
High academy:the truth untold

HIGH ACADEMY opening ceremony: Plastering a warm welcoming smile, Mr. Manves, Principal of HIGH Academy began the open ceremonial speech, "Welcome to HIGH Academy. It is my great pleasure to welcome the young and intelligent minds for this academic year." "I wish all of you good luck and hope you succeed in whatever field you choose." After a brief pause, he spoke, "Follow the rules closely, the academy is strict about them. Fail to follow the rules, be ready for a brief stay here. Here in HIGH Academy, there are three buildings and you will be separated........" ...... At the secret meeting: "So students, I especially called this meeting to meet you guys and to tell you all about the rules only you people should specifically follow and must abide to." Manves spoke with an expressionless face, frost and indifference coating in his voice. As he continued, his gaze turned little sharp, forcing everyone to listen to his each and every word.He surely withstands to his name as a strict Principal to HIGH Academy. With a cruel tone soaked in frost said, "First and foremost, no student who is not a part in this meeting, to be more precise, those who are not among you here, must not know about werewolves and vampires being part of this school. Disclosing about your identity and the daily activities is strictly prohibited and the person who disclosed will be punished SEVERELY." ............. "Sir, those kids are again trying to ruin our plans, " A man reported to his master. "They really don't know to mind their business, do they? Well, they are just measly wolves, nobody can come near my plan and empire, " while looking at the academy with a dangerous glint in his eyes, the mastermind who was planning to destruct HIGH Academy sneered. "Now, no one can stop me from destroying HIGH Academy anymore...Hahaaa, " the mastermind declared as he scooted in his car to make his move. ..................... "I'm sure, he is planning to get rid of our academy," Ethan spoke assertively, his tone deep hoarse. "I agree with him" Vivian nodded while eyeing everyone. "We can't let them go as they wish, " Lucas voiced out. "We have to fight" Roselia's voice came as echoes from every corner of the room with great intensity. Everyone who were present there widened their eyes in shock as they heard her. However, the surprise slowly dissolved into determination. Only one thing running in their minds. THEY HAVE TO FIGHT.

minho_Shiny · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 2. Transformation and contemplation.


Third person POV:

The loud howl pierced from the distressed  angry wolf. The vampires were taken aback when they realized that the innocent lady, who they were gonna suck dry was a werewolf, their eternal enemy.

The wind blew faster around them but, it was deathly silent considering no one made a move and just eyeing each other carefully, not sure what to do.

Roselia was seeing everything from a new perspective. Somehow she was shrunken in height she thought. Her eyes were able to catch every little movement by the blood suckers before her. Her ears caught every sound around her. Her stabilizing breath, the crunch of dry leaves under them, the wind blowing, branches swaying, everything was heard. It was as if she was seeing through her ears.

But,she was deadly focused on the three vampires, now, eyes glowing and fangs barred. She has to protect herself. Despite not knowing how, she believed she can. That new determination was the cue for her body to pump adrenaline, which blinded her senses and mind. Her only focus now was to rip the heads of the vampires standing in front of her.

The wolf let out angry snarl and started to pace in slow steady pace. The vampires debated about attacking as they wanted to avoid trouble. Eternal enemies attacking werewolves? That was certainly a big trouble. As they were contemplating their life, the wolf made its move and jumped on one of them. Everything happened in a blink of eye. The wolf was now facing the two vampires who were watching their partner's body, which was beheaded. One of them, let out an ugly, angry growl and charged towards the wolf.

The vampire jumped up in the air. Before the wolf knew what happened the vampire tackled it behind, and clutched his hand on its furry neck, blocking its airways. The vampire barred his fangs to dig them into the wolf's neck. The wolf shuffled vigorously under the vampire, but the vampire's hold started to falter considering the wolf was bigger than his hand.

The, now very angry wolf whipped its head and chewed the vampire's throat out. Fresh blood now, covering the wolf's sharp teeth, it detached the vampire's terror mixed surprised head off and threw it off in a distance. The wolf turned, now facing the single vampire, who staring with rage burning his orbs. Both of their eyes hungry to see each other's blood. Kill, being the only thought coursing through both of their minds.

It was as if the time has rewinded to start, the wind blowing in the eerily quite atmosphere. Difference being, only single vampire against the female wolf and blood dripping from the wolf's sharp fangs. Both were at good ten feet distance from each other. Neither of them, wanting to loose the battle. Both, the vampire and the wolf took charge at their maximum speed and leaped off in the air.

The time seemed to slow down when the vampire let out a distressed, painful growl which collided with the wolf's loud howl. The wolf landed on its limbs with a body less head in its mouth, its teeth dug into the neck of the head. The vampire's body landed limp on the ground. The wolf approached  the lifeless body and stared down at the blood flowing from the opening of neck. The blood flowing like a small stream, glistening in the serene moonlight.

Roselia's POV:

My senses were still active like before. I looked at the beheaded body below me as blood streamed out from the wound I made. My mind was shut off and the whole fight with them was like an instinct within me. I looked down and stared at the ground, not sure what to think on the situation that just happened.

I took three vampires by myself? It just sounded so impossible. But, I realised it was not, when I saw paws under me. I froze. Is that why? I looked up at the moon. Full moon, that shined down on me. It was like it is comforting me and is somehow proud of me. I already had a whole fucked up life and now I killed someone. Then I heard it. A small voice.


My mind was not functioning properly, my heart going on at an alarming rate. The space around me seems to closing, my breath was blocking in my throat due to the lump formed in it. Everything was suffocating me but, I knew I was free now. Even through the discomfort my body is giving me right now, I knew it was good.

I felt a sort of freedom, which I lost. My insides were churning but, I felt at peace for some reason. Through this mixture of emotions I was experiencing, their was one question revolving through my unsure mind. Who am I?

As darkness colluded my senses my eyes started to blur and I fell on the ground. The darkness was desperately trying to suck me in. And I was more than ready to give in. I felt a slight nudge at my face before, I went into the pit of darkness.

"A new wolf?" a person said out loud, who stepped out of the dark shadows of the woods. He gently nudged her head to side and saw Roselia loose her consciousness. He sighed at the state of a teenage girl passed out cold, in the dirt of dense forest. He stood, as his piercing dark brown eyes, seemed to bore into her soul.

Slight wrinkles formed on his head from the little frown formed on his face. He looked conflicted as if weighing his options about her.

"Should I or should I not?" He spoke out loud, still staring at the poor passed out girl.

Hello everyone!!!! Roselia just discovered she was a werewolf.However she immediately passes out after the first time phase shifting, which is a very painful process.Hope you all liked the beginning and thank you all for the love and support you guys gave me.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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