
Friends are My Family

We're in our Senior Year in High School at New East University that owned by my friend's family. "Hey, you there ladies...!" Jackson shouted as we entered our first class. Jackson McGee is one of the basketball team one of the riches human beings here in university Who has Dashing Hazelnut eyes, Dark black hair and a six and a half-height that suit’s his body for his game, Every friend of mine here in university is the richest kids inborn or worked rich is on our squad.

"Are you serious Jackson?" I glanced.

"Pfft. Let him be babe ha-ha he's just jealous because last night he can't be at the party we made in my place! Woo hoo!" Sophie cut me out for her proud party.

Sophie Anderson is my greatest best friend who I almost like my sister. She and I are together ever since we were a kid and because her parents are always busy just like mine, because of that she always stays with us since her house are literally on the side of ours. She is the leader of the cheering squad “The queen bee” they might say but for us, she is the most precious baby on the squad. She has this gorgeous blonde hair and hazel brown eyes that suit her style perfectly makes her the dream girl in school

"Ha-ha-ha is not even my fault that my dad needs me last night plus I can have a party any time I want." Replying to us like a kid who really wants to party. I could say in our squad Jackson Is the party kind of guy. "Oh please, Jack?! Your dad will totally get angry once we entered your mansion wearing normal shirts and pouring some beer on the floor." Martin entered and seated beside me.

Martin/or Martin Francis Jr. one of our squad who always goes with the adventure and one of the football team in fact he is the captain ball at his young age and I have no idea how the hell he gets that position. He has a hunk body figure with curly brown hair and perfect Dark Dashing Eyes with a height of 5'11.

We all laughed while Jackson is whining about what Martin says to his dad. Till our professor come up and entered the class. English literature is our first subject for the day, for me studying literature like this doesn't really enter my mind cause for me how the hell this subject helps us from living. So in no time, I fell asleep. I'm a sleepy person they always say that but I never denied it anyway. After the first class, I need to break out with Sophie and go to my own class. The next class is a basic algebra which is I love studying. "Hi, Diana," Kylie said. "Hi, Kylie what's up?" I said going on my seat. Kylie Mikaelson is a daughter of one of the highest company but every time she goes to school she dresses up like a normal girl who loves to do her thing. Kylie is like my math buddy every time we go to this class she and I are always teaming up. She has brown curly hair with a firm skin tone and pure green eyes

The class ended up after 2 hours of counting and solving math problems. I and Kylie go to our special place with the squad some students call our squad The Royalties since we all come from rich families and have our own specialties.

"Hey, guys? What's up?" I cheered up finding my seat.

"Hi Diana, Long time no sees...?" Victor says.

"I think we all know why Diana doesn't want to see you for a long time victor," Sophie said entering with a smirk on her face sitting beside me.

"Oh come on Diana that's a history for all of us." Victor directly states it to me.

"Why are you here anyway victor? All I know is this squad has nothing to do with you since that day!" words came out from my mouth and shouted in front of


"That's enough! Victor can you leave the hell out of here, and please Diana Shut the hell up. Someone is trying to sleep here don't you see?!" Michael shouted up from the branch of a tree.

Michael Walters is the guy who always sleep but the most serious and smartest guy in our group. Only son of his parents and also the raining heirs for the company and I would say he is the gorgeous guy in university. He is the Captain of the basketball team and Head of the Student Council who has the perfect kind of guy with Dark hazel brown hair matching with his blue dashing eyes and a perfect height which really suits his appearance.

Every girl in school is trying to get his attention but sadly no one actually gets it or at least not in my view... "Diana! What the hell is your answer babe?" Sophie breaks into my thoughts about Michael.

"Sorry... What?" I said shaking my head.

"We're thinking of having a trip this weekend to your vacation house on the beach? We're asking you if it's okay with you. And of course, you should come with us" Kylie said giving me a big smile for me to say yes.

"Oh yeah it's fine for me but! There's one condition I want to say. Everyone on our squad should come if you know what I mean..." I said giving them my brightest smile.

"YAAAAY!! PARTY PARTY PARTY!!!" Jackson shouted. "WOO HOO BEACH ALL THE WAY GIRL!" Sophie cheered while the other guys cheering up and laughing because of Jackson.

"Any way where is Justin?" I asked Michael since his class is too close to him “And where the hell did Kylie go?”

