
Chapter 57

Daniel wakes up from bed panting heavily after his dreams. Why do his past keep hunting him? He knows he was wrong back then but now he realized his mistake and he is ready to make up for it.

He sat on his bed, glancing at the watch beside his bedstand, hissing at the same time. He slipped his fingers into his hair messing them up. A strange wave of despair washed over his face as his brow squinted.

He exhaled loudly dragging his butt out of the bed. "I got to go to work." Shrugging his head, he tugged off the shirt strapping on his soft skin.

Breaking his concentration, his phone rang, "dring," His beautiful icy eyes lurked to the position where the phone was kept. He swallowed the lump in his throat and walked to pick the phone up. "Daniel, on the phone," he paused awaiting the response of the caller.

"Oh, okay." He said hanging up the call. Arriving at the bathroom door, he jerked the door opened while he whirled around only to see the reflection of his miserable self in the mirror opposite him.

He pour a lot of shampoo on his hair while he ran his finger through them giving it a thorough wash.

Moment later, he was out of the bathroom. Water dripping down from his neck down to his body. A towel was neatly wrapped around his waist, while his left hand do the cleaning.

He stripped off the towel from his waist revealing his long manhood. "This should have be for Whitney alone." He cursed out.


"Mummy will my nanny dress me up like princess Barbie while i walk round the house? " Clio said with a pleading tone while Whitney smiles at her. "Of course, baby. You love being a Barbie?"

"Yes mother," "fine, daddy is going to get you a princess ball gown."

"Yes... Mum and daddy is the best." Clio said with glee in her voice. Jack   stretched forth his hands taking Clio hands in his hands as he placed a light kiss.

"How about we go for a cinema? On your birthday for a Barbie watch?" Jack suggested while Clio face beamed with smiles.

"You are the best Jack! Thanks for always being a supportive and caring husband and father."  Whitney appreciated Jack giving him a tight hug.

"Happy family," Clio chimmed. "Happy family we are indeed." Jack and Whitney both chorused. Jack rushed towards Whitney as he lift her up, placing a light kiss on her forehead. "You should have give that to mummy." Clio uttered. "Clio!" Whitney called out in surprise.

"Any problem?" Clio inquired with her beautiful sets of teeth displayed. "You talk more than your age. That's the problem darling." Whitney wheezed. "Then, maybe I took after you Mommy since daddy is so quiet."

Jack burst out laughing at the duo. "Hey Whitney sweetie, what do you take our little princess for?"

"I doubt as much darling." Whitney replied follow by a scoff while she cleared off the table.

"Nanny, Nanny, over to here." Whitney called. "Now honey, you have to go to nanny. Mummy and daddy have some important conversation to talk about." Clio nodded her head and walked towards her nanny while she ran back to jack. "Daddy, can I get a goodnight peck?"

"Yes darling." Jack said sliding to her height. He blew the kiss at her and place it on her forehead.


"Cliton," Rebecca called while cliton whirled such that they were looking at each. "How about we watch movies together at the Cinema?"

"That sound great." Cliton replied walking towards her. "Thanks for everything, Rebecca."

"You're welcome but I don't like it when you thank me. You really worth more than that." Rebecca said while cliton took her hands in his staring into her eyes.

"You have a wonderful pairs of eyes and a clean and beautiful heart." Rebecca blushed at his words, giggling at him. "And you... You've got a nice voice which melt a broken heart. Anytime I heard your voice I always feel relaxed and calm. Thanks for accepting my help."

"Hmm," Cliton heaved down a heavy sigh averting his gaze from her's. "Rebecca we should talk about business, have you find any information regarding Daniel?"

Rebecca sucked in lower lip staring straight into his eyes while she stammered, "no... But," 

"Never mind, I'm sorry that I'm making you doing some of the stuff that ought to have be done by me." Cliton said.

"I never complained, just give me some times and I will figure it out."


Mr Smith emerged behind them while Rebecca sight him first. "Good morning sir." She greeted.

