
Hiding Behind My Mask

A famous star. That was Sabrina Sanders. One of the most sought out female actresses in the film industry. She had everything a woman would want, with her beauty, elegance, fame, money, and success. Her life to her fans and the outside world would seem almost perfect. Well, there was one thing she felt was missing, someone to love her. Although she had a long line of suitors, she found it hard to commit with any of them, who just wanted to tag along with her success, used her for their agendas. Finally, she did fall for one, but it only ended up badly. Mayor Bradley De Luca was everything she wanted in a man. Besides, he truly loved her, but he had one flaw. Despite that, she dived into the relationship with her eyes open, only to end up regretting it and losing in the end. Now, she was hiding from the scandal that she had created. Afraid that this would be the end of her career and ruined her life. Seeking out some solitude and peace, she flew to a secluded place, away from the prying eyes of her fans and the press. Here, she met the man who would change her life. Rafael Walker, a very attractive, serious, and enigmatic man, swept her off her feet. He was different from the other men she knew, even from Brad. She knew she was falling hard for him, and he was too. However, there was a hitch in their relationship. It was full of secrets. Would love be enough to make it work between Rafael and her? What about De Luca? Was it truly over between them? In the end, what was she hiding behind her mask? *** WPC #157 SILVER TIER WINNER – Female Lead – Let Me Entertain You! *** It was a great experience to join a contest and to obtain a small recognition for my hard work. I hope that I could keep up with the expectation of my readers. Let me know your thoughts, so it might inspire me to create more stories. I would also like to appeal for your support by voting, commenting, gifts, giving reviews and among other things. Every notification of support from my readers makes my heart beat faster and put a wide smile on my lips. It adds to the pleasure of writing and creating a masterpiece with my imagination. See you in my world. Cover photo belongs to the rightful owner.

bishop1275 · Urban
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234 Chs

A tinge of disappointment

"Did he had an allergy or something?" She could see a slight swelling on his face and his arms, which was a clear indication of an allergic reaction.

She had read about his condition upon learning about it. Trying to get more information on the symptoms and treatment methods just in case she encountered one.

"Yes. He had an Anaphylactic shock at school. He was found in the bathroom unconscious before he was rushed into the emergency room." Edward said, reading Xavier's chart on the tablet he took from the nurse station. "Fortunately, his teacher immediately administered his medication, preventing further possible complications."

"What cause his allergies?" As far as she could recall, Xavier was allergic to nuts.

Edward checked his chart once again. "They think he ingested a cupcake with peanuts on it."

He knew he should not be doing this. Divulging information of a patient to just anybody, but he could not say no to her. She seemed so affected by this child. He began to question who this child was in her life.

She sat on the available seat beside the bed and carefully caressed Xavier's hair. "You know you should always be careful. You can't just accept food from other people." She whispered near his ears.

"Sabrina, what are you doing? I think we should leave." Edward said, clearly alarmed at the way she was acting. "We're not supposed to be here."

"Just give me a few more minutes alone with him." She looked at Edward pleadingly. "Please." She begged him. She just could not leave her friend while he was in this condition.

"Ok. Just a few minutes. I'll just be outside." Edward was still hesitant, but moved towards the door and closed it. Giving her a few minutes of privacy with him.

"I don't know if you still remember me. I told you that my name is Sky, but the truth is… my real name is Sabrina." She uttered in a low voice, not wanting to disturb his sleeping form, although Edward mentioned that he might not wake up yet because of his condition.

"It's been a year since we last saw each other. What have you been doing?" Talking to him, of course, did not elicit any response, but in a way, it had helped her to relax. He remained steadily breathing with the help of the oxygen on his face.

It would seem that the swelling slightly blocked his airway, making it hard for him to breathe. Luckily, he was found on time to be given his EpiPen injection by one of the teachers who were aware of his condition before he was rushed to the hospital.

She started to sing a low-tune song as she watched him sleep. She realized that he had grown so much since the last time she saw him. He was quite handsome now. Many girls would surely fall for him. She thought as she continued to chant a lullaby for him, hoping that it would at least help him in his sleep.

"Who are you?" A familiar voice asked her, making her jumped from her seat. "What are you doing in my nephew's room?"

A shiver just went through her spine as she heard that voice. She was so worried about Xavier's condition that she did not foresee the possibility of running into him. She quickly composed herself, not wanting to appear suspicious to him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intrude in..." She said as she stood up and faced him. She held on to the railings of the bed, not wanting him to see the way her hands were shaking. She could not fathom why she felt suddenly nervous around him.

