
Chapter 69

Jack pressed his lip tightly against Whitney lip. His arms tightly wrapped around her neck. "I need you to be strong and also be  there for Clio." Jack whispered as he broke the kiss, his head still leaning across her forehead.

Whitney gasped for air staring at his mouth, inhaling his collagen. "I know but I'm going to miss you badly." Her soft voice resounded in his ear.

"I will be back in a few weeks to check on you both. You know I've to look over the company."

"Thanks for always been supportive, my life would have be nothing without you." Whitney appraised him giggling at him with  her 32 sets of teeth.

"Daddy!" Clio screamed from the living room sprinting towards the kitchen, the couples disengage from their hugging position staring at the little girl.

"Daddy," Clio called pausing staring at them with her hands gently rubbing her face. "Nanny said," She broke down in tears, hack ran towards her kneeling in front of her. 

He pulled her closer to his chest, sniffing on her hair. "Baby is okay. You are a princess! Princess don't sob." Jack uttered with his arms around her tiny neck. He pulled her face away from his chest and stared straight into her eyes.

"Always be there for your mom. Don't talk her too much. She is my baby, you should take good care of her and yourself too." Clio nodded at Jack words using her elbow to clean off the tears running down to the tip of her lips.

"Why don't you take us along with you? So you can look after your baby yourself."  Jack scoffed at her words.

"Are you kidding me?" His husky voice demanded with Whitney laughing her ass out. "Jack you will miss your flight. You have twenty minutes left for you to be at the airport."

Jack heaved down a heavy sigh swallowing the lump hanging in his throat. He stands on his feet giving a last glance at baby Clio.

"Alright," Jack said drawing in his breath. "I would loved for you both to stay behind but..."

"No but, I and Clio will be following you to the airport." Whitney interrupt him.

Few minutes later, they were in the car with Whitney driving the car. "Mom, we've a new aunty over there. Dad?" Clio called for him to chimed in.

"That we shouldn't discuss, but a lady almost hit Clio with her car." Whitney lost control as she hastily placed her foot on the brake. "Who the hell was that?" Whitney facial expressions changes immediately from bright to vengeful face. "What was she doing outside?"

Jack watched her speak, "we were taking a walk when Clio ran off to the road." But anyway, that's bygone.


Rebeecca strides out of her room down the stairs only for her to see Clinton smiling at her. She returned the smile. "I come to check on you last night but you were asleep." Clinton uttered as he removed the handglove from his palm.

"Yeah, I was asleep." Rebeecca stuttered darting her eyes away from his.

"I have a surprise for you." He said blushing. Rebecca face beamed with smile. "What surprise?" She demanded in a soft voice but he walked to her grabing her arms, he dragged her along.

They walked outside to a abandoned hall. Rebecca paused stating at him then to the hall. "What are we doing here?" She ask in anxiety. But he only let out a smile saying, "why don't we go in first?"

They got in with Clinton pushing the door open for Rebecca. Rebecca got in and was startled by the darkness in there. "Here is dark." She muttered in a low voice but got no response. She heard the creaking sound of the door closing. She turned back and flinched.

"Clinton?" She called feeling scared. Why would him do this? What is he planning?

"Clinton, please open this door." She cried out hitting on the door loudly. When she got no response, , she slides down heaving down a heavy sigh.

"Whatever Clinton is planning, I believe it is for good." She said drawing her knee closer to her chin. She buried her face in her knee expecting the worst.

Suddenly after 40 minutes, a smile light emanate from the room. Rebecca slowly raise her head to see a projector at the stage. A figure was walking towards her, each steps the figure take send fears into her heart.

She bites her bottom lip hardly, shutting tight her eyes but fluttered it open when a hand gently touched her.

"Becca," Her face beamed with smile cos she recognized the voice and the aura. "Yes," She responded with a lot of excitement on her face.

"Come with me, there's a play I organized for you.i hope you like it." "What type of play?" Rebecca asked clutching her hands tightly around his arms.

"You will see to that when we got there." Rebeecca seems excited about what would happen in the next few minutes.

"Alright then." She hummed walking slowly each time stealing a glance at him. They arrived at a spot where wooden plastic chairs were neatly arranged.

