
chapter 3

Jami ace tevor.

Jamis p.o.v


Maybe ill get to enjoy things.

My body shuddered as I felt someone watching me, I turned my head seeing that stressed looking boy pointing to the stiff posture and dark eye bags. Sighing I squinted my eyes getting a better look at the male he was kind of attractive, he turned around obviously embarrassed.

The night ended quietly and slowly I mostly hanged out with my "friends" time felt slow as I watched the weird boy leave, wasn't he in my class or something? I don't pay attention maybe ill talk to him.

My group ended up going back to the dorms early I slept mostly, now in my chemistry class my teacher walked over to me and gave me a paper as he walked away picking up the paper it read, 'Jami Tevor from today you are roomed with Kayden Stone.' great a roommate.

I wonder who it is.

sorry, short chapter.