
Why do you love me?

Anya frowned a little. She felt much more comfortable because of the massage, but somehow her heart was not happy.

"Aiden, you are good at massaging. Have you ever massaged someone before?" Anya asked.

"Hmm…" Aiden only muttered.

Anya felt disappointed when she heard this. Aiden admitted that he often massaged someone. Who did Aiden massage before? Was that Keara?

Anya knew that Aiden was arranged with Keara and they had a relationship for a while. Although in the end Keara chose to get engaged to Ivan, they nevertheless had a love affair.

Nico didn't like Keara, but didn't that mean Aiden had the same feelings? How did Aiden really feel about Keara? Anya never knew about it.

Aiden was so cold that Keara finally turned away from him. However, how did Keara really feel? was she just pretending to make Aiden regret it?