Clinton offered her to sit down as he fidgeted with his finger. A dim light appeared at the center of the hall. The light was visible enough to watch the  show. "I hope is not an horror movie." She said clinging to him but he resist her by shrugging her hands off him.

He clapped and the projector was beamed with light and character showing.

"Rebeecca, I prayed you like the play." Rebecca smile at him. "I'm going to love it not just like."

** In the history of China during the tang dynasty. The emperor through his Regent  Yao was able to defeat an empire.

In a bid to reward the Regent for a job welldone, he arranged a marriage between the fallen empire princess and the Regent.

* But the princess never loved him because of the way her family was framed for treason and murdered.

*Several years later, the princess start developing feeling for the Regent but was afraid to admit it because she think doing that would warrant her betraying her family.

*There is Bai, a powerful Noble daughter who had a crush on the Regent. It really pissed her off when the emperor had annulled her engagement with the Regent.

    * She planned to get back at Yang who was the princess and thus set a trap for her. Yang took the bait and was ambushed by assassins,  when they set their armor and arrow to attack her, the Regent appeared taking 24 arrows on behalf of her. But before he collapsed, he ensure he hit on Yang  such that she wouldn't know that he was the one that had help her.

*Welcome to the play and please enjoy. (End of narration.)

Fei: "mistress," She paused staring at Yang whose beauty was reflecting in the golden mirror.

Yang: heaved down a sigh, swirling around to check on Fei.

Fei: "mistress, shouldn't you be glad? You've a man who took 24 arrows for you."

Yang: keeping mute, "why would he do that?" She questioned smirking her face.

Fei: "ssh... We should go check on him."

**They arrived at the Regent chamber and their presence was announced.

Yang: starring at Yao, she hummed, "I heard you take some arrows instead of me? Why would a Regent commit such act because of me?"

Yao: starring at her, wincing in pain."who told you that? I'd fight the wind rather than doing such a thing for you. But anyway I'm ready to take tons of them."

Yang:"If you die soon, isn't my fault." She said with a mean look but actually she never meant those words.

Yao: "then, there's no harm in bringing you along with me." Yang smirked at his words.

Yang: "why would you want to take me along with you? Do I look like your property?"

Yao: "I will take you along with me in order for me to take spear on your behalf." Yao said with a smirk on his face.

Yang:"Arrg..." She feigned annoyance. "Then please don't die."

**(end of play.)

Rebeecca chuckled at Yang words, mimicking her in her tone. "Then, please don't die." "That sound ridiculous." Rebeecca whined rubbing her palms together.

"Isn't she cruel?" Clinton inquired, Rebecca stared at him. "No, she's just trying to be strong."

"Being strong is rudeness?" He gave a sarcastic questions.

"No, being strong is trying to make him understand the pains of her losing her family through his hands." Rebeecca tried to explain further but Clinton rest his head on his shoulder.

"Do you like the play?" His questions brings smiles on Rebecca face. Her mood lightened up. "What if I said..." She paused peering into his eyes.

Clinton observed her lips, waiting for her to say something.


Jack arrived at Los Angeles, he passed a call across to his chauffer earlier who was already on the wait for him. Jack recognized the white mercenary as he walked towards it. He jerked the door opened looking at the chauffer from the back seat. "Wellington hotel." His mean voice resounded in the chauffeur ear as he start the engine and drives off at a great speed.

"I need you to watch his every movement and inform me of his any stupid plan." Jack said on the phone.

"Eric is a pain in my ass, he is going to ruin the plan. We can't just kill her like that." Jack said over the phone to Tyler who probably was fuming with anger on the other hand.

"Warn Eric, he shouldn't touch her. I love her, I will give you what you want but I do not wish for her to be hurt." Jack explained in a pleading tone.

"I warned you not to fell in love, idiot. Your falling love will ruined our plans." Tyler yelled sucking out all the air in his lungs.  "It's better she's dead to make the work easier for us and I heard Daniel is alive."

Jack paused his lip in a firm line, staying at the blank space in front of him. "I heard that, Eric notified me about that. "

"So what's your plan?" Tyler questioned in a deep voice and his breathing could be heard over the phone.

