
Chapter 4


Three months had passed.

Whitney and Daniel seemed to be getting along quite well but it was nothing more than just friendship. Daniel had successfully gained Whitney's trust. He had not forgotten his friend's challenge to him. He had even started making his moved on Whitney, the only problem was that whenever he tried to make his move on her, she would always had a way to turn him down. Daniel did not need to rush things, besides he still had more three whole months remaining. In order to make Whitney feel special and make her trust him the more, he would carry her along to his business dinner dates. Their relationship looked so real to outsiders, that even the press and columnists had started spreading false information about them being a couple.

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One beautiful day, while Whitney was preparing dinner for herself, Daniel called her telephone line. Whitney rushed out of the kitchen, to pick the phone call...

"Hello," she greeted.

"My senior colleague is throwing a huge birthday party tomorrow night, I wanted to ask you if you could accompany me to the party as my date." Daniel explained to her.

"I can't Daniel you know how shy and timid I become whenever I go out with you. And there are always rich people and medias all over. Since it is a big event, I advise you to take some other girl who is more classy along instead of me," Whitney suggested. Whitney had already started developing romantic feelings for Daniel and she really wanted to get rid of those feelings. She wanted to avoid locking hands with him, she needed to avoid having his hand around her waist, she wanted to stop those feelings she felt.

"Whitney please just this once, I promise," Daniel pleaded.

"Oh please stop with your promises, you said the same thing last time I went with you as your date to your business party," she said in a low and annoyed tone.

"Just this once Whitney, please. Remember you are my friend and friends always help each other," he said in a convincing manner.

Whitney felt a tringe of pain in her heart when she heard him say they were friends but what did she expect him to call their relationship, besides she was the one that made it clear to him that they were only friends and nothing else.

"Alright I will tag along with you but just this once."  She complied.

Daniel released a sigh of relief.

"I prepared a dress for you to wear to the party, it will be sent to you by tomorrow," he said, looking at his phone.

"How could you order a dress for me without knowing my size?" She asked him over the phone call in disbelief.

"I knew the dress would fit you perfectly when I saw it in the mall yesterday, that was the reason I ordered for them," Daniel replied, blushing in his dark room, like an idiot.

"You are unbelievable. Tomorrow when I put on the gown, we will know if your assumption was right or wrong," she said, her lips pouring in a challenging way.

"Okay, we will see about that." He replied in a challenging time. Daniel always believed that he was the right person, so in his heart in had already concluded that the dress would fit her.

Gradually, gradually, the day passed by.

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Early in the morning, Whitney heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll be there in a second," she shouted, walking towards the door. She peeped at the door hole and saw that it was the delivery man. She opened the door at once.

"Hi," she greeted.

"Hi," he replied back..

"I have a package for you ma'am," he added, giving her a big rectangular box.

"Please sign over here," he said, pointing to his big book of records.

After signing, the delivery man left at once.

Whitney walked into the living room and opened the box. "From the designers!" Whitney exclaimed, her eyes widely opened.

The dress was really expensive. It was red and the diamond stones on it glittered even in broad daylight. She had already fallen in love with the dress, she ran into the bathroom to try them on.

"I will be heart broken, if this dress doesn't fit me," Whitney spoke to herself still staring at the lovely expensive dress through the mirror.

Luckily for her, the dress fitted just perfectly well. Her contours looked more enhanced in the gown and her breasts swelled up. (I guess I should stop here for now, Daniel would do me a favour of giving us the details himself).

A while after she had finished trying on the dress, Daniel called her.

"Hey Whitney, have you received the dress."

"Yes I have," she said, plaintively.

"Why do you sound like that?" Daniel asked in a worried tone.

"Don't ask me any question."

"You have to see it for yourself," she added in what seemed like a sad tone. Obviously she was pranking him.

"The dinner is at nine  but I will over by eight p.m. If the dress doesn't fit, I'll order for another dress," his words were really considerate. Whitney's words made him think that the dress wasn't good.


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The hands of the clock soon struck eight.

Daniel parked in front of Whitney's house and alighted from the car.

He reached to her door and pressed the doorbell, he rang the bell for some minutes but no one came to open the door.

He gently pushed the door open and walked in.

"Whitney?" he called out her name in a low tone but she didn't answer him. Daniel walked up the stairs and opened the door to her bedroom.

The image he saw made him go hard down there. Whitney was in an underwear, a bra and panties.

She was applying some make-up with an earpiece plugged in to her ear, perhaps that was the reason she did not hear him knocking and calling out to her name.

Daniel had it in mind to turn back and leave the room, pretending that nothing happened but his legs had made its own decision. His legs walked forward to her direction. When he reached her side, he unconsciously placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Who are you?" Whitney screamed out in fright, as soon as she felt a hand on her. She turned around and saw it was Daniel.

"How did you enter my house and who gave you the permission to enter my room," she asked in a loud tone, while grabbing a bedsheet and wrapping all over her body.

