
Hidden Omega

****18 or older please**** Will is leading a great life as an Alpha in the A.V. industry. He is a leader in fan interest andattrated the interest of the hottest Omega in the industry. Everyone views him as the hottest, luckiest guy that cannot go anywhere without stealing hearts. But the truth is, he's an Omega. When a dominant Alpha begins working in the same filming studio, his who life gets flipped upside down. Will has to figure out how to keep his secret and still fulfill his Omega needs.

K_B_Bloom · LGBT+
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176 Chs

Chapter 2.46


I heard a large bang and the wall of the room that connected shook. I sat up quickly, and a few moments later, looked to my phone as it rang. Why is Chase calling me?

"Lock your bedroom door," he whispered in heavy breaths. I rushed and did as he said since his voice was so panicked.

I heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs and Chase hung up. I began to call him back, but stopped when a text came through.

'Jayden is here. All the kids slept with us in my room last night. What should we do?'

"WILL!" Jayden hollered and he began storming towards the bedroom.

I rushed and texted Chase back. 'Get everyone out and go to Elijah's house. Take Addie's bag with you. Everything you need is in there. I will deal with this.'

As I hit send, the bedroom door knob rattled and I backed up from the door. "Will, let me explain! Let me in."

I heard a car door shut and knew I had to make noise so he wouldn't hear the car. "You lied about everything!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, "you're marrying that female Alpha I asked you anout!" I felt some relief when I heard the car drive off. If anything, they had to get away.

The door rattled again, "open the door, Will! Or I will break it down!"

"Get out, you dirtbag!"

The door suddenly burst open and I fell back onto the edge of the bed. I saw how stressed he was, but I didn't care. He deserved worse than that!

Jayden rushed towards me and I panicked. I sprinted for the bathroom, but he caught me by the arm. I was tackled onto the bed before I could think. Jayden had my hands pinned down with his hands on my wrists and my legs braced by his. He was breathing hard and staring at me with anger, shock, fear, and anxiety. "Let me explain! It's not what you think!"

I struggled to get away and began crying, "she told me! You're marrying her!"

"It was a sick joke! She lied because she's jealous of our relationship! I'm not going to marry her! I only want you!"

I spit on his face, which startled him. "I'm not a moron just because I'm an Omega! I found out everything! We're over!"

He pulled my hands together above my head and held them together with one of his as his other hand squeezed my chin. "We are destined partners! We love each other! All of what you heard is a lie!"

I choked up, "I'm not going to be a mistress! I told you that, but then you plan to marry someone else!"

He shook his head, "okay! I lied, I have a wedding planned with that woman but I'm not going to show up for the wedding! Then we can be together!"

"You're lying! I don't believe anything you say! You don't give a shit about me!" I chuckled while still crying, "I actually believed you! Like a desperate Omega, I believed you loved me!"

"I do love you!" He yelled before holding my chin still and kissing me. I tried to pull away, but his hand kept my face still. He kept kissing me and I bit his lip, causing him to recoil and stop.

"Get off me." I growled and he looked to me with desperation. "Did you even talk to your parents about me?"

He gulped, "Adeline told them. They said I would lose everything if I married you and left Jenny. I can't support us if I lose everything!"

"You lied, again! First you say she was telling me lies, then you were going to leave her at the alter, and now that you're marrying her to keep your wealth!" I cried harder, "what am I supposed to believe?! What is the actual truth?!"

"The truth is, I'm doing this for us! I'll marry her until my parents give in! Then we can get married! Please, Will, I need you."

"Does she know about us!? Does she know your plan?"

He shook his head slightly, "she might tell my parents and ruin everything."

I closed my eyes and shook, "I can't do this," I choked up. "I don't want this kind of life! I can't let my kids go through this!"

He gently kissed my face from my forehead to my chin before resting his head on my chest. "I will make sure you and the kids are cared for. I will give you everything you need."

I turned my head to the side, "We don't want money or things!" I choked out, "we just wanted you! Just you!"