"Good morning dear."

"Thanks star you are here. Breakfast is ready." Rebecca announced.""it your favorite dish sir."

"Oh, how do you know my favorite dish?" Mr Smith whined  looking at cliton. Cliton smiled at him staring at Rebecca who returned the smile giggling at him while fishing the food.

"Hum..." Mr. Smith drawled giving Rebecca a sweet smile. "Whoa!" He exclaimed swallowing the food in his mouth.

"You are such a great cook."

"Thank you sir." Rebecca replied eating her food. Cliton choked on his food while Rebecca rushed and pour some water in a glass cup offering him. "Here."

Cliton  accept the cup from her and gulped them down. "Thank you." He muttered.

"You are welcome." Rebecca said blushing while she shyly stared at her food playing with the spoon. Mr. Smith cleared his throat gulping a glass of water.

"You two are looking great. I love the understanding that exist among you  two. Please keep it on and do not permit anything to come in between you both."

The ringing of the phone  break their conversation as Rebecca excused herself from their midst going to the spot where her phone was kept.

"Hello,"Rebecca respond while she stared at me. Smith and Cliton  moving away from their sight. She went to a secluded place.

Few minute after, she walked towards the table and excuses herself. "I have to be at work now. I will be back later in the day."

Mr. Smith stared at her and asked if everything was okay." Yes sir. Everything is okay but I just need to sort somethings out."

"Let me drop you off."

"Oh no, never mind. Stay with daddy and keep him accompany." Rebecca suggested taking her car keys.

"You should permit him. I was about going to my room to catch some sleep. Awwn..." He yawned.

Clinton stared at  her and stand on his feet. "Let go." He said taking her hands along with his.

Rebecca was overjoyed as Clinton wrapped his hands on her's. "The board of directors have called for a meeting. They need me to make a crucial decision."

"That's great. I'm so proud of you. You are the best girl in the world." "And I feel flattered by your words ,it sends goosebumps all over me."

Getting to the car, Clinton rushed and open the other side for Rebecca while Rebecca hopped in. He went back to the driver side slamming the door after he was seated.

"Thanks Clinton. You just treat me like a queen."

They drives through the road not talking to each other. While back drives out with Whitney and Clio at the back seat. Clio waved at Clinton through the mirror  while Clinton attention was on the road.

Whitney placed her hand on Jack on the steering giggling at him. "Jack thanks for always being there for me through the thick and thin."

"Never mind. You are equal to my life and I will always try my best to ensure that you and our daughter is properly taken care of."

"Daddy look at this black car, I love the man driving the car. He is going to be a nice man."

"How would you know if someone was going to be a nice man when you haven't know him deeply." Jack questioned smiling at his little princess.

"I guess so." Clio answered fiddling with her fingers.


Daniel get to the office while he glanced down at the report in front of him. "Rebecca Martin." He pondered over the name. "Sounds familiar." He muttered flipping the page of the documents while his secretary smiles at him.

"So are you saying this company are filthy fit to boom our company?" He demand in a serious tone.

"Yes sir."

"Send our business proposal to their company inviting them to come and buy part of our shares. I'd like to invest with them."

"You may take your leave." He said dismissing her while he took his phone glancing at the screen.

Everytime he did  take his phone and glance at Whitney photo. A message popped up on his phone and Clinton photo showed. His heart jump a mile.

"Hope you're satisfied with his body down in the earth below? I know you are at peace now that he's gone."

"Fuck..."He stuttered with his trembling fingers and flinched back shivering on his chair. "Clin..ton?"He mumbled, tears pouring like a river down to his cheeks.

Another message popped in,**"do you think she would accept you back to her life? She would never forgive you. You almost destroy her life and now she move on, living a happy life without you."**

 Before the blink of his eyes, another message popped in.**"your father would have to pay for your sins, though he's already married and he'll be expecting his first fruit sooner from now."** "no....." He screamed louder throwing away the files on his table while he fells on the floor crying like a baby. 