"Whoa take it easy, it's all your fault. I rang the doorbell for some time but you did not come to answer, so I thought something must have gone wrong, I only rushed up here to check if you were doing okay."

"Even at that, it was wrong of you to come in without permission, at least  you could have knocked before coming into my room," she said, still adjusting the blanket on her body.

"Alright, it's all my fault, I am sorry," he apologized, not wanting to continue to argue with her. Daniel looked at her with an unexplainable desire in his eyes. "Did the dress fit you?" He asked in a hoarse tone.

"Yes it did," Whitney replied in a shaky voice. The closeness between their bodies, made her fidget.

"Whitney?" He called out her name once more, then he bent down and took control of her lips. The way he kisses was kind of confusing, at a point the kiss was calm and looked like it was driven by passion. At one point the kiss became fierce, and one could clearly tell it was driven by pure lust. The kiss would have lasted for a long time but Whitney pushed him away from her before crazy things could happen. Daniel's senses fully flooded back into him and then he realized he had just made a huge mistake. "I'm sorry Whitney, I didn't mean to kiss you, I just can't tell what came over me."

"I understand and I forgive you please, go down and wait for me, I will join you soon."

"Ok," he said, the he walked out of the room, with his head facing downward.

At least, Whitney sending him away from her, would give him enough to time to calm his little brother down. Daniel waited for her in the sitting room. Funny how Whitney's soon turned into a whole thirty minutes. 


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Finally Whitney walked down the stairs looking so effortlessly beautiful. The odour of her perfume filled the room as she stepped in. Daniel stare at the beautiful creature walking towards blankly. The gown exposed nearly half of her breast, there was a long slit in the gown that exposed her thigh. Her hips swung from side to side as she walked. There were small, circular, sizeable openings around the waist of the gown, she was ablaze with shiny diamonds. Her look had an overpowering effect and her movement seductive flashes that could dazzle anyone.

Whitney saw the way Daniel was staring at her and it made her feel quite uneasy.

"We are getting late for the party," Whitney spoke up, in order to bring him back from his reverie.

"Uhh, yes you are right," he said to her. "Ladies first," he added, gesturing his hands towards the door.

Whitney smiled at him, then walked out, Daniel followed hurriedly behind her. He rushed and opened the door for her. "Stop being too much of a gentleman," Whitney said to him, then climbed into the car.

"Ok ma'am," Daniel replied and laughed.

He got into his Rolls Royce, which was nearly as big as a battle ship and drove off.

When they arrived at the place of event, Whitney clung to Daniel for support. Seeing how big the event was, her knees felt weak all of a sudden. She felt as if she had been caught up in some Hollywood epic when the celebrant walked down the red carpeted steps to welcome both Daniel and her. "And who is this damsel beside you?" Mr Jones, the celebrant asked Daniel, staring at Whitney's body with lustful eyes.

"This damsel here is my woman, do you had better get take your eyes off of her," Daniel said to him in a much pleasant tone, even he had wanted to say that sentence to him in a more violent tone.

Daniel wrapped his hands around Whitney's waist in a possessive way, in order to send the message to Jones clearly. Why he became this possessive wasn't quite understandable or was he feeling jealous? Many other men had shamelessly drooled over Whitney and Daniel had noticed it. Daniel was annoyed or I would rather say angered. He wrapped his hand on Whitney's waist all through the party, he was not going to let her off his side. Meanwhile Daniel did not have any idea that what he was doing to Whitney was tormenting her badly..  His hands on her waist made her sweat profusely.. It was finally time for a gender opposite dance. Daniel did not plan on asking Whitney to dance with him because he knew that definitely she would reject it but when he was a guy, not far from his age approaching Whitney, his eyes darkened.

"Hi, would you love to dance with me?" Asked the other guy.

"No, I don't dance," she replied.

"You need not worry, I will guide you through.." he assured her and grabbed her by the waist

"She said she doesn't want to or are you deaf," Daniel interrupted. He had been watching the whole scene from a corner and it really angered him.

"I was not talking to you cousin, so stay out of this," the other guy warned.

"Never in your life should you call me that," Daniel retorted.

"Cousin," Whitney muttered. She immediately remembered Daniel saying something about not liking him. She knew having anything to do with Daniel's cousin would make Daniel angry, so she spoke up before anything would go wrong.

"Please leave from here, I and Daniel are together." She told him in a warning tone.

"Ohh, I see," Marcus, Daniel's cousin replied.

"I will leave you for now but we will still see each other," he added, then he took her hand and placed a soft kiss at the back of her palm, then he left. Daniel wanted to rush after him and push him but he held back himself.

Daniel groaned in anger, "I think it is time for me to get you home," he spoke to her but with eyes still focused on the direction Marcus had taken.

"Alright. I don't feel so good too." She replied.

Daniel led her to the car and they left immediately.

When he reached her place, she came down from the car. "Would you like to come in and have a drink with me?" Whitney asked him.

Daniel paused for a moment, then he answered, "yeah, sure I would love to."

Whitney nodded and walked to the house while Daniel followed behind.