
Chapter 18

Daniel went back home with a lady. The lady was taller than Whitney, older than Whitney in appearance, fairer than Whitney, fatter than Whitney but not as beautiful as Whitney...Whitney was sitting on a couch and she was also reading a book.

"Whitney," he called in a high pitched tone. " Can't you see I am back. Get something nice and warm for this beautiful lass beside me and be quick with it." 

Whitney did not move neither did she say a word.

" Are you deaf? Didn't you hear me?" Daniel asked angrily.

Whitney stood up.

Daniel turned to the lady beside him." My love 😍 make yourself comfortable. And I am apologetic for not offering you a seat. Please have a seat and like I said make yourself comfortable."

" Dan," Emilia, the lady called." You are such a rich, lucky and handsome guy. You are damn rich and I do not think anything or anyone in this world can ever strip you of your wealth. Your castle 🏰 is such a beautiful and massive one. I feel it is the best in the whole wide world. I am so lucky to have found such a handsome charming wealthy and influential man like you."

" You didn't find me," Daniel said to himself." I found you for a specific purpose. So do not feel lucky or think for a bit that you have got this rich guy standing in front of you."

"Why are you still standing there, go in and get my something for my angel to eat," he commanded Whitney.

Whitney held back the tears in her eyes she walked into the kitchen and prepared something, after she was done, she placed everything in a tray and walked out of the kitchen.

Whitney walked in with a tray. In the tray was kebab and vegetable rice and chicken and mint' julep. She smiled." Enjoy."

" I hope you have not added something toxic inside this food," Daniel said to her.

Whitney smiled. " Why? Are you scared of death when you are indirectly killing another person?" Whitney asked, looking so down.

Daniel ignored her and turned to the lady beside him. He was not ready to let this woman disgrace him, in front of his desk, besides he had a lot of time to settle scores with her. " Help yourself," he said smiling sheepishly at her.

" Dan my love you should not ignore me because of the slut 🥺 beside you. Listen Dan, I understand that she is not the first woman and she wouldn't be the last woman either but I can't help but wonder why harlots  like her likes men who are already married, it's not good for the health, soul and body. I might be ignorant to every cheap harlots that you bring home but that won't change the fact that I am your wife, your better half. Sorry to break this bad news to you sweetheart 😩 but the guy besides you is taken."

Emilia turned to him. " It is fine if you quietly watch this girl insult me but please answer me. Who is she?"

" It is time to get moving. Get out of my house," Daniel said, standing up.

" Dan, did I say anything that upset you?" Emilia asked, standing too.

" I said leave," he said slamming a bundle of money on the couch." That is your payment, you can now leave and I am sorry for wasting your time. I have doubled your payment at least it can compensate for the time of yours, I wasted." 

Emilia grabbed her purse and the money angrily. Then she said," I do understand you Dan and I am ready to put up with whatever this lady says or ..."

Daniel shouted, interrupting her." Don't you understand simple English? I said Get out."

"Fine," she screamed and left.

Whitney was standing with her mouth agape. She walked to him. " I know you are no more the man who loved me and treated me as if I was everything to him but at least try not to be the uncivilized man I met at the bar that night." She said and turned. She was to quick that she was able to hide the tears in her eyes.

" I know you and how low you can stoop, in order to prove to me that you can never give up on building a relationship with me," Daniel said firmly.

" Do not be so over confident Dan you mean nothing to me. But my husband means everything to me and even if it means stopping so low in order to turn you to the civilized man you were once before, I do not mind," Whitney said exasperated.

" Go on, keep deceiving yourself, you and I know that those words of yours means nothing to me, not even a bit. Behaving like this won't do anything to change the situation and as a matter of fact, I sent that beautiful lady home only because I got fed up with her admirations," Daniel said flamboyantly. 

Whitney forced her tears in and went away.


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THREE MONTHS HAD PASSED BY LEAVING DANIEL AS THE WORST GENTLEMAN EVER. WHITNEY ON THE OTHER HAND ENDURED HIS ATTITUDE AND BEHAVIOR TOWARDS HER. (Daniel was staying over at Clinton's house through the night and at day he went to work. Sometimes, when he stayed at home, he would drink himself to stupor and sleep in the guest room.)

Daniel's dad had come back from his business meeting. To his favor he had two new business proposals and new business deals which would benefit his company a lot. He had not been to his residence yet. He was residing in his 🏨 which was outside his state of residence. It was all Daniel's idea and he couldn't refuse it.

18th of December was his birthday and a day before his birthday was when he intended to come home. His birthday party was being prepared ahead of time. The preparations were going smoothly and the money ran into hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Eric and his father were aware of the party but of the reasons they were not aware.

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" Hello," Daniel said through the phone. " How are you dad? It has been a long time since we last met. I hope you are getting ready to come back home because I can't wait to receive you."

" You are the one that asked me not to come home and now you are missing me. What a funny young man. How is my idle daughter-in-law? Send me her picture at least, I can't wait for days any longer, I want to see a glimpse of her."

" Come on dad my sweet loving wife is also in a haste to meet you but I have made my decision, you will only meet her a day before you come back," Daniel said. Then to himself he said," By then I must have control over her." 

"Did you just say something son," his father asked.

"No dad, I did not say anything," he lied.

"Alright then, since you have denied me of saying my beautiful daughter in law, I guess there is nothing more I have to say to you," he acted, like a child.

Daniel let out a laugh, "you this old man when would you learn to stop acting like a child," Daniel said, indirectly mocking his dad.

Mr Smith frowned his face. "Hey son, you had better not insult me, remember I am still your father,"  his dad warned him.

"I apologise dad, forgive my manners," Daniel said to him, even though, the apology was not sincerely from his heart.

"Father, I guess I have to go off now. I have a lot of work to do," he lied, not wanting to spend any more time talking to his dad about un necessary things.

"Alright son. Have a nice day and do not forget to send my regards to your darling wife," the old man said, smiling so sheepishly.

Well he could not be blamed. He had always wanted to see his son get married, this was not only his wish, it was Daniel's mother's wish too.