
Chapter 150: Oil Exhausted, The Lamp Dies Out!_1

Translator: 549690339

Hearing Yin Tian making a phone call, Su Qinwei gradually woke up as well.

She opened her eyes and saw Yin Tian fiddling with his phone, and she asked blankly, "What's wrong..."

"The Qiu Family and Cai Family have started fighting."

Yin Tian gave a light smile, "I'm afraid they won't be able to focus on the Xia Family for a short time, and by the time they do, they probably won't have the heart anymore."

"Did you really succeed?"

Su Qinwei looked at Yin Tian in utter amazement.

Yin Tian had actually managed to resolve the crisis for the Xia Family in just one night!

Getting the Qiu Family and Cai Family to fight against each other might sound simple, but in reality, aside from Yin Tian, it was likely that no one else could have achieved it!

"Of course I succeeded. Are you awake now? Or do you want to sleep a little longer?"

Yin Tian said gently, with a tender smile on his face.

"I'm still a little sleepy..."

Su Qinwei said somewhat embarrassedly.

"Then sleep a bit more."