
Chapter 51

"I do not understand what this document is trying to explain, can you explain it to me?" Daniel asked in suspense.

"This document explains that you will be my slave for a month and you do not have any right to whatever your have and own until your slavery is over," Whitney said raising her eyebrows.

"Slave," of course he was confused and could not understand what she was talking about.

"Do not behave as if you do not understand me. Slavery is what I mean. Meaning you should be my slave for a month," Whitney explained further.

"I should be your slave for a month? Do you even realise what you are talking about? Like, this is so illogical," Daniel spatted out in anger.

"You heard me right my dear ex husband. And I realize what I am saying dear, so it will be good for you if you accept the damn business proposal. Not all that glitters is a nice business proposal."

" But this is not a proposal," Daniel complained.

Whitney laughed. " Well this is a self proposal mister man, " Whitney said sarcastically.

" You talked about business proposal, so why are you giving me a self proposal? I don't even understand why the court accepted to be a part oof your ridiculous problems. They shouldn't have signed for you and you should not have taken this problem to the court. You are so unbelievable."

"You speak like an ignorant fool. Do not mind my manners but I will like to ask this. " What do you know about business proposal, court involvement? You know nothing Daniel. Your brain is empty. You are so empty and you are downfall too Daniel, so you better accept this business proposal. I don't care whether  it's business proposal to you or not, but it is business proposal to me same as self proposal. Do you hear me? Do you understand? Go through it and be quick about it. Please do not waste my time. This is time for business and when business is concerned every other thing has to be forgotten."

" Then forget the case I have with you," Daniel said sensibly.

" You must be kidding me Daniel. I'm not here to play neither am I here to joke. it is hardly a joking time Daniel, be serious," Whitney said looking mean.

Daniel laughed. "Where do I sign? I hope this is not a new scheming and dirty tricky plan made by you to bring me down," Daniel said grudgingly

" Oh my dear mister man, I do not have any reason for now to stoop to your level and plan like your mate."


" Where and where can I sign?" Daniel asked turning the documents to her.

She liked at it. Then she gestured with her hand to a signing space. " I hope you are doing this with your whole heart because once you sign then itmeans we have both concluded onthe proposal. It also means you can not go back on this agreement," she paused. Then she continued, " sign on the two signing space. Then the deal ... I mean the proposal is set to be finalized."

Daniel's hand shaked as he searched his drawer for pen. 

" I have got pen if that is what you are looking for," Whitney said bringing out her pen. She stretched it to him, " have this."

He collected the pen, looking at her obliviously.

" A little thank you can do," Whitney said smiling.

Daniel tried to smile back but his looks gave him away. He began to sign. He signed in the two spaces and stretched his hand, returning the documents back to her. " Have a look at it yourself," he said peacefully.

Whitney went through it. " Well I won't like to make a mistake like you always do. I am very careful and conscious when it comes to business because I can't trust anybody especially not you Daniel." She began flipping through the page. Well everything is in place. The job is done." 

She stood up and stretched out her hand for a handshake.

 Daniel looked at her and her hand. Nothing was making sense. 

"Are you confused?" Whitney asked. " It's not a big deal if we behave like business tycoons, so come on and shake my hand."

Daniel shakes her hand, frowning.

  " I may now take my leave, Daniel," Whitney said as she began to go to the study's room door.

" Where are you going to?" Daniel asked suddenly, making Whitney stop at once.

" To my room," Whitney answered him without turning. " I mean our room."

Daniel shook his head. He could not stand breathing the air that Whitney was breathing, how then would he stand her annoying and irritating presence?

" I can read your mind Daniel, you can't stand me and my suffocating presence, right? You do not need to worry because I have asked your nanny to pack your belongings and send it out of the room, you will no longer be staying in your room is now mine, you can stay in the guest room or perhaps sleep with the maid in their chambers," Whitney said annoyingly.