"He's none of my business. My business is to get the company over for us to share."

"What if he try to come back for Whitney?" Tyler inquired while his laughter could be heard over the line.

"I bet with my life that I'd kill anyone who comes after my other half." Jack curse out amisdt his breath adjusting the collar of his clothes.

"She doesn't worth this, Jack." Tyler paused breathing out the smoke from his cigarettes. "I don't know what's do special about that girl that you'll want to die for."

"She is more than you did think of her but you wouldn't understand." Jack said over the phone.

"Hope you know you are married, your wife and two kids are under my watch."

"How dare you want to threaten me?" Jack yelled out.

"That's the check and balance to keep you in motion. Now listen to me motherfucker," Tyler snarled. "A deviation from the plan and I swear down that your last bie will have to go down sheol and nothing would ever stop that."

Jack breath down licking his lower lips with his right hand tightly wrapped around the phone on his ear.

"What about me showing them your wedding pics? You and your little princess?" Tyler whined. "Now I got to go, make sure you stick to the plan. At the end of everything i want her dead." He said hanging up the call.

Jack yelled out in annoyance hitting his hand in the chair in front of him. "I have to formulate plan and set trap for them."

He dialed some numbers on his phone while it ring profusely with no response. His heat ran a mile, "Whitney pick up." He yelled smashing the phone against the car window.

(Please move to the next chapter)


Jack pressed his lip tightly against Whitney lip. His arms tightly wrapped around her neck. "I need you to be strong and also be  there for Clio." Jack whispered as he broke the kiss, his head still leaning across her forehead.

Whitney gasped for air staring at his mouth, inhaling his collagen. "I know but I'm going to miss you badly." Her soft voice resounded in his ear.

"I will be back in a few weeks to check on you both. You know I've to look over the company."

"Thanks for always been supportive, my life would have be nothing without you." Whitney appraised him giggling at him with  her 32 sets of teeth.

"Daddy!" Clio screamed from the living room sprinting towards the kitchen, the couples disengage from their hugging position staring at the little girl.

"Daddy," Clio called pausing staring at them with her hands gently rubbing her face. "Nanny said," She broke down in tears, hack ran towards her kneeling in front of her. 

He pulled her closer to his chest, sniffing on her hair. "Baby is okay. You are a princess! Princess don't sob." Jack uttered with his arms around her tiny neck. He pulled her face away from his chest and stared straight into her eyes.

"Always be there for your mom. Don't talk her too much. She is my baby, you should take good care of her and yourself too." Clio nodded at Jack words using her elbow to clean off the tears running down to the tip of her lips.

"Why don't you take us along with you? So you can look after your baby yourself."  Jack scoffed at her words.

"Are you kidding me?" His husky voice demanded with Whitney laughing her ass out. "Jack you will miss your flight. You have twenty minutes left for you to be at the airport."

Jack heaved down a heavy sigh swallowing the lump hanging in his throat. He stands on his feet giving a last glance at baby Clio.

"Alright," Jack said drawing in his breath. "I would loved for you both to stay behind but..."

"No but, I and Clio will be following you to the airport." Whitney interrupt him.

Few minutes later, they were in the car with Whitney driving the car. "Mom, we've a new aunty over there. Dad?" Clio called for him to chimed in.

"That we shouldn't discuss, but a lady almost hit Clio with her car." Whitney lost control as she hastily placed her foot on the brake. "Who the hell was that?" Whitney facial expressions changes immediately from bright to vengeful face. "What was she doing outside?"

Jack watched her speak, "we were taking a walk when Clio ran off to the road." But anyway, that's bygone.


Rebeecca strides out of her room down the stairs only for her to see Clinton smiling at her. She returned the smile. "I come to check on you last night but you were asleep." Clinton uttered as he removed the handglove from his palm.

"Yeah, I was asleep." Rebeecca stuttered darting her eyes away from his.

"I have a surprise for you." He said blushing. Rebecca face beamed with smile. "What surprise?" She demanded in a soft voice but he walked to her grabing her arms, he dragged her along.

