
98. Seriously, What?

Neun shook his head and hurried out of the cave. Neun wanted to stop asking as he activated Alpha's nose.

He wanted to track where his target was. But the ones on his radar were not Colt. They were scattered, and if Neun goes to pursue one and that person ends up the wrong person, Colt would be dead before the sun goes down.

Thankfully, Neun had Fluff with him.


[Head deeper east, I can feel them heading over there.]

Ignoring another slap from Fluff, Neun did what the cat instructed and head east. With his legs mutated to such a degree, his speed was much superior to any of the people clad in black.

In a mere ten seconds, he managed to pick up Colt's scent. After half a minute, he could already see the back someone.

In front of him was one of the people clad in black. From the person's chest, the person was a woman, and she was moving quite fast.

In her right arm was the bleeding Colt and on her left was Julius.

Julius' limbs were hanging lifeless by the side. He was left with no strength after using his prana to try and entrap Neun.

He turned back as soon as he heard the ground breaking with Neun's every step. When he saw Neun hurrying to his direction, he knew that the baits did not work.

Now, with only one warrior with him, he knows there was no chance he would survive against an encounter with Neun.

The lady looked at Julius. She wanted to know what it is that she should do. Julius gritted his teeth. He was pressured, but he can already hear the sound of the ocean's waves.

"Continue running for now. We'll dive at the ocean that's the end of this ravine. We're almost there. We'll be able to reach it don't worry. Focus on running, and I'll try and distract them by trying to negotiate—Older Sister!"

His eyes widened as the one carrying him suddenly lost one of her legs. Neun had thrown a sword successfully incapacitated the enemy. He wanted to take the head, but right now, his body was nearing its limits and his hands were shaky. There is the risk of hitting Colt.

So he was forced to compromise...there was a chance he would fail, but thankfully, he hit the mark.


It was too fast for her to notice, and she still tried to take another step only to end up tumbling on the ground.

The girl's body, however, reacted as she immediately hugged Julius to protect him.

Julius was shocked by what happened, and he lost his grip on the capsule. The capsule hit the ground and it shattered from the abrupt force.

Julius could still see through over the girl's shoulder and tried reaching out for the World Tree. Three of his fingers managed to reach out and grab onto one of its leaves.

He only needed to pull on it, and it will be within his grasps again. He required the World Tree, his goals may not have been the World Tree at first, but finding it now instantaneously changed his mind.

He needs the World Tree to get what he wished. It's something that simple.

However, a hand managed to grab onto its stem. Julius saw Colt, who was also supposed to be tumbling on the ground, quickly regaining his posture.

Using just his fingertips and the most minimum of movements, Colt quickly regained his posture and retrieved the World Tree.

Pulling it away from Julius, one of the leaves was taken, but Colt successfully retrieved it.

Julius saw this and wanted to break free from the clutches of the girl. But he couldn't, and before he knew, they had already reached the end of the ravine and fell onto a cliff that connects to the ocean.

Julius finally realised he had failed, "NO, NO, NOOO!"

Colt managed to stop his forward just before the cliff and collapsed on the spot. He peeked over the cliff and saw the hundreds of meters high fall.

The waves down below were rough and powerful, and there were plenty of rocks sticking out.

Colt didn't see Julius or the girl anywhere and reckoned, "He must still be alive."

In this kind of fantasy world, no one dies quickly unless his head is taken.

"Tsk…I couldn't secure information out of him…he's going to be a cockroach, isn't he? I need to behead him once I see him next time."

Colt decisively thought.

He wanted to capture Julius so he can secure some information. But if Julius indeed survives this fall, and come after him again because of the World Tree, Colt will instead behead him rather than spare the guy.

If he tries sparing him, that guy might find a way to survive, "It would better to just kill him immediately rather than have him give the chance to turn the tables on me."

Colt weakly said. While he held onto the World Tree, Colt was waiting for it to turn into a goddamn mark and become half-immortal.

He knows the torture of immortality, but it's better than leaving for now and dealing with it later. But…the World Tree didn't change into a mar like the World Devouring Book.

Instead, it just radiated life. It was doing nothing to help him leave.

"Dammit, this thing must be...defective! Tsk, I'll just eat a leaf."

Colt made the decision and was just about to pluck one of the leaves when the cat that did jack shit when he was about to die appeared from the side and smacked his hands to keep him from doing something stupid.


"What the hell! What are you doing you little shit! What do you mean I'll die if I eat one of these? Also, where the fuck were you when…I was about to die!? Damn…it hurts to shout...that was stupid of me."

Fluff didn't answer him and simply looked at Neun who picked him up without reason and carried him back to the cave.

He was placed down on one of the altars without anyone explaining anything from him.

He was laid down on the altar of the World Tree then Fluff took his blood and smeared it all over the Egg. A white then exploded out of Fluff's and Colt's forehead.

The dazzling white light continued for some time and some reason, as Colt became more exhausted by the second and his life slowly escaped him, the Egg shone brighter by the second.

The purple and red etchings on the Egg's surface continued to shine brighter, and just as Colt was about to lose consciousness, the Egg broke, and his body exploded into ablaze.

"AhhhhH! Shit! What the hell…!?"

"Young Master!"

At this moment, Butler Neun was about to step up and interrupt them when Fluff slapped him on the cheek.

Colt's cries didn't last very long as he felt his body became more energetic than before.

He felt his wound heal up in a matter of seconds, and before he knew it when the fire disappeared his body was already healed up, and for some reason, there was a purple-reddish chick on his lap.


He can only ask as he found the whole situation the same when he received a cat rather than a dragon.

He once again felt cheated for some reason.