
Chapter 24: The Giant Octopus


A loud noise sounded.

The massive boat, over ten meters long, was suddenly thrown more than two feet into the air!

On the boat, all the tens of martial artists were taken by surprise, stumbling as the ship shook,

their decoctions and liquor spilling all over the deck.

The junior gang leader and the elder martial brother's expressions changed drastically,

They knew very well that this situation was due to an attack from a beast lurking in the lake, a scenario far scarier than encountering a ferocious storm!

"Everyone return to your positions, hoist the sail, oarsmen and paddlers, prepare yourselves. Full speed ahead!"

The elder martial brother immediately barked out an order,

But for some reason, perhaps due to the shock from the monster's attack, everyone's movements were much slower than usual.


Another loud sound was heard.

This time, it was even more intense than before,

The entire boat nearly capsized,

People aboard the boat were jolted and lost their balance.

Everyone's faces turned extremely grim, realizing they had encountered a demon fish that only appeared in the lake once every ten years!

The Fish and Dragon Gang's boat ahead seemed to have also noticed the commotion. They subtly changed their direction, making a wide detour.

The junior gang leader turned ashen-faced with anger.

"I'm still on this boat, and you lot just ran away like that!"

Chen Yi had quick wits. He guessed this might not be a coincidence,

Perhaps the other side was targeting the junior gang leader, or those who had a good relationship with him from the martial arts school.

After the boat was thrown into the air for the second time, Chen Yi was the first to regain his balance, he dashed straight into the cabin.

He discovered that the center of the dragon bone in the cabin had a smear of red, emitting a strong bloody smell.

"A high-grade fish bait that attracts demon fish!"

The first thing that came to Chen Yi's mind was this answer.


Another violent blow was felt.

Chen Yi watched as the spot on the robust dragon bone smeared with blood was hit once again, creating several cracks!

Meanwhile, on the deck that he couldn't see,

A giant claw as thick as a human waist suddenly crawled aboard,

The numerous suction cups on the claw tightly adhered to the side and edge of the boat,

Following that, an incredibly wild shaking ensued!

At this moment,

The martial artists aboard the boat, felt as if a giant had grabbed the boat and was shaking it violently,

No matter their cultivation level, they couldn't maintain their balance. Everyone tried their best to grab onto anything they could reach, letting their bodies flail around the boat like a rag doll, they struggled to ensure they wouldn't be thrown into the water.

The elder martial brother and the junior gang leader looked at the giant claw that had climbed onto the ship. After exchanging glances, both of their expressions turned extremely unsightly.

This was a giant octopus. Judging from its strength and the thickness of its claw, it must weigh more than 500 jin. A large demon fish!

Why did such a thing come after them?!

Both the elder martial brother and junior gang leader joined forces to charge towards the claw resting on the boat. They could not let it secure a grip on the edge of the boat, otherwise, the boat capsizing would be at the creature's whim!

Dozens of feet away on the side, the members of the Fish and Dragon gang also watched in terror,

They were further away and had a clearer view of the situation,

The sight of the massive claw landing on the boat nearly gave them all heart attacks,

How could humans possibly fend off such a terrifying behemoth?

Run, run fast, and run as far as possible. Stay away from that monster!

At this moment, the members of the Fish and Dragon Gang didn't care about the safety of their junior gang leader.

Inside the cabin of the boat, the third apprentice brother and Li Baitiao leaned toward each other,

The third brother, Niu Biao's face tightened: "Brother Baitiao, I'm staking everything today. Just remember, none of the people on that boat can survive. Otherwise, back home, master will flay my skin!"

Li Baitiao revealed a faint smile. "You did well, Biao. I'll report this to Hu Ye and the vice-leader. If the vice-leader successfully ascends this time, you'll surely be credited.

As for that boat, don't worry. This time I used my family's most potent enhanced fish bait. It attracts demon fish that weigh over 500 jins,

You saw that creature, didn't you? It won't stop until it gets that bait."

With that guy there, all we need to do is run far, far away. In no time at all, everyone, including the deputy gang leader and those foolish people in your martial arts school who have a good relationship with the gang leader, will be wiped out!