"I saw Kylie she said she needs to go to the library to do her projects and Justin is on his way to his practice," Martin answers me from my back.

"Here is your Locator..." Michael smiles at me. Making his way down from his tree and suddenly on his last step his feet slide down straight and he ends up falling to Jackson while doing some fun pushups. Jackson gets into so much pain but we all end up laughing our butts out making us forget about the other half of our class.

"Please tell me you all are on your way to your classes when I got close in to all of you!" a shout from one of the stairs gets our attention and when we checked it Mr. Climford is on his way to our squad.

And then all I hear is "shit" "tardiness again?" "We didn't hear the bell damn it" and the last thing I heard is "RRRUUNNN FOR YOUR LIIIFEEEE!!!" then I saw

Jackson runs on the other side far from Mr. Climford's way to us. We all end up following Jackson even though we all know that his backbone is still in hurt. Luckily we're all in sports so there's no chance for us having trouble running.

"Damn it. Why the hell is this university is so big?!" I complained about sitting on the floor on the 6th floor of our building.

"Blame His Family!!" Martin points his finger at Justin. Who's making his way to his next class down to the 5th floor? "Whoa...wait man. Martin, what's with the pointing?

And what the hell happened to you guys? Do Zombies from World war z come into the university now?" Justin laughing in front of us takes his seat and chat with us.

Then I started laughing so loud taking all their attention and pointing my finger to Jackson and Michael who's holding each other trying to catch each other from falling cause of tiredness and when Sophie and Martin realized the sense of my laughter they both joined my laughter and Sophie start to tell the story since the three of us can't stop laughing our ass down.

"What the hell man? Hahaha, it must be so painful for you Jackson!" Justin spoiled it out and laugh with us. "But wait... why do you still pointing at me when I get here Martin?" Justin asked removing his teardrop caused by so much happiness in what he heard.

"We *laugh* Need *laugh* too *laugh* -" I said but I couldn't continue so Michael finished it saying "run for our life cause Mr. Climford saw us sitting on our hangout place knowing the other half of class is starting and Diana is complaining how big the university is.."

Justin/ Justin Benedict Miller is the son of the owner of the New East High University, has blonde hair that perfectly matches with his green dashing eyes and height of 6 flat, and the captain of the swimming team.

"Well Diana I have to say sorry on that cause for the record we're are at the same age not counting Michael, Madison, and Sophie who's older than us for a year. In that case, I have no idea how big this school is even we're the owner. Or at least I'm in the heir to own this... but still I have no idea how big this is and even me having a hard time knowing how big this is." Justin talks to me while giving me a hand standing up from the ground.

"And I guess we all have to run now!" Martin said slowly not giving us a shock from who is the person he sees coming closer to us.

"NOOOOOOOWWWW!!" Surprisingly Justin grabs my hand and runs.

"Justin, what the hell you doing...?! Your legs are longer than mine and you're such a fast runner!!!!" I shout but nothing helps me because he literally grabs me all the way and all I know is I grab a hand. And I was aiming for Sophie's hand. I don't have the time to check whose hand I get and when I checked it... it was Michael's hand.

"Hey! Why do you grab my hand Dummy?" Michael Complain.

All of the rest of the group followed us running downstairs. And we all end up running into the field for our life.

"Diana! Let my hands go!! You're going to kill it!" Michael shouted beside me.

I realized that I'm really holding Michael's hand pretty hard. So I let it go and suddenly Michael rolled up into the ground in fields. I stop Justin from running and I checked Michael as soon as I saw how he rolled on the field. Sophie and Martin saw what happened and they start laughing again so bad enough to make them kneel in the fields.

"Omyghad! Michael, I'm so sorry!" I said as I got closer to him.

Justin seat down on the field and lay down on the ground like his feeling the air while breathing heavily. Suddenly Michael started to laugh at his own disaster. I seat down beside Michael and lay my head on Justin's tummy by dropping it.

"Aww! Hey, my tummy has its muscle but getting hit by your head feels like a rock hit it!" Justin said.

I gave him a naughty smile. "That's for grabbing my hand and running so freaking fast up to here!"

Michael seat up beside me and flick my forehead. "Next time watch whose hand you grabbing! You know how important my hand is dumbass."

"HHEEYY! That's not my fault that your hand is blocking Sophie's hands!" I complain. And Sophie, Kylie, and Martin are still laughing on the ground trying to stop them from laughing.

