
Hidden Reflections

Serene, a brilliant surgeon and researcher from the year 2300, was a force to be reckoned with. Her determination and intelligence were unmatched. But fate had other plans for her. A tragic experiment gone wrong led to her untimely demise, and she found herself suddenly thrust into the 21st century. But this was no ordinary rebirth. Serene was reborn as Lin Chang, the fake daughter of a wealthy family who had been swapped at birth. And she was determined not to repeat the mistakes of her past life. Cast out of the Yun family, she set out to make a better life for herself and those around her. Meanwhile, he who had risen to the top of the world at the young age of 25. He was so powerful that even world leaders bowed down to him. But he was not interested in the young ladies who fawned over him. He had his goals set, and that was to bring innovation. Join Lin Chang on her journey as she experiences romance, mystery, and suspense in a world that is both familiar and strange.

DK_writes · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Someone in the house

Lin Chang sat in her dimly lit room, her delicate fingers delicately unscrewing the body cover of her laptop. She worked with a fierce determination, her mind focused on the intricate mechanical workings inside the device. The clock struck four in the morning, but Lin was undeterred. She continued to toil away until, at last, she let out a satisfied sigh as she screwed the laptop back together.

Though it may have appeared unsightly to some, Lin knew the true power that lay within. This was no ordinary laptop - it was a masterpiece of Quantum Computing, a technology so advanced that it was virtually unhackable. Lin marveled at the fact that she was living in an era where such technology was still a dream, where even Artificial Intelligence had yet to reach its full potential, therefore this laptop is said to be the most advanced and powerful laptop in the world as of now.

As the sun rose high in the sky, she stirred from her slumber at the eleven. After completing her morning rituals, she pondered whipping up a quick meal before venturing out to the food stall. Despite Lin Lisha's training being complete and her taking full control of the kitchen, Lin Chang felt a nagging urge to oversee operations for a few more days.

The moment she stepped out of the room, a prickling sensation ran down her spine. It was as if someone else was lurking in the shadows of her home. Having been on high alert for years as a target of assailants and spies from the Eastern force in her past life, she knew better than to let her guard down.

With a quick scan of her surroundings, she deduced that Lin Lisha and Lin Bao were likely at the Food stall by now. She paused for a moment, listening intently for any signs of danger. When the silence persisted, she decided to take a risk and move about freely, all the while keeping a watchful eye out for any potential threats. She busied herself in the kitchen, whipping up a small breakfast, all the while remaining vigilant and ready to defend herself at a moment's notice.

As the morning sun rose, Lin Hao returned to Qingdao city. He hailed a taxi and made his way home, ignoring the incessant inquiries of his mother and uncle about his schedule. He was determined not to disturb them, for he had much to ponder. Upon entering his home, he was greeted by an eerie silence. He breathed a sigh of relief, but deep down, he knew that he missed his family. However, he was not ready to face them just yet, nor that wretched girl. He needed time to gather his thoughts and emotions before confronting them.

As he luxuriated in the warm embrace of the bath, he felt his eyelids droop and the call of sleep beckon him. But then, a tantalizing aroma wafted into the room, teasing his nostrils and stirring his hunger. His stomach rumbled in response, and he knew he couldn't resist the siren call of food any longer. Perhaps his mother knew he returned and was already whipping up a delicious breakfast for him. With a contented sigh, he rose from the bath and made his way to the kitchen.

But what he saw there was not what he expected. Instead of his mother, a vision of beauty stood before him. She was young, yes, but her beauty was beyond comparison. It was as if she had been plucked from the heavens themselves and placed in his kitchen. She moved with a grace that left him breathless, she suddenly looked up and their eyes met her eyes were sharp and piercing, as if they could see straight into his soul.

"Who are you?" they both asked at the same time, their voices mingling in the air.

As Lin Chang gazed upon Lin Hao, a sudden realization dawned upon her - the boy bore an uncanny resemblance to her mother. Their similarities were so strikingly identical that it was almost eerie. But what truly took her breath away was his stunning handsomeness, a sight that left her at a loss for words. His chiseled facial features were sharp and defined, complemented by a thick set of luscious eyelashes that framed his dark, piercing eyes. He stood before her, not too tall nor too short, exuding a sense of rugged masculinity that was impossible to ignore.

"This is my house, I should be asking you this." As Lin Hao walked towards the kitchen, he caught sight of a girl whipping up Korean ramen noodles. His territorial instincts kicked in and he couldn't help but bark, "And how dare you enter my kitchen!"

But Lin Chang was unfazed. She couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance between Lin Hao and her mother, Lin Lisha. With a small smile, she introduced herself, "Hii! My name is Lin Chang. I don't know what your relationship is with my mother, but this is my house too." As she spoke, she watched his expression shift from annoyance to disbelief.

Lin Hao was left in a state of disbelief upon hearing the news. He had conducted research on Yun Chang, and all his findings pointed to her being nothing more than a ghastly creature with rainbow hair, tattoos on her body, and piercings on her ears, nose, and eyebrows. Her drag makeup only added to her already terrifying appearance, making her the most dreaded girl in all of upper Qingdao city. However, the girl standing before him was devoid of any such details on her body, leaving Lin Hao utterly perplexed.

He had already seen Yun Chang's picture before, yet gazing upon the girl who claimed to be Lin Chang was akin to beholding a celestial fairy in contrast to the disheveled Yun Chang he had seen.

"You're lying!" Lin Hao barked, his voice echoing through the small kitchen.

Lin Chang paused in her noodle-packing, her eyes narrowing in disbelief. "What?" she asked.

"Tell me who you are already, before I call the cops," Lin Hao demanded, his anger palpable.

Lin Chang sighed, her patience wearing thin. "Listen, I don't have time to argue with you," she said, her voice low and measured. "I'll be heading to the food stall first."

With that, she turned on her heel and strode out of the house, her head held high. Lin Hao saw her leaving the house and quickly followed her, he saw her walking towards Bei street exactly where his mother ran a food stall.

He followed her and when they reached Bei street Lin Hao got the second biggest shock of his life. He saw two long queues of customers snaking around their small stall, stretching out in two opposite directions.

As he approached, he could see that the stall was the same as before, but now it was packed with people. Some were even eating outside the stall, standing shoulder to shoulder with strangers. His uncle was at the helm, serving up dish after dish with the help of five other people. Two stood by his side, while three more were stationed outside the stall, taking orders and managing the crowds.

Lin Hao's eyes widened as he watched Lin Chang enter the stall, flashing a smile at his uncle before disappearing into the kitchen. He couldn't believe what he was seeing - was this all just a dream? He swallowed hard and followed Lin Chang, his heart pounding with excitement and disbelief.

"Hao, when did you come back from Capital?" Lin Bao's voice echoed through the bustling crowd as he called out to his nephew, Lin Hao. The young man turned to see his uncle, a broad smile on his face, his pen dangling from his ear and a notebook clutched in his hands.

"I arrived this morning, Uncle," Lin Hao replied, his gaze sweeping over the throngs of customers milling around his food stall. "But what's all this commotion about?"

Lin Bao beamed with pride. "It's all thanks to my niece, Lin Chang," he said, his chest swelling with familial pride. "ok, I gotta go back to work" With that, Lin Bao hurried off, leaving Lin Hao to ponder the unexpected turn of events. 'All of this because of Lin Chang?'