They walked outside to a abandoned hall. Rebecca paused stating at him then to the hall. "What are we doing here?" She ask in anxiety. But he only let out a smile saying, "why don't we go in first?"

They got in with Clinton pushing the door open for Rebecca. Rebecca got in and was startled by the darkness in there. "Here is dark." She muttered in a low voice but got no response. She heard the creaking sound of the door closing. She turned back and flinched.

"Clinton?" She called feeling scared. Why would him do this? What is he planning?

"Clinton, please open this door." She cried out hitting on the door loudly. When she got no response, , she slides down heaving down a heavy sigh.

"Whatever Clinton is planning, I believe it is for good." She said drawing her knee closer to her chin. She buried her face in her knee expecting the worst.

Suddenly after 40 minutes, a smile light emanate from the room. Rebecca slowly raise her head to see a projector at the stage. A figure was walking towards her, each steps the figure take send fears into her heart.

She bites her bottom lip hardly, shutting tight her eyes but fluttered it open when a hand gently touched her.

"Becca," Her face beamed with smile cos she recognized the voice and the aura. "Yes," She responded with a lot of excitement on her face.

"Come with me, there's a play I organized for you.i hope you like it." "What type of play?" Rebecca asked clutching her hands tightly around his arms.

"You will see to that when we got there." Rebeecca seems excited about what would happen in the next few minutes.

"Alright then." She hummed walking slowly each time stealing a glance at him. They arrived at a spot where wooden plastic chairs were neatly arranged.

Clinton offered her to sit down as he fidgeted with his finger. A dim light appeared at the center of the hall. The light was visible enough to watch the  show. "I hope is not an horror movie." She said clinging to him but he resist her by shrugging her hands off him.

He clapped and the projector was beamed with light and character showing.

"Rebeecca, I prayed you like the play." Rebecca smile at him. "I'm going to love it not just like."

** In the history of China during the tang dynasty. The emperor through his Regent  Yao was able to defeat an empire.

In a bid to reward the Regent for a job welldone, he arranged a marriage between the fallen empire princess and the Regent.

* But the princess never loved him because of the way her family was framed for treason and murdered.

*Several years later, the princess start developing feeling for the Regent but was afraid to admit it because she think doing that would warrant her betraying her family.

*There is Bai, a powerful Noble daughter who had a crush on the Regent. It really pissed her off when the emperor had annulled her engagement with the Regent.

    * She planned to get back at Yang who was the princess and thus set a trap for her. Yang took the bait and was ambushed by assassins,  when they set their armor and arrow to attack her, the Regent appeared taking 24 arrows on behalf of her. But before he collapsed, he ensure he hit on Yang  such that she wouldn't know that he was the one that had help her.

*Welcome to the play and please enjoy. (End of narration.)

Fei: "mistress," She paused staring at Yang whose beauty was reflecting in the golden mirror.

Yang: heaved down a sigh, swirling around to check on Fei.

Fei: "mistress, shouldn't you be glad? You've a man who took 24 arrows for you."

Yang: keeping mute, "why would he do that?" She questioned smirking her face.

Fei: "ssh... We should go check on him."

**They arrived at the Regent chamber and their presence was announced.

Yang: starring at Yao, she hummed, "I heard you take some arrows instead of me? Why would a Regent commit such act because of me?"

Yao: starring at her, wincing in pain."who told you that? I'd fight the wind rather than doing such a thing for you. But anyway I'm ready to take tons of them."

Yang:"If you die soon, isn't my fault." She said with a mean look but actually she never meant those words.

Yao: "then, there's no harm in bringing you along with me." Yang smirked at his words.

Yang: "why would you want to take me along with you? Do I look like your property?"

Yao: "I will take you along with me in order for me to take spear on your behalf." Yao said with a smirk on his face.

Yang:"Arrg..." She feigned annoyance. "Then please don't die."

**(end of play.)

Rebeecca chuckled at Yang words, mimicking her in her tone. "Then, please don't die." "That sound ridiculous." Rebeecca whined rubbing her palms together.

"Isn't she cruel?" Clinton inquired, Rebecca stared at him. "No, she's just trying to be strong."

"Being strong is rudeness?" He gave a sarcastic questions.