"Why you guys lying on the grounds?" Jackson asked us staring questionably.

"What the...? Where are you? Where the hell did you go?" Martin shockingly asked Jackson.

"Ow, I went to the bathroom since I realized Mr. Climford didn't notice us on the stairs then I saw you still running your way here so I followed you." Jackson gives us his honest smile.

"What?! So we all run here for nothing?" Sophie Shouted.

"I get humiliated and my hand almost broke because Diana the great pulled me for nothing?" Michael grinds his teeth making sure I saw it.

"Hey! I already said sorry you know and Jackson? Are you pretty sure about that?" I said giving a serious look to everyone.

"And I'm going to stand up for my li-..." Justin whispering but I put my hand on his forehead making him lay down again.

"Hahaha... You should've done it when you hear the statement earlier men." Martin smirks at Justin who soon will be killed.

"Uhm... Yeah. I'm pretty sure about it cause if I am wrong. I shouldn't be here with you guys or at least I would've shouted to run again." Jackson answered me.

"I guess it's time for us to leave before we saw some blood flowing on the ground now" Sophie suggested everybody knowing that I'm pissed off at Justin.

"Please! Don't leave me here! Spare me a life guys!" Justin starts to beg for his life.

I looked at him and give him a killer smile. "Jackson, can you please get my stuff from my locker?"

"Hahaha don't tell me you're going to do your practice now Diana?" Michael laughed and looks straight at me.

I smirk Michael and asked Justin to roll around and I seat on his back making him pinned down on the ground more. Few minutes Jackson gets back from the locker near the field where my stuff is. He gets back with my bow and arrows and some water balloons for Justin.

I'm the captain of the archery team at school. Since I was a kid I loved doing archery. "Here... Did you love water right? And I loved Archery. But this time it’s gonna be a run for your life. So put this up and start running and if you don't put this on you I will take this shot straight" I said smiling while pointing my bow straight into his head.

"No worries. Diana never misses her shot on such a thing." Sophie said throwing one water balloon on air highly enough for me to take a shot on it. As she expects I did the shot and hit it and everyone opens their eyes widely giving me a shocked look

“It’s a year that she falls into deep sleep right? How can she be still this great after that…” Martin whispered

“She didn’t stop doing archery ever since she got out from the hospital… For some reason the doctor says that her boy conscious did not forget her skills on archery-only how great she is, so on that per se she really has no idea how capable she is on doing this” Sophie explained

"Now...? Can you just run for your life, Justin?" I said walking away from everyone.

"Seriously...?" Justin asks everyone and they all just nod.

I turn around and start aim at Justin and everyone starts to walk away from Justin. Justin put three water balloons on his body. He put it around on his waist. Since I can't hit the other one directly he needs to move around for me to have the shot. I hit it first as he runs they all laugh because he looks like a kid who didn't manage to get into the bathroom in time. The last two-shot is easier for me so I finished them already.

"I'm so wet Diana! Are we done now?" Justin said giving me a sad face.

"Haha... sorry to say it Just, but that thing is you only do that for your payment on me but the rest of them...?" I smiled being relieved from my madness. "You can have your payback now kiddo's" I shout to everyone while they're holding some water balloon in their hand.

Justin looked at me questionably and I just smile at him and suddenly Michael throws his first water balloon at Justin which really hit him so hard. The last thing I know we all end up being wet cause sadly Martin throws his water balloon at Sophie and Sophie throws hers at me and I end up getting involved on it too so I throw mine at Jackson and Jackson throws his to Michael and so on.

We didn't make it into our last classes and we go straight to my house which by the way the house of us too. Why? Because my parents die several years ago based on their stories about it and since that day Sophie's parents treat me like their own child and that's why Sophie and I get so closed together like a true sister. But luckily I have a brother who's so much older than me. He's the one who continues our company so I do not need to be ahead or heir on our own company. My Parents build up a company that operates one of the most resourceful in the world that's why we get the chance to live happily even though our parents died. My brother stays in the other house which is few blocks from our real house. So yup he is basically still my neighbor.

All girls ride up in my car. Sophie doesn't bring her car knowing she has me and Kylie has a driver who she sends away so she doesn't have a car now, while the guys are in Michael's car.

"Sh't I forgot my keys on my locker..." I said trying to check my bag and pockets.

"Hi! How may I help you with?" Justin said looking at me giving his joker smile.

"How the hell you get in there...?" I complain asking directly.

