
Words of Love

Anya rarely heard Aiden praise her directly. The praise from Aiden made her face blush.

There was no woman in this world who wouldn't like to be praised, especially if it came from the mouth of the man she loved.

"It's not like what you said last night," muttered Anya.

"You are drunk and you remember it wrong. I said that I really miss you last night. In my eyes, only you are the most beautiful woman in the world," upon saying this, Aiden's eyes lit up brightly.

Aiden was a cold man, but right now he was whispering words of love to Anya.

Anya just realized that even though Aiden looked cold and stiff, his eyes were truly expressive. She could see Aiden's feelings through his eyes.

Anya could only see his eyes and sink into them, feeling her body melt from the depths of Aiden's gaze.

Aiden embraced Anya's waist with one hand and the other held the back of her head, ensuring that he dominated her entire body.