"No, being strong is trying to make him understand the pains of her losing her family through his hands." Rebeecca tried to explain further but Clinton rest his head on his shoulder.

"Do you like the play?" His questions brings smiles on Rebecca face. Her mood lightened up. "What if I said..." She paused peering into his eyes.

Clinton observed her lips, waiting for her to say something.


Jack arrived at Los Angeles, he passed a call across to his chauffer earlier who was already on the wait for him. Jack recognized the white mercenary as he walked towards it. He jerked the door opened looking at the chauffer from the back seat. "Wellington hotel." His mean voice resounded in the chauffeur ear as he start the engine and drives off at a great speed.

"I need you to watch his every movement and inform me of his any stupid plan." Jack said on the phone.

"Eric is a pain in my ass, he is going to ruin the plan. We can't just kill her like that." Jack said over the phone to Tyler who probably was fuming with anger on the other hand.

"Warn Eric, he shouldn't touch her. I love her, I will give you what you want but I do not wish for her to be hurt." Jack explained in a pleading tone.

"I warned you not to fell in love, idiot. Your falling love will ruined our plans." Tyler yelled sucking out all the air in his lungs.  "It's better she's dead to make the work easier for us and I heard Daniel is alive."

Jack paused his lip in a firm line, staying at the blank space in front of him. "I heard that, Eric notified me about that. "

"So what's your plan?" Tyler questioned in a deep voice and his breathing could be heard over the phone.

"He's none of my business. My business is to get the company over for us to share."

"What if he try to come back for Whitney?" Tyler inquired while his laughter could be heard over the line.

"I bet with my life that I'd kill anyone who comes after my other half." Jack curse out amisdt his breath adjusting the collar of his clothes.

"She doesn't worth this, Jack." Tyler paused breathing out the smoke from his cigarettes. "I don't know what's do special about that girl that you'll want to die for."

"She is more than you did think of her but you wouldn't understand." Jack said over the phone.

"Hope you know you are married, your wife and two kids are under my watch."

"How dare you want to threaten me?" Jack yelled out.

"That's the check and balance to keep you in motion. Now listen to me motherfucker," Tyler snarled. "A deviation from the plan and I swear down that your last bie will have to go down sheol and nothing would ever stop that."

Jack breath down licking his lower lips with his right hand tightly wrapped around the phone on his ear.

"What about me showing them your wedding pics? You and your little princess?" Tyler whined. "Now I got to go, make sure you stick to the plan. At the end of everything i want her dead." He said hanging up the call.

Jack yelled out in annoyance hitting his hand in the chair in front of him. "I have to formulate plan and set trap for them."

He dialed some numbers on his phone while it ring profusely with no response. His heat ran a mile, "Whitney pick up." He yelled smashing the phone against the car window.


Jack pressed his lip tightly against Whitney lip. His arms tightly wrapped around her neck. "I need you to be strong and also be  there for Clio." Jack whispered as he broke the kiss, his head still leaning across her forehead.

Whitney gasped for air staring at his mouth, inhaling his collagen. "I know but I'm going to miss you badly." Her soft voice resounded in his ear.

"I will be back in a few weeks to check on you both. You know I've to look over the company."

"Thanks for always been supportive, my life would have be nothing without you." Whitney appraised him giggling at him with  her 32 sets of teeth.

"Daddy!" Clio screamed from the living room sprinting towards the kitchen, the couples disengage from their hugging position staring at the little girl.

"Daddy," Clio called pausing staring at them with her hands gently rubbing her face. "Nanny said," She broke down in tears, hack ran towards her kneeling in front of her. 

He pulled her closer to his chest, sniffing on her hair. "Baby is okay. You are a princess! Princess don't sob." Jack uttered with his arms around her tiny neck. He pulled her face away from his chest and stared straight into her eyes.

"Always be there for your mom. Don't talk her too much. She is my baby, you should take good care of her and yourself too." Clio nodded at Jack words using her elbow to clean off the tears running down to the tip of her lips.

"Why don't you take us along with you? So you can look after your baby yourself."  Jack scoffed at her words.