"Father, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the pains I've caused you."

The door parted open a little with his secretary peeping at him. She contemplated on whether to move closer to him or not. "But her boss is broken. He also look damn hot."

She closes the door back gently as she went to her seat. Maybe if she goes closer to him and he shouts on her or dismiss her from work.

Daniel cried his heart out, gritting his teeth as he hit his head hard on the floor.

"You shouldn't do that sir," Daniel raises his head and met the eyes of his secretary. "Take this sir and wiped away your tears. Someone is here to see you."

"I don't want to see anyone." He yelled.

"Sir..." She tried to speak further.

"You heard me..." He yelled throwing his footwear at her. The secretary feel bad at that and have to face the woman who was dressing nice in her office wear with a painted lip. "My boss is kind of... I beseech you shouldn't be offended. You should come back later. "

"I understand, but hope you told him my name?"

"No, he didn't give me the chance to utter anything." The secretary said looking down as she was down from Daniel attitude towards her. She was trying to suppress her tears as the woman swirl around. The tears comes falling washing away the powder on her face.

Moment later,

Daniel regained his self as he struggled to stand on his feet leaning in the table. "Father, I promise to work harder. I will ensure that I bought back your castle and also bring back your business back to their feet. I will surely proved to you that I'm a change person now." He heaved, placing his left hand on his hips as a support.


"Some entrepreneur can be lazy and rude sometimes. Can't believe I had to waste my time going to a useless entrepreneur office without be attend to." Whitney cursed within her breath.

"Sorry about that, do you know if he was busy?" Jack said out if concern.

"Even, if he was busy just like you've said. He should have know that, I was here for a business proposal. Anyway, that is by the way. I'm giving up. I will search elsewhere. "

"The world can be funny sometimes and that is the most weird thing on earth."

Just as Jack was about to turned the car to his right, Daniel emerges from the building staring up into the sky.

(You can move to the next chapter)

Daniel's POV


I woke up from bed panting heavily after my dreams. Why does my past keep hunting me? I knew that I was wrong back then but now I realized my mistake and I am ready to make up for it.

I sat on my bed, glancing at the watch beside my bedstand, hissing at the same time. I slipped my fingers into my hair messing them up. A strange wave of despair washed over his face as his brow squinted.

I exhaled loudly dragging his butt out of the bed. "I got to go to work." Shrugging his head, he tugged off the shirt strapping on his soft skin.

Breaking his concentration, his phone rang, "dring," His beautiful icy eyes lurked to the position where the phone was kept. He swallowed the lump in his throat and walked to pick the phone up. "Daniel, on the phone," he paused awaiting the response of the caller.

"Oh, okay." He said hanging up the call. Arriving at the bathroom door, he jerked the door opened while he whirled around only to see the reflection of his miserable self in the mirror opposite him.

He pour a lot of shampoo on his hair while he ran his finger through them giving it a thorough wash.

Moment later, he was out of the bathroom. Water dripping down from his neck down to his body. A towel was neatly wrapped around his waist, while his left hand do the cleaning.

He stripped off the towel from his waist revealing his long manhood. "This should have be for Whitney alone." He cursed out.


"Mummy will my nanny dress me up like princess Barbie while i walk round the house? " Clio said with a pleading tone while Whitney smiles at her. "Of course, baby. You love being a Barbie?"

"Yes mother," "fine, daddy is going to get you a princess ball gown."

"Yes... Mum and daddy is the best." Clio said with glee in her voice. Jack   stretched forth his hands taking Clio hands in his hands as he placed a light kiss.

"How about we go for a cinema? On your birthday for a Barbie watch?" Jack suggested while Clio face beamed with smiles.

"You are the best Jack! Thanks for always being a supportive and caring husband and father."  Whitney appreciated Jack giving him a tight hug.