He kissed my neck and collar bone, "you have me! All of me is yours!"

I shook my head, "I can't take the lying anymore. I'm tired of it." I let out a large breath, "if you had told me the entire truth this whole time, we could've figured this out together. I might've understood and stayed with you."

"But you are going to stay with me. We can figure this out together."

"No, Jay," I whispered and he looked to me in horror. "I'm not staying. This is over; we're over."

"Don't say that!" He insisted while squeezing my hands with his, "we're destined partners! We are meant to be together!" He gave me a slight smile, but I could still see his desperation. "Only I can make you happy, Will. You're my mate."

"NO, JAY!" I growled and he froze, "you're the only person who can pleasure me sexually. You are NOT the only one that can make me happy. My kids and my friends make me happier than you ever could with your egotistical personality! You said you were different from other Alphas, but you're just like the rest! Cocky with a superiority complex! I DON'T NEED YOU! YOU NEED ME!"

When his hand slapped me across the face, I began trembling. A deep chuckled came from him and I saw how angry he was. His body posture turned to that of a crazed Alpha planning to attack. "You are MY Omega! YOU can't be with anyone else! Seems like you forgot who you belong to. I'll just have to remind you."

"JAY, STOP!" I yelled, but his pheromones exploded more than ever before. My body trembled violently and I was completely limp. Jayden let go of my limbs and turned me over. All I could do was pant and shiver as my pheromones let out completely. I heard him go across the room and grab something.

When he came back, he leaned down toward me, "stay still. I don't want to hurt you."

"Please, Jayden. Don't do this. I don't want this!" I began crying and felt him cut the back of my sweatpants in half before going across the room again. "Let me go, Jay. We can talk, we can figure this out. Please, Jay, this will ruin everything."

He rushed back over and stuffed a cloth in my mouth. "Shut up," he hissed before moving behind me and undoing his belt. I felt like I couldn't breath, and not just because of the thing in my mouth. "You are my destined partner. No one else can make you feel good. Only me." His teeth sunk completely into the back of my neck and felt like he was going to take the entire chunk of skin and muscle off. As he released my neck, his member rammed into me and I cried out. He continued pounding violently into me and began licking up my spine. I came and he chuckled, "you're body is much more honest than your mouth."

Jayden groaned as he came and I felt relief as it was over. When he stayed inside me and quickly became hard again, my heart dropped. He grabbed my hips and began hitting deeper inside me, causing me to cum every few minutes. I began to feel nauseous and light headed as my body didn't fight him.

I tried to think about other things, anything other than this. I lost count of how many times he and I came as he continued. When he finally pulled out, I was overcome with relief. He suddenly flipped me over and move up to straddled my face.

Jayden pulled out the cloth from my mouth, "no!" I begged but his member was shoved down into my throat within moments. I gagged and tried to move away, but I was too weak.

"Swallow," he growled and my body quickly complied. He pulled out of my throat just long enough for me to catch a breath, then he thrust it back in. I tried to gasp for air as he moved in and out of my mouth and throat. I choked as he came again and let me take another breath. My head began to feel light and tingly as my body desperately needed air. Soon, I passed out as I shook in pure terror.

I woke up and realized I was tucked into the bed with new clothes on. I listened carefully and heard Jayden talking to someone outside of the bedroom. I slowly moved to try to not make noise and tried the door handle. It was locked so I looked around for other ways to escape. My phone! I looked everywhere, but it was gone. Jayden probably took it. I slowly went to the window and was relieved when it unlocked. I slowly opened it and looked down. All that was below was a large bush, so that will have to work. I crept out on to the ledge before listening. I heard Jayden was still talking, so I let go and dropped down.

To my relief, the bush barely made a noise and I sat still to see if I was heard. Nothing came in my direction, so I slowly struggled out of the bush and began running. I ran as hard as I could and kept checking behind me to see if he was following. No one was there but I continued running faster every time I checked.

There was only one place I could think of to go, but it was really risky. But I have no other choice.