"Are you kidding me?" His husky voice demanded with Whitney laughing her ass out. "Jack you will miss your flight. You have twenty minutes left for you to be at the airport."

Jack heaved down a heavy sigh swallowing the lump hanging in his throat. He stands on his feet giving a last glance at baby Clio.

"Alright," Jack said drawing in his breath. "I would loved for you both to stay behind but..."

"No but, I and Clio will be following you to the airport." Whitney interrupt him.

Few minutes later, they were in the car with Whitney driving the car. "Mom, we've a new aunty over there. Dad?" Clio called for him to chimed in.

"That we shouldn't discuss, but a lady almost hit Clio with her car." Whitney lost control as she hastily placed her foot on the brake. "Who the hell was that?" Whitney facial expressions changes immediately from bright to vengeful face. "What was she doing outside?"

Jack watched her speak, "we were taking a walk when Clio ran off to the road." But anyway, that's bygone.


Rebeecca strides out of her room down the stairs only for her to see Clinton smiling at her. She returned the smile. "I come to check on you last night but you were asleep." Clinton uttered as he removed the handglove from his palm.

"Yeah, I was asleep." Rebeecca stuttered darting her eyes away from his.

"I have a surprise for you." He said blushing. Rebecca face beamed with smile. "What surprise?" She demanded in a soft voice but he walked to her grabing her arms, he dragged her along.

They walked outside to a abandoned hall. Rebecca paused stating at him then to the hall. "What are we doing here?" She ask in anxiety. But he only let out a smile saying, "why don't we go in first?"

They got in with Clinton pushing the door open for Rebecca. Rebecca got in and was startled by the darkness in there. "Here is dark." She muttered in a low voice but got no response. She heard the creaking sound of the door closing. She turned back and flinched.

"Clinton?" She called feeling scared. Why would him do this? What is he planning?

"Clinton, please open this door." She cried out hitting on the door loudly. When she got no response, , she slides down heaving down a heavy sigh.

"Whatever Clinton is planning, I believe it is for good." She said drawing her knee closer to her chin. She buried her face in her knee expecting the worst.

Suddenly after 40 minutes, a smile light emanate from the room. Rebecca slowly raise her head to see a projector at the stage. A figure was walking towards her, each steps the figure take send fears into her heart.

She bites her bottom lip hardly, shutting tight her eyes but fluttered it open when a hand gently touched her.

"Becca," Her face beamed with smile cos she recognized the voice and the aura. "Yes," She responded with a lot of excitement on her face.

"Come with me, there's a play I organized for you.i hope you like it." "What type of play?" Rebecca asked clutching her hands tightly around his arms.

"You will see to that when we got there." Rebeecca seems excited about what would happen in the next few minutes.

"Alright then." She hummed walking slowly each time stealing a glance at him. They arrived at a spot where wooden plastic chairs were neatly arranged.

Clinton offered her to sit down as he fidgeted with his finger. A dim light appeared at the center of the hall. The light was visible enough to watch the  show. "I hope is not an horror movie." She said clinging to him but he resist her by shrugging her hands off him.

He clapped and the projector was beamed with light and character showing.

"Rebeecca, I prayed you like the play." Rebecca smile at him. "I'm going to love it not just like."

** In the history of China during the tang dynasty. The emperor through his Regent  Yao was able to defeat an empire.

In a bid to reward the Regent for a job welldone, he arranged a marriage between the fallen empire princess and the Regent.

* But the princess never loved him because of the way her family was framed for treason and murdered.

*Several years later, the princess start developing feeling for the Regent but was afraid to admit it because she think doing that would warrant her betraying her family.

*There is Bai, a powerful Noble daughter who had a crush on the Regent. It really pissed her off when the emperor had annulled her engagement with the Regent.

    * She planned to get back at Yang who was the princess and thus set a trap for her. Yang took the bait and was ambushed by assassins,  when they set their armor and arrow to attack her, the Regent appeared taking 24 arrows on behalf of her. But before he collapsed, he ensure he hit on Yang  such that she wouldn't know that he was the one that had help her.

*Welcome to the play and please enjoy. (End of narration.)

Fei: "mistress," She paused staring at Yang whose beauty was reflecting in the golden mirror.