"Happy family," Clio chimmed. "Happy family we are indeed." Jack and Whitney both chorused. Jack rushed towards Whitney as he lift her up, placing a light kiss on her forehead. "You should have give that to mummy." Clio uttered. "Clio!" Whitney called out in surprise.

"Any problem?" Clio inquired with her beautiful sets of teeth displayed. "You talk more than your age. That's the problem darling." Whitney wheezed. "Then, maybe I took after you Mommy since daddy is so quiet."

Jack burst out laughing at the duo. "Hey Whitney sweetie, what do you take our little princess for?"

"I doubt as much darling." Whitney replied follow by a scoff while she cleared off the table.

"Nanny, Nanny, over to here." Whitney called. "Now honey, you have to go to nanny. Mummy and daddy have some important conversation to talk about." Clio nodded her head and walked towards her nanny while she ran back to jack. "Daddy, can I get a goodnight peck?"

"Yes darling." Jack said sliding to her height. He blew the kiss at her and place it on her forehead.


"Cliton," Rebecca called while cliton whirled such that they were looking at each. "How about we watch movies together at the Cinema?"

"That sound great." Cliton replied walking towards her. "Thanks for everything, Rebecca."

"You're welcome but I don't like it when you thank me. You really worth more than that." Rebecca said while cliton took her hands in his staring into her eyes.

"You have a wonderful pairs of eyes and a clean and beautiful heart." Rebecca blushed at his words, giggling at him. "And you... You've got a nice voice which melt a broken heart. Anytime I heard your voice I always feel relaxed and calm. Thanks for accepting my help."

"Hmm," Cliton heaved down a heavy sigh averting his gaze from her's. "Rebecca we should talk about business, have you find any information regarding Daniel?"

Rebecca sucked in lower lip staring straight into his eyes while she stammered, "no... But," 

"Never mind, I'm sorry that I'm making you doing some of the stuff that ought to have be done by me." Cliton said.

"I never complained, just give me some times and I will figure it out."


Mr Smith emerged behind them while Rebecca sight him first. "Good morning sir." She greeted.

"Good morning dear."

"Thanks star you are here. Breakfast is ready." Rebecca announced.""it your favorite dish sir."

"Oh, how do you know my favorite dish?" Mr Smith whined  looking at cliton. Cliton smiled at him staring at Rebecca who returned the smile giggling at him while fishing the food.

"Hum..." Mr. Smith drawled giving Rebecca a sweet smile. "Whoa!" He exclaimed swallowing the food in his mouth.

"You are such a great cook."

"Thank you sir." Rebecca replied eating her food. Cliton choked on his food while Rebecca rushed and pour some water in a glass cup offering him. "Here."

Cliton  accept the cup from her and gulped them down. "Thank you." He muttered.

"You are welcome." Rebecca said blushing while she shyly stared at her food playing with the spoon. Mr. Smith cleared his throat gulping a glass of water.

"You two are looking great. I love the understanding that exist among you  two. Please keep it on and do not permit anything to come in between you both."

The ringing of the phone  break their conversation as Rebecca excused herself from their midst going to the spot where her phone was kept.

"Hello,"Rebecca respond while she stared at me. Smith and Cliton  moving away from their sight. She went to a secluded place.

Few minute after, she walked towards the table and excuses herself. "I have to be at work now. I will be back later in the day."

Mr. Smith stared at her and asked if everything was okay." Yes sir. Everything is okay but I just need to sort somethings out."

"Let me drop you off."

"Oh no, never mind. Stay with daddy and keep him accompany." Rebecca suggested taking her car keys.

"You should permit him. I was about going to my room to catch some sleep. Awwn..." He yawned.

Clinton stared at  her and stand on his feet. "Let go." He said taking her hands along with his.

Rebecca was overjoyed as Clinton wrapped his hands on her's. "The board of directors have called for a meeting. They need me to make a crucial decision."

"That's great. I'm so proud of you. You are the best girl in the world." "And I feel flattered by your words ,it sends goosebumps all over me."

