
High-Dimensional Invasion

In the bizarre world located at the turning point of space and time, various events beyond comprehension occur, horrifying invasions of reality, a fusion of fantasy and truth, concealing what kind of secrets? Unique talents lead to the path of the strong, the struggle for survival, forging an invincible will. Ultimately, fate will be in our own hands!

mingzheng_liu · Eastern
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21 Chs

Fierce Fighting

The Pig-faced Butcher glared with his fist-sized pig eyes at the emergency evacuation passage, his eyes filled with intense malice.

A chill enveloped Wu Mei, making his scalp tingle. He instinctively turned around and wanted to rush to the first floor.

But the next moment, a sense of danger surged into his mind, prompting him to immediately lower his head.

With a loud bang, a cool breeze flew over his head, and the wooden door at the entrance of the evacuation passage slammed into his back, causing his body to tremble. Simultaneously, a massive rumbling sound came.

Cursing his bad luck, Wu Mei knew he had been discovered, and the Pig-faced Butcher was charging towards him.

Looking ahead, he saw a huge butcher's blade embedded in the wall not far away.

He shuddered, realizing that if he hadn't bent over quickly, his head would have been gone by now.

The rumbling sound behind him grew closer, and Wu Mei couldn't help but look back. The Pig-faced Butcher was only about thirty meters away, having reached the entrance of the evacuation passage, just ten meters away.

His pupils contracted, and without wasting any more time, he leaped towards the stairs, taking one step onto the stair platform.

That's when the terrifying event happened. The Pig-faced Butcher had already reached the entrance of the evacuation passage and lunged toward the stairs.

His enormous body, massive inertia, and nearly one-ton weight were like a truck.

With a loud bang, Wu Mei watched in horror as the stairs leading to the first floor exploded, the already decaying reinforced concrete shattering completely.

A huge body emerged halfway, and an arm reached out to grab him.

In the nick of time, Wu Mei's years of hard training came into play. He raised his steel fork and stabbed it at the approaching arm.

With a "puchi" sound, the steel fork pierced into the palm, which was the size of two heads.

An immense force was transmitted, and Wu Mei could barely hold onto the steel fork.

Realizing the danger, he let go of the fork, bent down, and rushed towards the basement.

The narrow emergency evacuation passage made it impossible to maneuver. If he was blocked, he would be doomed.

The Pig-faced Butcher was stuck halfway in the building due to the destroyed stairs, and his palm had been pierced by Wu Mei. This would buy Wu Mei a few seconds, giving him a chance to escape.

Wu Mei was well aware that fighting this behemoth-like Pig-faced Butcher would be a dead end, with no chance of survival. The opponent was simply too terrifying, with a raw power more than three times his own.

Coupled with that size, it was an overwhelming advantage. Even if he was faster, it would only be a matter of time before he was worn down.

Moving like lightning, Wu Mei pushed his speed to the limit as he rushed towards another exit on the basement level.

In addition to the emergency evacuation passage, there was another way out - the escalator also led to the first floor.

In just a few breaths, Wu Mei reached the escalator, which he had observed when he was on the first floor.

However, upon seeing the escalator, Wu Mei's heart sank.

A massive pile of debris blocked the way to the upper level. He hadn't approached the escalator on the first floor, so he hadn't seen that it was sealed off. Now, he was trapped.

With a rumbling sound, the Pig-faced Butcher, his body slightly swollen, walked out of the emergency passage.

It seemed that the sudden destruction of the stairs had also injured him. He now held the butcher's blade in his hand, his ferocious face staring at Wu Mei.

Watching the murderous Pig-faced Butcher approach step by step, Wu Mei knew that the deadly battle was inevitable.

"There's no hope in fighting head-on. I must look for an opportunity to strike a fatal blow while dodging."

Once he had calmed down, Wu Mei began to think about how to defeat this monstrous Pig-faced Butcher.

"First, the weapon."

His eyes swept over the Butcher's left hand, where a steel fork was embedded in his palm. He had not yet pulled it out.

Noticing Wu Mei's gaze, the Pig-faced Butcher raised his left arm and forcefully pulled out the steel fork.

With the butcher's blade in his left arm and the steel fork in his right, he lifted both high and hurled them at Wu Mei with all his might.

The sound of breaking air filled the room, and without thinking, Wu Mei immediately rolled to the side to dodge.

With a "clang" sound, the steel fork pierced the escalator behind Wu Mei.

The acrid smell of metal grinding filled the air, making Wu Mei's heart race.

"This power is even greater than I expected. It's a real monster."

While dodging the steel fork, Wu Mei bent down and stared intently at the Pig-faced Butcher, who seemed to enjoy watching Wu Mei dodge like a mouse.

He slowly approached, as if toying with his prey, his eyes full of malice.

"This guy is intelligent too. What bad luck, what kind of monster have I encountered?"

Cold sweat trickled down his forehead. Wu Mei forced himself to stay calm and slowly moved his feet. He needed to maintain distance and not let the Pig-faced Butcher get close.

Unfortunately, the Pig-faced Butcher had other ideas. In the next moment, he charged at Wu Mei, his huge body wielding the butcher's blade, like a tank, causing tremors with each step.

His speed was fast, at least comparable to an ordinary person's sprint.

The twenty-meter distance closed in the blink of an eye. Halfway there, the blade was already swinging at Wu Mei.

A cold flash of the blade passed by, and Wu Mei stepped out, using the footwork of the Bajiquan to dodge the attack.

He swiftly moved to the left side of the Pig-faced Butcher and struck with a palm chop at the injured left hand.

With a muffled "thud", Wu Mei's face turned pale. He quickly withdrew his hand, and with the force of the collision, he dodged to the side.

Another flash of the blade, and his chest felt cold. His clothes had been cut open.

The Pig-faced Butcher's attack was swift, and Wu Mei narrowly escaped death thanks to his quick reflexes.

A cold sweat broke out on his back, and he thought to himself how close he had come.

He quickly retreated, increasing the distance between them.

The Pig-faced Butcher's previous attack was fast, but it took him a few seconds to regain his footing. However, Wu Mei no longer dared to get close; this monster was too powerful.

Grazing meant death, while clashing meant injury.

Breathing heavily, exhaustion set in during the extreme tension.

His brain raced, thinking: "What should I do? My attacks have almost no effect."

"Striking its left hand with my palm chop, it hardly had any reaction."

His gaze wandered, but part of his attention remained on the Pig-faced Butcher, searching for something that could help him.

Huffing and puffing.

The wind howled as the Pig-faced Butcher launched another attack, the blade flashing viciously.

Wu Mei became a rolling gourd, frantically dodging each attack, coming close to being hit several times.

Fortunately, his mastery of Bajiquan allowed him to perfectly control his body and minimize energy expenditure while dodging the attacks, even though his clothes had already sustained many cuts.

Breathing rapidly, Wu Mei's eyes suddenly brightened, as he thought of a plan.

Taking a deep breath, he began to slowly retreat, moving towards the meat grinder that emitted a faint humming sound.