"Hahaha... sorry babe but we all knew where your spare key is..." Sophie said kissing me in the cheeks.

"And anyway we all have our own key to your house." Martin followed passing through me smiling at me and showing his key.

"You're such a baby on that look but it's cute anyway...and no worries your brother Luke knows it," Michael said tapping my head while smiling.

"We even know that you always lose yours so we all hide some on around the garage..." Kylie last said it.

"Really guys...? If I die one day because some knife stuck in my chest it is all because of you!" I cursed them making my way to the kitchen. But suddenly when I look back I have no one to talk with they are all gone.

My house has 2 floors with an 8 bedroom all on the second floor and the ground is the entertainment room with the bar, the pool we both have inside and outside pool with the Jacuzzi, my favorite spot kitchen and a mini-library. They always stay here so they kinda have room in this house. So surely they go straight to their rooms to change clothes and fix themselves.

I was cooking some food for us since the dinner is almost closed when I felt something on my feet and when I check it, my dog Ori starts licking it. Ori is a gift from my brother he is a Siberian husky with pure white color and light blue dashing eyes.

I gave him food and continue cooking for dinner.

"Hey? You haven't changed your clothes yet Diana. You are going to get sick by just that you know?" Justin said while rubbing his hand on Ori’s fur.

"I'm just going to finish this then I'll go change okay? Stop being so dramatic..." I pointed with my cheery voice. And suddenly I feel some hands-on my shoulder that turns me around on my right and extends making me move forward.

"Go get change... I'm going to be the one who finished this. Go to your room now." He said it with his worried voice.

I go to my room as he says. He really does it every time I do something that can make me sick or something that makes me sad. We always like Tom and Jerry and I loved it a lot. I jump on the shower and take a quick bath and go straight to my wardrobe getting so top blue shirt matching with my black pajama pants and I go out heading back to the kitchen.

"Hey, I heard you're the chef for tonight? Well, I would like to congrats you for doing an awesome job my dearest." Martin cheerfully said.

"Hahaha, you talking like your dad Martin," I answered taking my seat beside Sophie and Kylie. "I'm guessing you will all staying here tonight?" I asked after taking a bite. Justin, Kylie, and Jackson nod instantly.

"Sorry I can't... My Dad called me and I need to be home to take care of Krish" Michael answers taking a bite.

"Can you drive me home Michael? I need to be home too. I still need to work on my project on art photography." Martin said. "Hey, I can help you with that... You know how much I love photography, Martin." I cut him out. "Yeah I know Diana but I need to be home because of my mom. She wants to discuss something with me... Sorry but thanks"

"I'm sure I'll be staying here tonight Diana...but I really need to work on my assignments, so can you help me with that instead?" Sophie said.

"Sure! I'll help you with that no worries." I gladly answer her... "So I guess only Justin, Jackson, Kylie, and Sophie will be the ones who's stay with me tonight."

"We'll make it up to you Diana," Martin said.

"Let me do the dishes..." Kylie said it seeing we're done eating.

Only in this house where we can be who we truly are. "I'll help you with that..." Martin said as he gets the plate on our places. "I'll leave on 10 minutes Martin" Michael spoiled on leaving the table straight to his room.

"Why don't we just go have a group study since you guys making your homework? I, Kylie, and Jackson will do the same as you guys are." Justin said following Michael only on his way to his room.

After minutes Michael and Martin leave us to go home. And the rest of us are busy studying in our mini-library. I finished helping Sophie with one of her homework so I go find some of the books I need for my homework.

"Hey? You okay?" Justin breaks the silence in my place.

"Yeah...sure" I just need to find some book for my literature homework. "Why...?" I asked him without glancing at him.

"Do you want to talk about it...?" Justin sincerely asked me.

"NO JUSTIN. There is no chance I can talk about this to you..." I leave him and walk straightly outside towards the pool and seated putting my feet on the water letting it drown.

I seated there for like half an hour just staring at the water when I noticed the light that comes from the moon and stars. Justin meant to talk with me about my parents' accident. We're just going on a vacation at that time and suddenly a truck hit the car exactly where my mom and dad are. I didn't cry when that happens, not eventually when the crash happens or at least I don’t have the chance to cry about it. After the crash happens I lost my grip on everything that because me to accident myself because that I fall into a coma for at least a year, after that miracle happen.