Getting to the car, Clinton rushed and open the other side for Rebecca while Rebecca hopped in. He went back to the driver side slamming the door after he was seated.

"Thanks Clinton. You just treat me like a queen."

They drives through the road not talking to each other. While back drives out with Whitney and Clio at the back seat. Clio waved at Clinton through the mirror  while Clinton attention was on the road.

Whitney placed her hand on Jack on the steering giggling at him. "Jack thanks for always being there for me through the thick and thin."

"Never mind. You are equal to my life and I will always try my best to ensure that you and our daughter is properly taken care of."

"Daddy look at this black car, I love the man driving the car. He is going to be a nice man."

"How would you know if someone was going to be a nice man when you haven't know him deeply." Jack questioned smiling at his little princess.

"I guess so." Clio answered fiddling with her fingers.


Daniel get to the office while he glanced down at the report in front of him. "Rebecca Martin." He pondered over the name. "Sounds familiar." He muttered flipping the page of the documents while his secretary smiles at him.

"So are you saying this company are filthy fit to boom our company?" He demand in a serious tone.

"Yes sir."

"Send our business proposal to their company inviting them to come and buy part of our shares. I'd like to invest with them."

"You may take your leave." He said dismissing her while he took his phone glancing at the screen.

Everytime he did  take his phone and glance at Whitney photo. A message popped up on his phone and Clinton photo showed. His heart jump a mile.

"Hope you're satisfied with his body down in the earth below? I know you are at peace now that he's gone."

"Fuck..."He stuttered with his trembling fingers and flinched back shivering on his chair. "Clin..ton?"He mumbled, tears pouring like a river down to his cheeks.

Another message popped in,**"do you think she would accept you back to her life? She would never forgive you. You almost destroy her life and now she move on, living a happy life without you."**

 Before the blink of his eyes, another message popped in.**"your father would have to pay for your sins, though he's already married and he'll be expecting his first fruit sooner from now."** "no....." He screamed louder throwing away the files on his table while he fells on the floor crying like a baby. 

"Father, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the pains I've caused you."

The door parted open a little with his secretary peeping at him. She contemplated on whether to move closer to him or not. "But her boss is broken. He also look damn hot."

She closes the door back gently as she went to her seat. Maybe if she goes closer to him and he shouts on her or dismiss her from work.

Daniel cried his heart out, gritting his teeth as he hit his head hard on the floor.

"You shouldn't do that sir," Daniel raises his head and met the eyes of his secretary. "Take this sir and wiped away your tears. Someone is here to see you."

"I don't want to see anyone." He yelled.

"Sir..." She tried to speak further.

"You heard me..." He yelled throwing his footwear at her. The secretary feel bad at that and have to face the woman who was dressing nice in her office wear with a painted lip. "My boss is kind of... I beseech you shouldn't be offended. You should come back later. "

"I understand, but hope you told him my name?"

"No, he didn't give me the chance to utter anything." The secretary said looking down as she was down from Daniel attitude towards her. She was trying to suppress her tears as the woman swirl around. The tears comes falling washing away the powder on her face.

Moment later,

Daniel regained his self as he struggled to stand on his feet leaning in the table. "Father, I promise to work harder. I will ensure that I bought back your castle and also bring back your business back to their feet. I will surely proved to you that I'm a change person now." He heaved, placing his left hand on his hips as a support.


"Some entrepreneur can be lazy and rude sometimes. Can't believe I had to waste my time going to a useless entrepreneur office without be attend to." Whitney cursed within her breath.

"Sorry about that, do you know if he was busy?" Jack said out if concern.

"Even, if he was busy just like you've said. He should have know that, I was here for a business proposal. Anyway, that is by the way. I'm giving up. I will search elsewhere. "

"The world can be funny sometimes and that is the most weird thing on earth."

Just as Jack was about to turned the car to his right, Daniel emerges from the building staring up into the sky.