
Chapter 37

"A waiter is passing. Collect the tray from him, the document is inside it," she said. "Clinton, the camcorder has not been placed in a good position, please fix it well. I do not want my view to be obstructed. Do not worry yourself because Daniel is not in his  right sense, he will not figure out what we have planned."

"I know but I am just worried, something just happened here, moment ago precisely.." he paused, looking at the waiter.

"Excuse me," he said and walked to the waiter, then he collected the tray from him. "I guess this tray is for me. Thanks," he said and walked away.

"You just collected the tray, right?" Whitney asked him.

"Yes, I did," he answered, adjusting the camcorder. "I put in a clearer angle, can you see clearly now?"

"Yes," she said. "Now get to work. I would advise you to take both files along. It is not a bad idea to get his signature on both his document and our fake documents too. Please Clinton be careful not to ruin our plans. Take care," she said her last words to him, then she clicked off.

Clinton still wanted to tell her things but she had already clicked off. He breathed in three times. I mustered some courage and walked to Daniel's office but funny enough, Daniel wasn't there. He stood beside there trying to eavesdrop on Eric but he was not lucky enough to capture anything.

Eric stood up from his chair and headed for the door. Sighting Eric, Clinton moved away from the door, far from Daniel's office.

Eric came out and made his way to the elevator.

Clinton followed him behind but he was sensible enough. Luckily for him, he had Eric's last words.

"I tried hard but our plan failed. I am exiting the building. I can not waste anymore time on a fruitless work. I have other people thayto do this. Our plan in actual fact is dull and it can not be that helpful to us. I have others things to do."

Eric hung up and pressed some buttons of the elevator. It opened and he entered immediately. 

Clinton winked. He rushed back to the the office. He wondered if Daniel was ever in the office, before he could knock, the door opened. 

"Mr Clinton," a female called. She was  Daniel's personal assistant. "I guess you want to meet with Daniel please wait a few minutes for him, he is in the gents, he will soon be out. He has a slight headache and he has been vomiting since but do not worry, he will soon attend to you guys," she informed them and left at once.

Clint walked into Daniel's office and found his way to a seat, then he sat down. He waited for Daniel patiently and calmly.

Daniel came out of the gents.

"Clinton," he called, as he walked to him. "I am really in a bad state, can you come back later?"

"You know that it is not possible Dan, you need to sign the documents," Clinton said, stretching the document to Daniel.

"Did you go through it?" Daniel asked, sitting down on his chair.

"Yes. I went through it but I suggest that you go through it yourself," Clinton said. 

"I do not think that there is any need for that. Just show me where my signatures are required and I will drop my signature," Daniel said.

Clinton flipped through the pages of the document. He stretched the file to Daniels, sign over here please," he said.

Daniel collected it and signed. "Is that all?"

"No," Clinton said, collecting the file.

He flipped through another page and returned to Daniel. "Sign over here too," he said, pointing to another place.

Daniel quickly signed again. He kept up with that, until he had completely signed the two documents.

"I do not know why I have this feeling that this document is not the right document," Daniel said, leaning on his seat. "I hope this is the right document."

"Of course it is the right document. Why would anyone want to exchange it? Anyways, tell me where to drop this document Dan."

"Drop it with my personal assistant. Thanks," he said gratefully. "You can leave now."

"I will. Excuse me," Clinton said eagerly and left.

He went to the personal assistant and dropped the document with her. Then he called Whitney on the phone.

"Hello Whitney."

"Hello Clinton. Tell me, did it go all right?" Whitney asked, looking quite a bit nervous.

"It went well, everything was all right but Daniel suspected that I gave him the wrong document. The thing you had done to him, will it make him forget things?" He asked.

"Yes, it will. What I gave to him, is not actually what you think it is. The stuff I have to him, will only make him forget what happened for the past twenty four hours. Evennhe suspects anything, nothing can happen because the deed has already been done and it can't be undone.

"Yeah. I will have to hang up now. I have to work on the project. I will send the documents to you very soon."

"Okay. I will be waiting to receive it," she said.

Clinton said something and hung up.

Clinton went back to his project room. Once he reached inside of it, he found Jack doing nothing, instead he was sleeping, like someone who had not slept for a very long time.

x x x x x x x

"What about the project?" Eric's father asked solemnly.

"I do not owe you any form of explanation," Eric said, slumping on the seat.

"Of course you do," his father said walking to him. "What were you doing in the Smith's company, if you were not there to carry out our plans on the project?"

"Well for your information, I was there. I went to the company and I did go there because I had planned how to erupt the project, but mind you, I did not do that for your own good. I only did that for my own benefit and the benefit of the one I love."

"Shut your trap, you this foolish son of mine. Have you gone nuts? Who gave you the right to talk to me in that manner? What impetus have you got, to talk to me like I were your son?" His father shouted. "If you ever think of playing smart with me, I will make sure I teach you how to behave. I will put you in the right place, where you actually belong. You fool, you are living on my..."

"Excuse me dad but you must have forgotten that in as much as you have a lot of money, I am the reason behind your success. Do not think that you can intimidate me, because I will not let you go ahead with that. Now listen to me dad, I was not able to wreck the project this time around but that does not mean I will not wreck the project but just know this, I am doing this because someone else has volunteered to pay me, if the project doesn't proceed or even progress. So this might be to your favor but believe me, it will not always be like this," he said, standing.