I woke up from the accident but it cost me my memories about everything. My family, friends, and relationship all gone… At first, it really bothers me to know everything based on their stories like my parents dying the year before my accident happen and how the accident happen, and everything about me and my family being rich and being close to everyone who just like us. But as time passed by I started to get used to it eventually but at some point, my body still denies some things like being awake in the morning or driving without too much precaution about everything I just don’t know why sometimes it feels like I have a reason to be so sad behind the wheels when I don’t have a problem against it only that it cost me my memories which I gather with all the help of my friends.

"You were thinking about that accident again...?" Justin said making his way towards me and seat the way I did. "Sophie said she can't stand it anymore so she goes straight to her room and sleeps I guess. Kylie and Jackson do the same only they enter the same room and I guess that's Jackson's..." He literally make face giving me a clue what's going to happen inside.

"Justin stops! Hahaha...that is so gross! But at least they do it on each other anyway. I can kill Jackson if he cheated on Kylie" I said still not looking at him. "And yes I am indeed thinking of that accident again, I just hate that I don’t remember any of it you know…"

Jackson and Kylie have a long time relationship; they've been together like 4 years now? And still acting like best of friends every time we're together but as always they always get the chance to get their own time for their love to express themselves on each other.

"You know it's not your fault what happens to you and your parents' right?" He puts his arm around me and holds on to my shoulder pulling me closer to him." It's been 2 years Diana. And we all know that they're proud of what kind of creature you are now...Because we all proud of you."

Justin and I are so close like always. I knew everything about him even how he gets his first experience and stuff. He does the same for me but not how I get my first because I haven't. He still doesn't want me too nor should I say they all don't want me. I'm the youngest in our group but it doesn't really look like I am so it's a win-win situation for me.

"Stop being dramatic Justin it's not like I'm going to kill myself just because I think about it again..." I said getting off from his hand and holdings.

I tapped some water to Justin “Hahaha! Okay, Diana. That's enough water for today. You know I am a swimmer, right? I had enough water from my training earlier and to the fields thanks to you."

I bowed "Well I am Diana the great don't you think." I smiled at him. "Well yes, you are. And that is why I'm going to go head back to my bed. You wanna come? I mean. Not sleepy yet...?" He asked.

"You know that I'm a vampire right? Haha, no worries I'll come to you when I get hungry for blood *smiled* Goodnight Just." I said.

He leaves me giving me his gorgeous smirk which he always does every time he gets his senses that I'm totally fine on the minute he leaves. I stayed for few more minutes and I guess it's almost midnight when I realized that I need to go inside again. I go straight to my wardrobe to change my pants and I headed back to the kitchen to find something to eat and while I heard someone who's making a sound in the kitchen.

"Jackson? What are you doing on my fridge?" I asked silently but I guess my voice really gets so silent when it comes to him. "JACKSON!" I call out loud.

"Ahhh! DIANA! What the hell are you doing here? Are you really like to kill me?" Jackson shouted while holding a cup of ice cream.

"I tried to call you but you didn't respond so I guess my volume is not enough for you to hear so I shouted but... Jackson? Seriously, your face reaction is hilarious!" I laughed all along as long as I finished my sentence.

"Uhm...Guys? Someone is trying to sleep upstairs you know?" Kylie said having her sleepy voice.

"Sorry... Babe my fault, No I mean her fault!" straightly pointed me a finger.

"Huh? No, it's not! It's not faulting that you're such a muted creature every time you hold food on your hand?" I complained half shouting.

"I don't care whose fault! The thing is you both shouting and that is the worst thing you do. BOTH OF YOU!" as that sentence end for Kylie I totally let myself self-move backward and hide on Jackson's back.

Luckily Kylie doesn't really aim for me and as soon as she gets closed to us. She grabbed Jackson's ear and hold it tight while she looks mad at me and left me saying

"We're going to deal this tom. Vampire girl" and she gives me a smirk while she pulls Jackson's ear upstairs giving Jackson's pain on their way.

As soon as they enter Jacksons' room I get what I need in the kitchen which is hot chocolate and head back to my room and start writing again on my diary.

Hey, It's August 1 now...

And as long as I remember days from now is the day. The accident happens and I have no idea how long I need to bear the pain I felt that time.

Everyone tells me what happens before I got into a coma. That I feel strange and pain like there’s no actual sense about it…

I continue writing every thought I have on that day until I fell asleep on my desk...