecedented development, becoming a career that countless people aspire to."

"Practicing martial arts for a strong body, opening a martial arts school to teach students, and becoming famous throughout the world."

"Nowadays, almost everyone in China knows a few moves, but only a minority of people can truly master martial arts and enter the first level, maybe one in dozens."

"Although science has advanced and the world is at peace, the influence of martial artists is still significant."

"Mr. Zhuang, being able to enter the first level, you are already ahead of most people."

"In any martial arts school, you can teach students, such as the largest martial arts school nearby—Liefist School."

"The three instructors of Liefist School are only at the first level, and the school's owner is only at the second level."

"Mr. Zhuang, do you know how much this martial arts school makes in a year?"

Wu Mei shook his head, "I don't know, but it should be quite a lot."

Wang Luo grinned, "Not just quite a lot, the annual income is at least in the millions."

"To open a martial arts school and teach students, the minimum standard is to have a school of at least 300 square meters. To learn a complete set of martial arts, it costs at least 10,000 yuan, plus various supplementary training potions that cost even more."

"Each student has to spend at least 30,000 yuan in tuition fees per year, which is unbearable for families that are not well-off."

"Nevertheless, Liefist School has hundreds of students, which provides stable income. Not to mention the private guidance from the instructors, which also costs a lot of money."

"Over a year, those instructors earn at least 200,000 to 300,000 yuan, which is a genuinely middle-class income in Rongcheng. If my family could afford it, I would have sent my son to learn martial arts too."

"You're right. Even though the general quality of life has improved and various resources are abundant, supporting martial arts training still requires a lot of money," Wu Mei said thoughtfully.

Wang Luo's face showed envy, "Although the investment is significant, the rewards are also huge. A family that practices martial arts will have security for generations."

Upon hearing Wang Luo's admiration for martial arts and some information about it, Wu Mei became curious about the martial arts of this world.

"I have cultivated my martial arts to the peak of the first level, but I haven't found a way to advance further."

"I need to learn from the martial arts of this world to break through."

Wu Mei asked Wang Luo for the address of the nearby Liefist School and walked there.

The Liefist School, a courtyard occupying several hundred square meters, had a two-meter-high wooden gate with a plaque hanging under the eaves. A wooden couplet was placed on both sides of the gate.

The first line: A journey of wind and rain sharpens one's will.

The second line: Ten years of magnificent landscapes carve out time.

The couplet was neat, and even the less-educated Wu Mei could understand its meaning.

"Ten years of hard training to sharpen one's will to achieve something, huh."

As the gate opened, dozens of people were practicing martial arts inside the school, their breaths echoing in the air. Wu Mei could hear it even from outside.

Stepping into the martial arts school, Wu Mei raised his eyebrows, impressed by the sight. However, what shocked him most were the three deep pits in the distance.

At a glance, he could tell that they were the result of decades of practicing standing stances. Such results could only be achieved with decades of daily practice.

A middle-aged man saw Wu Mei and approached him with a smile. He had an ordinary appearance, with thicker eyebrows than most and a tanned skin tone. His upper body was bare, and he was still emitting a hint of heat from his recent intense training.

He looked at Wu Mei and said with a smile, "You look new here. Are you interested in learning martial arts?"

Wu Mei replied, "Yes, I came to have a look. I'm not sure about the procedure for learning martial arts here."

The man smiled generously, "It's simple. As a newcomer, you can only learn our external techniques."

"External techniques? What does that mean?"

"Our Liefist School has three martial arts styles—Wind Spirit Fist, Agile Monkey Fist, and Eight Directions Fist."

"Each of these three styles has external techniques, but the core essence of each set of martial arts is considered internal."

Wu Mei suddenly understood, "I see. But can these external techniques really produce something valuable?"