"That has been my room for ages, you can't kick me out of my room, you can't take my belongings out of my room. I won't watch you do that," Daniel said strictly.

" It seems that you are forgetting that this is my house and I decide what goes on in my house, so if I want your belongings packed out from your room you can't stop me. My decision is final and watch her throw your things out of that room," Whitney said instantly.

Daniel tried to hide his agony and frustration behind a smile. " Your decision is final. This is your house by the way, I have no right to decide what goes on in this house. I'm sorry for even trying to do so."

" Very well then," she said smiling and left the study room. 

At evening ...

Daniel's father Mr. Smith had travelled for a business trip.

Whitney called everyone at home to the dining table. She sat at the head of the dining table.

Daniel was about to seat down before she spoke up. " Where are your manners young boy? " Whitney spoke up interrupting him from sitting down. " Let me make this clear to you, seeing that you do not understand the deal we made earlier. As a slave you are not to sit down before your workers because even your workers have class, compared to you."

" Whitney," Mrs. Felicity called in awe. " You should not say those harsh words to him, remember he's your husband. 

Whitney looked at Felicity then turned to Daniel. Her gaze melted on Daniel who was still standing.

" One more word from you Mrs Felicity and I shall dismiss you," Whitney said rationally.

" It's okay nanny. She's right," Daniel said logically.

" I'm sorry for talking to you like this nanny but I won't tolerate you involving yourself in what you know nothing about. Now everyone sit down and I won't take no for an answer. I want to talk business with you all, so sit down." 

They all hesitantly sat down.

"Today, I'm paying you all off. Your assistance is no more needed here. I'll pay you guys more than you can ever afford and I am dismissing you all this night," Whitney said flat-footed. 

" What are you saying Whitney? You can't dismiss the people my father has brought here to work for us. Who else is going to do the work? You have to think about this, Whitney," Daniel said wanly.

" You are here, you can do the work. You can do every single thing that needs to be done here, we don't need these people, here okay? You are a slave so you going to do every single thing. I don't need them, I need you and maybe your nanny. You understand me? And nothing you say can change this," Whitney said vacantly.

"Please ma'am, please do not take this job away from us, this job is our only hope. How are we going to find a job? We have nowhere to go to, pls, we will be indebted to you, if you don't take this job away from us. Please, do not punish us by taking away our job. How are we going to catter for our family? How are we going to catter for their immediate needs?" a maid said pleadingly.

" I will pay you all handsomely, that even throughout your life, you will never need to work, but I can't leave this job for you. Do you guys really want to end up serving others? Now you have an opportunity for you to be served. You have to take this opportunity, I don't like seeing you guys being at our service at every minute of the day. I want you all to also be a master even if it is for once," Whitney said justly.

She stood at once. "My decision is final and I'm not changing it. A car is waiting for you outside the driver has the money for you all and your services rendered here. You will be paid handsomely just as I have said and you don't need to consider working again because I'll make sure to pay you more than you can ever receive or wish for except for you Nanny Felicity. You are not leaving, your service is still needed. I'm sure Mr Smith won't be happy if you left and I wouldn't be happy, neither will Daniel be. You do not need to worry, the driver will drop you at your various homes."

Whitney began to go.

Daniel was speechless as she dropped to the seat.

Whitney stopped at once. " And who told you to sit down?" she asked observant. " Stand I have not left yet."

Daniel stood and watched Whitney leave.

Afterwards he sat down. He breathed out heavily.

" What has gotten into her?" a maid asked and she sat down in tears.

" Daniel, all this is your fault. You have changed her so badly. It is because of you that she became so mean and rude ever since she came back," nanny Felicity said amidst tears.

Daniel needed to talk to someone. If only him and Clinton were still in good terms,  maybe he would have told Clinton about his problems Whitney was back, she had come back with more than just revenge. She had come to take revenge in the worst way ever. He couldn't think of what to do, all he needed was a friend to talk to but there was no one. Or else he had to think of one.