Yang: heaved down a sigh, swirling around to check on Fei.

Fei: "mistress, shouldn't you be glad? You've a man who took 24 arrows for you."

Yang: keeping mute, "why would he do that?" She questioned smirking her face.

Fei: "ssh... We should go check on him."

**They arrived at the Regent chamber and their presence was announced.

Yang: starring at Yao, she hummed, "I heard you take some arrows instead of me? Why would a Regent commit such act because of me?"

Yao: starring at her, wincing in pain."who told you that? I'd fight the wind rather than doing such a thing for you. But anyway I'm ready to take tons of them."

Yang:"If you die soon, isn't my fault." She said with a mean look but actually she never meant those words.

Yao: "then, there's no harm in bringing you along with me." Yang smirked at his words.

Yang: "why would you want to take me along with you? Do I look like your property?"

Yao: "I will take you along with me in order for me to take spear on your behalf." Yao said with a smirk on his face.

Yang:"Arrg..." She feigned annoyance. "Then please don't die."

**(end of play.)

Rebeecca chuckled at Yang words, mimicking her in her tone. "Then, please don't die." "That sound ridiculous." Rebeecca whined rubbing her palms together.

"Isn't she cruel?" Clinton inquired, Rebecca stared at him. "No, she's just trying to be strong."

"Being strong is rudeness?" He gave a sarcastic questions.

"No, being strong is trying to make him understand the pains of her losing her family through his hands." Rebeecca tried to explain further but Clinton rest his head on his shoulder.

"Do you like the play?" His questions brings smiles on Rebecca face. Her mood lightened up. "What if I said..." She paused peering into his eyes.

Clinton observed her lips, waiting for her to say something.


Jack arrived at Los Angeles, he passed a call across to his chauffer earlier who was already on the wait for him. Jack recognized the white mercenary as he walked towards it. He jerked the door opened looking at the chauffer from the back seat. "Wellington hotel." His mean voice resounded in the chauffeur ear as he start the engine and drives off at a great speed.

"I need you to watch his every movement and inform me of his any stupid plan." Jack said on the phone.

"Eric is a pain in my ass, he is going to ruin the plan. We can't just kill her like that." Jack said over the phone to Tyler who probably was fuming with anger on the other hand.

"Warn Eric, he shouldn't touch her. I love her, I will give you what you want but I do not wish for her to be hurt." Jack explained in a pleading tone.

"I warned you not to fell in love, idiot. Your falling love will ruined our plans." Tyler yelled sucking out all the air in his lungs.  "It's better she's dead to make the work easier for us and I heard Daniel is alive."

Jack paused his lip in a firm line, staying at the blank space in front of him. "I heard that, Eric notified me about that. "

"So what's your plan?" Tyler questioned in a deep voice and his breathing could be heard over the phone.

"He's none of my business. My business is to get the company over for us to share."

"What if he try to come back for Whitney?" Tyler inquired while his laughter could be heard over the line.

"I bet with my life that I'd kill anyone who comes after my other half." Jack curse out amisdt his breath adjusting the collar of his clothes.

"She doesn't worth this, Jack." Tyler paused breathing out the smoke from his cigarettes. "I don't know what's do special about that girl that you'll want to die for."

"She is more than you did think of her but you wouldn't understand." Jack said over the phone.

"Hope you know you are married, your wife and two kids are under my watch."

"How dare you want to threaten me?" Jack yelled out.

"That's the check and balance to keep you in motion. Now listen to me motherfucker," Tyler snarled. "A deviation from the plan and I swear down that your last bie will have to go down sheol and nothing would ever stop that."

Jack breath down licking his lower lips with his right hand tightly wrapped around the phone on his ear.

"What about me showing them your wedding pics? You and your little princess?" Tyler whined. "Now I got to go, make sure you stick to the plan. At the end of everything i want her dead." He said hanging up the call.

Jack yelled out in annoyance hitting his hand in the chair in front of him. "I have to formulate plan and set trap for them."

He dialed some numbers on his phone while it ring profusely with no response. His heat ran a mile, "Whitney pick up." He yelled smashing the phone against the car window.