
High breed

theoph · Fantasy
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6 Chs

chapter 3 - Auspicious acquaintance


After the incident at school on Thursday we were given permission to skip lectures the following day. They think I needed permission. Unlike some other students on this campus I do not have such weaknesses. I practically spent the whole day building a stone castle in Survival Minecraft. Game's dumb but peaceful.

The science and engineering Library is usage usually empty on Saturday's, so we decided to use the library for our group meetings. I check my watch. 9: 30 am I've never been so early for something like this before.

" Wow bro your so punctual, I'm assuming you've been taking notes from your meetings with batman and commissioner Gordon." Andrew says the moment he sees me walk towards the table he and Austin are sitting at. Damn someone needs to teach this nigga inside voices.

" Is that supposed to be a Robin reference?" I return with an improvised comeback" Besides, I'm more of a Nightwing."

"If you're any form of Robin it's Robin-hood" Austin says.

"This Islamic asshole." I say while staring at him with all the seriousness in my facial veins.

" By the way Austin thinks you can beat me in a Chuck Norris battle." Andrew says. I'll get back to you later Austin bin Laden.

" Yeah right" I reply

" I am not the young Jedi you once knew." He stands Towering over me with is blonde hair, baby blue eyes and bucket pale skin. "I have the higher ground Anakin."

" Boy if you don't getcho lame, star wars watching ass outta my face " I say in the most hood way possible.

"You know some people appreciate culture." He says and takes his seat pouting.

" Not when the culture is dragged across decades of individual overrated movies." I hear a familiar feminine voice say. Jayda comes in wearing a black leather jacket with very black denim jeans and extremely black all stars. Did I mention she's afro American. Come to think of it no one here has a normal clothing. Austin is wear a " u 🚫 👁️ me" shirt, green camouflage shorts and ,..., are those Kowloon sneakers. Then there's BFG here wearing a hoodie, sweat pants and the largest set of Jordans I've ever seen. Boy could get to stomping and cause another holocaust.

Andrew is obviously stunned from the entrance of the dark empress, so he can't even think of giving a response. Austin as usual doesn't care.

" Hey guys I'm your forth your group member. Yaaaay." She puts very little emotion in her tone. so much so I think she's being sarcastic. I've been around boys so much I can't even tell." Hope we get along well, ...., I guess." Talk about awkward Intros.

" I'm sure that won't be a problem, right guys." I say to lesson the tension.

" Yeah whatever" Austin says.

"Yeah that would be great." Andrew says and smiles like he just ate a potato salad. Why did he wait 1 year after she said what she did to give a response. My boy has in built latency

"Yeah great" She says and takes the seat beside Austin. I take the next that. Fortunately it's a round table so Andrew is sitting opposite to his future situationship.

We spent the next 40 minutes trying to figure out a topic to pic for our group assignment. so many unnecessary arguments. Jayda has practically zero synergy with any of us. You know what I think it was a mistake asking her to join our group. Now I have to think of a way to yeet her emo ass outta this group. But first fix my argument headache.

"Wait aren't minutes made for problem solving." Austin asks

" Nah bro that's a report." I reply

" I'm sure Austin is right." Andrew says and I give him a coldblooded 'really bro, is that how we gonna do this' face.

" You guys we've been arguing for the past 2 hours". Jayda says

"Actually it's only been 40 minutes." Austin corrects.

"Either way, Let's just pick a topic already." Jayda say rubbing her forehead in exhaustion. That's whatcha get bitches

" You're right. Do you know what else your right about. Getting the dictionary from that shelf over there so we can be certain what a minute is." Austin says pointing at the shelf closest to us. well she is kinda close compared to the rest of us.

She gives him a ' really bruh, is that how we gonna do this face .' She still gets up to take the book.

Next thing I know, I feel a painful sensation in my side. it's a push from Andrew's direction. Strong enough to knock me off my chair. Damn what an ungrateful bit-, wait hold on a sec. The moment I turn my face in Andrews direction a bright yellow light flashes before my eyes. My face felt hot for a brief moment. What the fuck Andrew. The I hear loud boom in the direction Jayda was sitting in. What now?

I'm on the floor wondering why I help my friends with their rizz problem, when I see Andrew looking behind where I was sitting in like Godzilla's just decided to pop up behind me in the library. I turn my head to see a man in a lab coat gloves and black goggles walks slowly walks towards us from the direction Andrew was looking in.

