
Hidden Reflections

Serene, a brilliant surgeon and researcher from the year 2300, was a force to be reckoned with. Her determination and intelligence were unmatched. But fate had other plans for her. A tragic experiment gone wrong led to her untimely demise, and she found herself suddenly thrust into the 21st century. But this was no ordinary rebirth. Serene was reborn as Lin Chang, the fake daughter of a wealthy family who had been swapped at birth. And she was determined not to repeat the mistakes of her past life. Cast out of the Yun family, she set out to make a better life for herself and those around her. Meanwhile, he who had risen to the top of the world at the young age of 25. He was so powerful that even world leaders bowed down to him. But he was not interested in the young ladies who fawned over him. He had his goals set, and that was to bring innovation. Join Lin Chang on her journey as she experiences romance, mystery, and suspense in a world that is both familiar and strange.

DK_writes · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Lin Chang

She knew just one thing: she had to get away.

She tried to avoid running, but she felt compelled to do so because it appeared that someone was after her.

"Help," she heard a voice say out of nowhere. She quickly turned to search the speaker but was unable to spot anyone.

Who... are you? Serene hesitantly questioned. She continued to search but was unable to locate anyone.

"I'm Yun Chang" the voice repeated

"Y…Yun Chang?"

"Yes, please help me," the voice cried.

"But what do you want?" Serene asked unsure. There was a long silence, "Hey are you still there?"

But there was no response. All of a sudden, countless memory fragments flooded Serene's mind. She grabbed her head which was about to explode, she screamed her lungs but the pain was still unbearable, after long, which felt like ages everything went dark and she finally lost her consciousness.

Serene blinked her eyes open; it took a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the brightness. She gently massaged her eyes and looked around. She felt the ambiance was off, so she immediately got out of bed & moved herself around when she noticed a window.

The sky remained blue and brilliant, and the weather remained sunny and humid. Everything was the same as Serene had seen in century-old movies, including the air.

Her lips twisted into a lovely smile as she said, "Am I dreaming?" She laughed and whirled around in delight, wanting nothing more than to run outdoors and roll on the beautiful green grass, kiss those plants and trees, take a sunbath, and do everything she had ever heard about.

"But where exactly am I?" She looked around and noticed princess decorations all over the room; everything was pink and purple, indicating that it was a girls' room. Serene, on the other hand, did not like the room decor.

She quickly dug through her memories and remembered everything. She was absolutely taken aback by the newfound memories in her head.

So, now she was Yun Chang, the fake rich daughter who was swapped at birth, who has lived a wandering and unwanted life and now again reborn.


Means the Serene is reborn into the body of the Yun Chang who is also reborn?

Everything was a little confusing, but it was really interesting for the Serene's blend of previous lives. She has no idea what happened to Dr. Lopez or Lizi, because her knowledge in the technical sector tells her that everything is really strange.

She entered the toilet and glanced in the mirror, shocked to find the most horrible face, her hair colored violet, and metal rings all over her face, including the bottom lip, above the left brow, nose, and ears.

There were violet contact lenses and a tattoo covering her half-neck, but as she examined attentively, she realized it wasn't a permanent tattoo.

There was smudged makeup making it more hideous.

Well, that's why Yun Chang was called one of the most ugly and uncivilized ladies in the upper Qingdao city circle.

Yes, she had arrived in China, the eastern world. She grew even more aroused as she thought about it. World leaders were playing divide and rule during her time, when human civilisation was on the verge of annihilation. They forced the eastern and western worlds to compete for power and remaining resources.

She had often fantasized about wandering across China, India, and other lovely eastern countries with roots dating back to ancient times, and discovering the treasures of their ancient knowledge, but these were just wishful perspectives. Which has now become a reality.

Today, her joy knew no bounds, and for a brief time, she wished she could forget everything and live in this wonderful world, living her dreams.

Knock… knock

"Miss. Lin, Wake up and pack your luggage before breakfast" the maid called out in exasperation.

Yun Chang looked at herself in the mirror and smiled ironically, these were the maids that once used to Worship the groups she walked onto.

If she remembered correctly, a big drama is waiting for her at the breakfast table.