When you return to the gang, we just need to say we had bad luck and ran into a giant beast in the sea. We were lucky to escape.

Humph, if you don't say, and I don't say, how would anyone in the world know that you added something to the decoction, causing their Vitality and Blood flow to be impeded?"

After hearing this, the third elder brother was much relieved, with a look of hatred on his face:

"The Iron Fist Sect forced my parents to gather medicine and feed it to the wild beasts in the mountains. Today, destroying half of their disciples is like repaying my interest!

In the future, I want to see with my own eyes Shi Zhenshan, that old thing, dying under the fist of the deputy gang leader!

As for the elder martial brother, the second martial sister, and you talented martial brothers possessing Mingjin, see you in the next life!"

The smile on the third elder brother's face gradually turned vicious. He stared at the direction of his brothers behind him with an increasingly ferocious look: "Brother Baitiao, please slow down the boat, I want to see with my own eyes those people dying in the belly of the Demon Fish!"


On the boat of the Iron Fist Sect behind,

Elder martial brother Shi Lei took a step forward, punching furiously at the fish claw on the side of the boat,

With a bang, he was thrown to one side by the stickiness and elasticity of the claw, smashing into the wooden edge of the boat and instantly creating a hole.

Then, the claw suddenly left the side of the boat, raised high, and savagely lashed at the elder martial brother.


The elder martial brother was thrown high into the air like being hit by a charging bull, landing in another corner of the boat, with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Upon seeing this,

Deputy gang leader Lei Zhen did not dare to delay any longer, drawing his sword and slashing at the claw that had climbed onto the boat.

With a whoosh, a ray of Sword Light flashed by,

The sword hit the claw, penetrating three inches into the flesh. They almost cut off the tip of the claw!


At this moment, there came an extremely piercing and unpleasant scream from the lake water under the boat,

Then, the lake water surged up, creating a huge wave!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Five loud noises came from the bottom of the boat,

The Giant Octopus, in pain, swiftly withdrew its claw, but then repeatedly slammed it hard against the Dragon Bone of the boat,


The entire wooden boat seemed to have been pounded several times from the bottom by a giant,

The whole boat rocked crazily up and down.

At this moment, two disciples who had just reached the level of Mingjin were unable to hold onto the objects in their hands, were shaken, flying up from the boat, then falling into the water!

The next moment, two huge claws suddenly shot out from under the water, viciously wrapping around the two people who fell into the water. Under the powerful pressure of the giant suction cups,

The two of them couldn't exert any strength at all, and for some reason, the Vitality and Blood Power within their bodies circulate extremely slowly, making it impossible to unleash the power of Mingjin,

They were then grabbed by the two claws and dragged into the depths of the water, disappearing without a trace.

Seeing this, the other disciples from the martial arts school on the boat all looked horrified. These two martial brothers had just been killed by this gigantic creature before their very eyes,

They couldn't help but imagine that if it were them, they too would surely struggle to survive.

And for some unknown reason, their Vitality and Blood circulation was extremely sluggish that day. The normally smooth and readily available Vitality and Blood used to form Mingjin was somehow hard to come by today.

At this moment, the deputy gang leader helped up the elder martial brother: "Brother Shi Lei, how are you, can you still fight?"

The elder martial brother wiped the blood from his mouth, looking extremely pale: "Of course I can fight, but we are definitely no match for this creature in the water,

Moreover, I don't know why, but this creature keeps attacking the bottom of the boat. We must find a way to drive it away,

Otherwise, if our boat really gets broken by it, I'm afraid only a few people on this whole boat will survive!"

The deputy gang leader looked at their distant fishing boat, and the look on his face was also extremely solemn:

"We may have been set up, there's a traitor on my boat, and there's one on your boat too!

But we will deal with this after we manage to survive,

What do we do now?"



Just when the two of them were frowning,

Again,a loud noise thundered abruptly from the bottom of the boat,

Then, there was the sound of thick wood snapping!

"Not good!" The elder martial brother's face suddenly changed drastically:

"The Dragon Bone of the boat must have been broken by this monster, our boat is going to sink!!!"