" Missed by a literal hairs breath. Tell me. How were you able to predict my attack." he says looking at Andrew.

" Oh no, not again" Austin says. what?

" Oh sorry, where are my manners? You may call me doctor void flare of the spade hand." No we may not. Yep that cheese I ate this morning was definitely expired. I'm starting to see nerds. Last time it was rainbow colored knights.

" Well don't just stand there,-" He says then flexes his fingers in his left hand. A ball of yellow light forms between them. He then casually waves his hand to towards a bookshelf close to him and the ball of light leaves his hands at an incredible speed. To top it all of the ball explodes on impact. My heart sinks in total fear. " - Run"

We instinctively obey and all run as fast as we can towards the exit. I even left my phone. The only thing I can hear are numerous explosions behind us and the sounds of us running for a dear lives.

" What the hell was that?" Andrew shouts.

"Not really the time to chat about why we are running from someone who knows raseingan." Austin says.

"Really? That looked more like a ki blast to me." I say.

" Actually he's right. They were yellow and spherical. It was definitely a ki blast." Andrew says and rams through the library door. Wait no one has noticed us running or the sounds of explosions in distance despite being public Library. Hell even the librarian hasn't noticed us. Wait this happened in a dream of mine once.

The moment Andrew opens the door my brain pauses. Is this even Boston. First of all, everything seems to have a hint of purple coloring to it. Air included. Which is funny cause that's not how reality works. Is that a giant sword in the distance? That thing is the size of building. Are those flying cars? And some are even space ships. Okay I gotta admit that's actually cool. Then the most unusual thing is the fact that 90 percent of the things I see walking around aren't human. What the hell is going on.


As amazing as this seen is we're still being chased by a mad scientist with a bachelor's degree in near misses. After witnessing the amazing view we pick up the pace down the block, with no clear destination in mind.

" Wait if we all run in one direction it would be easier for him to pick us off" Jayda says. Did the black person just suggest for us to split up. She knows the horror movie stereotype right.

" Technically we don't know who he's after, what he wants or how any of this is happening, but what we do know is he told us to run and we are doing it." Austin says.

"To be honest he did fire the first ball in Daniels direction."I point out. We take a sharp curve once we reach the end of the street we were on. Suddenly, everything seems to move a bit slower. The same thing happened when the guy in the lab coat shot that thing at Daniel earlier. Then that means,...., I turn my head and see a bright yellow orb making a 90 degree curve ball towards us, specifically the back of Austin's head. Does this thing have homing. I grab Austin's shirt and pull it down with enough force to make him trip. Yep that's pay back for all the times he beat me in dragon ball fighters. I've only one once against him.

Suddenly, things move back to their normal speed. Thank God for plot armour. The ball grazes pass the top of his brown hair and slowly continues it's journey towards the pavement far ahead of us. It explodes on impact causes us all to trip over from trying to stop our momentum.

" Damn bro your on a roll today." Daniel says in shock. We all try get up as fast as we can.

" Annoying, right?" The doctor makes a dramatic entry. " Come on, you guys can do better than that." In the blink of an eye he closes the gap between us. I feel a huge pressure pushing against my chest in my chest. Takes me a while to figure out he punched me. I can feel my ribs being crushed into my organs as I fall unto to the floor and puck blood. The entire thing was so fast I barely saw it happening.

For that brief moment everywhere seemed quiet. I fall unto the floor hard.

" He took only one blow, such a disappointment,

!Delayed flames! An ethereal like voice booms into my head distracting me from the pain in my chest for a second. He waves his hands at Daniel, causing him to burst into flames a second later. Unlike the previous times there was no projectile and the light look more like fire, with a slight orange hue and flickers.

Daniel drops to his knees with his jaw open. He did say he wanted to be ghost rider once. I begin to feel a cold wet feeling on the floor. looking down I notice a expanding red puddle beneath me. I then realize that, that guys fist went in a bit deeper than I thought. My body is literally gushing out blood.

Austin tries to turn and make a run for it, when the doctor and surgeon in human dispensary dashes towards him and slams his head into the pavement. The impact creates huge cracks on ground.

As I see another friend of my die in front of my eyes, I could only hope that Jayda can get away before he can get to her. The moment I think that he moves towards Jayda and grabs her by the neck. steam emits from his hands as he suffocates her. I can here the sounds of her gasping for air as I watch her claw unto his hands. My world slowly darkens and the last thing I see is him breaking her neck.