"You need a new helper," he said and began to walk out on his father.

"Wait there you ungrateful fool. It seems like you have forgotten how I had tamed your mother's tongue, when her wings had grown so big. I won't hesitate to do the same thing, over and over again, to you, I do not care if you are my only child. If you still care for your Precious life, then you must learn to tame your tongue around me," his father said, he was looking very paranoid.

"Like father, like son, this is one saying, I love so much. This must have also been the way you had talked to your own father, so do not be angered by my words. I can still remember what you had done to my mom and I can vividly remember how devilish and heartless you can be but you have forgotten that as your son, who is walking in your footstep, I am not someone that you can easily tame with your actions. Only two things can tame me in this life, one is your very good friend, money and the other one is your worst enemy, woman. So Mr. Smith if you want me under you, then you have to be ready to fund my cause. Excuse me."

"Relax young boy. I and money are great old friends. If you can help me ruin that project, believe me, I will not only find your cause but I will also establish you mightily," his father said, reasonably.

Eric smiled. "I believe you but the payment will be before the service. You can trust that I will do a great job. I have never failed you before, and I don't plan on doing that now."

"How much do you want?" His dad asked feverishly.

"Now you sound like the Mr Smith that I have always known. All I need from you is a hundred million dollars. I am sure that it is not too much to ask for."

"That is little, compared to what I can give to you. If you get the job done, I will triple the amount," he assured his son.

Eric turned to his father with a smirk on his face. "I hope all this aren't mere words, that would never come to reality? Because if you do not fulfill all of your words, I will expose all your dirty secrets," he warned his father.

Mr Smith smiled at his son. "Why would I joke with my words. This money is little, compared to what I can offer. I will even get more from this task that I have given to you, so please stop doubting my capacity, the matter of concern should be you. Can you finish this job up. Can you make it a success for me? Will you end up being victorious? Can you outsmart that cousin of your?"

Eric stared hard at his father. "Do you always have to underestimate my capabilities? Some times, you underestimate my age, my growth, my upbringing and my intelligence. Bear it in mind, that I am not a child any more. For clarification and justification, you can pay me half of what I have demanded and once the money has been completed, you can then pay me the full price, including the amount you offered."

"Fine then, we have a deal. Let me warn you, if you faill to wreck their project, if you fail me, you will have to get ready to answer to my wrath," his father warned.

"I have heard all that you have said. Excuse me, I am so farmished," Eric said and left.

"One who lives in glass house, should not throw stones. You have done the wrong thing by challenging your father Eric. I shall bring you down and back to your right senses," his dad spoke to himself.

"There will be no need for that," Eric muttered. "Father, you should learn to tame your tongue, so that you will not end up spilling your secret," Eric voiced out, to his father's hearing. Obviously he heard all that his evil father had just said.

"Please talk a little bit lowly."

There was a hint of disappointment and anger on Eric's father's face. He was so annoyed that he did not notice that the glass cup in his hand was beginning to crack from his tight squeeze.

Meanwhile Daniel had taken some sleeping pill, so he slept off on time.

As for Whitney, she was patiently waiting for the document to get to her. She called Clinton severally, to find out if he had sent the documents or not.

The door bell rang and she went to open the door.

"Who is it?" She asked, expectantly waiting to hear that it was the delivery guy.

"It's me, delivery," a man answered her. "I have come to deliver something to you. It has been sent from the Smith's company," he said to her, blissfully.

She opened the door. "Good day to you," she said with a gentle smile on her face.

"Good day to you, ma'am," he answered as he handed the documents to her.

He brought out a long black record book and showed her where to sign on.

Whitney signed on it and returned the record book to him.

"Okay. I will take my leave now, goodbye," the delivery man said, after collecting his book. Then he left. Whitney went inside after shutting the door. 

She began to gi through the documents. They were lucky enough, because Daniel had signed on every good space to sign in.

The only thing that was left to do was to give the documents to a lawyer and the deed would be done.

x x x x x

Two days passed by, leaving Clinton and Whitney feeling so lucky, as their plans had yielded success.

(At the Smith's company)

"What is this son?" Mr. Smith asked. "What is going on here? The company's shares have been fully restricted from me. I decided to call you, perhaps you might have an idea on why all the changes are happening."

"What do you mean dad?" Daniel asked in awe.

"How can our shares be restricted from us? Who dared to do such a thing? Do not worry dad, I will speak to the share holders about it. Perhaps they will have a reasonable explanation for us. I will have everything in control, in no time. Thanks for letting me know about this."

"Ok. Son, please make sure that no one has tampered with our shares. Goodbye and have a nice day ahead."

"You too Dad. Bye," he said and hung up.

He immediately dialed the share holder's number.

The shareholder by name, Jerry Philips answered the call. "Sir, I was even about to call you, we have a very serious problem," he voiced out at once, not allowing Daniel to say a word. "It is about the restriction of our company shares, as a matter of fact, it is beyond our knowledge. Perhaps, you can come and see for yourself."

"Ok. I will be right there.." he was interuppted.

"There won't be any need for that," a voice said from behind, as the figure walked into the room. "I am very sure that you are surprised. Lost but found. I have decided to bring this hide and seek to and end. Why strike from behind when the front side is free and clean? My sweet boy Dan, you must be surprised to see me again, after all this long time of absence. Why am I seeing a shocked expression on your face?"

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" He asked, surveying the woman standing at his door.