The maids had always loathed Daniel for his bad behavior and now they loathed him the more.

Days had passed leaving the castle dead and silent like a grave yard. The three of them never related well. All the nanny had to do, was to prepare food and watch the dishes. As for Daniel he took care of all the house chores in the house and outside the house. He cleaned the cars and swept the entire house everyday. He watched the clothes, even ironed the clothes.

 Meanwhile, Whitney was going out for business and whenever she came back home, it was also business all the day long. At dawn she would retire to bed.

Daniel wike around. The sun strained through the pothole and he decided to get up. After his shave, he put on his swim trunks and went up on Deck.

The pool looked blue and inviting and he dived off the rail. As he swam he caught sight of a white capped head some thirty yards in front of him. For a moment he thought it was Nanny Felicity taking an early swim, but this swimmer turned on her back  and he saw it was Whitney.

He increased his speed and overtook her.

" Hello there," he said, treading water. " You are up early."

"And who gave you the right to swim in this pool?" Whitney asked ferociously. " Luckily for you, I was just going back. If not I will have you stand out of the pool."

" Keep me company, let's swim out to that raft," Daniel said ignoring her question.

He was looking at her curiously. She looked so beautiful in the rising sun.

Whitney shook her head.

" Stop blabbering, I want my breakfast. I have a lot of work to get through this morning."

She began to swim towards the cruiser.

Daniel turned and caught up with her.

" It seems you're forgetting that I'm not in charge of the kitchen, anyways, we can have breakfast together."

" I don't like that. You are my slave, therefore I don't eat with slaves."

" So what? I am your slave and I agree and I do not like eating alone, so we have to eat together," Daniel pressurized.

" I do," Whitney said shortly and increased her pace.

They swam to the cruiser together without saying anything. Whitney hoisted herself up the rope ladder that dangled over the side.

She was in a white one-piece swim suit and as she climbed the ladder, water dripping from her, he saw her body as if without clothes.

The sight of her shape under that wet, clinging swim suit turned his mouth dry. It stopped him going up the ladder after her.

He lay on his back in the water and stared up at her.

She ducked under the rail and crossed the deck briskly without looking back, and disappeared into a cabin not far from the lower deck lounge.

He became aware that his heart were pounding.

He suddenly wanted her as he had never wanted any other woman before.

The next three days and nights were torture to him. He was haunted by Whitney. Daniel had her in his mind every hour of the day and most of the night.

He did not know if she sensed the change in him, but Whitney avoided him so cleverly that he only saw her for brief moments, when she was going out for business or eating in the dining.

She nearly drove him crazy with his thoughts about her.

Sometimes, Daniel would go to the swimming pool always hoping to corner Whitney, but he never spotted her.

As he went back into the house, furiously Whitney appeared out of nowhere.

" I have been looking for you since miss Whitney," Daniel said happily after seeing her.

" For what?" Whitney asked frowning.

Daniel hesitated, then shrugging, he said, " nothing, really, but I needed to have a glance at you. Sincerely I was missing you."

Whitney hissed and walked away.

Daniel stood there smiling, as he watched Whitney leave.

Whitney answered a phone call as she left the castle. She went straight to a car waiting for her. She opened the car's door and entered.

" To where ma'am?" the driver asked.

" To the Smith's company," she said as she wore her eye glasses.

Daniel rushed to the kitchen. Nanny Felicity was preparing pudding.

Daniel walked to her.

What is it?" she asked looking at him.

Daniel frowned. " Sometimes, I wonder why I was a fool. I was so foolish to have let my Whitney go. Now I feel so frustrated without her. I feel I have lost everything I ever had."

" Do not feel bad Daniel. You have made a mistake and you can correct your mistake."

" How?" Daniel asked.

" She's still your wife. Apologize to her and she will forgive you."

How could he tell her that he had divorced Whitney? There was no way he was going to tell her.