"It's you." He interrupted her explanation as he recognized her face when she finally turned to him. "Sabrina, Sophia's friend. Am I right?"

She finally released the breath she was holding, thinking that he finally uncovered the truth about her. Instead, he just figured out that she was Sophia's friend from the club.

"Yes, Rafael. I'm Sophia's friend." She confirmed as she looked again at Xavier, avoiding his stare, afraid that he might uncover more.

"You can call me Raf. By the way, what are you doing here?" He walked towards the other side of the bed and placed the toys he brought for his nephew on the table beside the bed.

"I'm doing some charity work for the hospital when I saw Xavier. I thought he might want some company." She explained to him, still avoiding looking directly at him.

"Yes, I was also invited to attend today, but I had a conflict with my schedule. Luckily, my other meeting was not far away from here." Turning his attention to his nephew who was still unconscious. "I was able to rush here."

Upon hearing about Xavier, he immediately rescheduled his meeting and drove to the hospital. He was always worried about his condition. He wanted a cure for him, but there was none yet. All they could do was took the precaution, but accidents usually happened.

"But, since you are already here. I think my work here is done. I think it's time for me to leave." She excused herself. She was suddenly thankful that he was not able to attend the earlier event.

"Oh. Thanks for keeping him company, Sabrina." He extended his hand, but before she could take it, Edward walked into the room.

"Hi. I'm Dr. Mason. I'm one of the organizers of the fundraising event." They ended up shaking their hands. "I hope you don't mind if Ms. Sanders visited your son."

"Not at all. Rafael Walker." He introduced himself. "For the record, Xavier is my nephew. His mother is already on her way."

"Oh, I'm sorry, my mistake." Edward quickly apologized. "It's so nice to finally meet you, Mr. Walker. Regarding your nephew, it appeared that his condition is stable, but Dr. Brown would be here shortly to discuss further his condition and course of treatment."

"Thanks, Doc." Raf finally let out a loud sigh. "I suddenly felt at ease."

"We are just doing our job. By the way, I would like to personally thank you for the generous donation you gave the newly built Research Department." Edward said.

"It's the least our company could do as our civic duty to the community." Raf shrugged his shoulder, not wanting it to be a big deal.

"I hope you can attend the charity ball tomorrow night," Edward said.

Besides the tour of the hospital and the visitation to the Pediatric Department, the hospital also organized a fundraising charity ball tomorrow night to honor the philanthropies of the society's elite, who generously gave a huge amount of donations to the hospital's cause.

"I'm sorry, but I think I won't be able to attend it." Although Raf acknowledged the importance of attending such a function for the image of his company, he was not looking forward to it. He was not in the mood to mingle with the society's elite and deal with their politics and hypocrisy. He would rather stay with his nephew and see to his fast recovery.

"I think we should leave now. Jessica is already waiting for me at the lobby." She interrupted their conversation, not wanting to stay any minute longer in his company.

"Of course," Edward responded to her. "It was nice meeting you." Directing his statement to Raf.

Raf nodded. "Ok. Thanks, Doc." He held Xavier's hand before looking up again and glancing at her way. "Thank you for spending some time with Xavier, Sabrina."

His eyes looked different this time. She could not look away. It was kinder compared to the first time he talked to her on the island. There was no judgment on it as far as she could see. Maybe he was starting to see her differently. Or, it might just be her imagination, giving her a bias interpretation of his look, but in reality, it might not mean anything at all.

She immediately walked towards the door, waving to Raf in the process. "Hope he gets better soon." She said before walking out the door, not waiting for a reply from him.

"I'm sorry, Sabrina. I was called away for a minute." Edward hastily explained his absence earlier. "I'm glad he did not take your presence in his nephew's room in a bad way."

"That's ok." She assured him. "No harm was done." But in her mind, she was not sure if that was true.

She could see that Edward still had a million questions on his mind, but she was too distraught to even form a coherent thought as of the moment. She quietly walked towards the elevator, lost in her thoughts. She just wanted to go home and be alone.

She was not prepared to see him again. Hearing that he would not be attending the ball tomorrow night gave her a slight relief. She was not sure if spending many hours with him in the same event would be good for her mental and emotional state.

Somehow, she also felt a tinge of disappointment. Seeing him, then remembering what Sophia and she talked about the other night. She could not stop thinking if she could get the opportunity to tell him the truth. If she did, would she be able to finally confessed every lie she said and about her true feelings?

An idea would remain a dream unless we act on it...

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