
Chapter 644 Duke?! _1

Ninety-Nine Resurrection Soup was something that only emperors in ancient courts were qualified to enjoy.

It wasn't that others couldn't drink it, but rather that the ingredients required to make the Ninety-Nine Resurrection Soup were too numerous.

Just the vast number of various tonics alone were not something that ordinary people of that era could gather.

Not to mention that after refining the essence of those medicinal tonics, one also needed to blend those liquids according to very precise proportions.

With the slightest error, the concoction would not be Ninety-Nine Resurrection Soup.

It was precisely because the preparation of Ninety-Nine Resurrection Soup was so difficult that its medicinal effects were extremely potent.

Even someone who was only hanging on by a breath, as long as they could drink the Ninety-Nine Resurrection Soup, could come back to life full of vigor.