
Chapter 15

"I have been standing for a long time, I am so tired. Do not tire me the more with your questions," Whitney said, glaring up at him.

Daniel smiled at her, "were you not the same person that said you didn't mind waiting for me? You had better stop with your pretence or I might be forced to prank you before the day ends."

Whitney laughed. "I challenge you then." She put on her seat belt, "you had better start driving or else the night might just reach us."

Daniel equally put his on seat belt, "you are right my darling, I was late," he said and started the car.

"So why were you late?" Whitney asked.

"I had something important to attend to," he answered.

"So for being so late and keeping me standing for over twenty minutes, you have to buy whatever I want," she said in a sweet tone.

Daniel smiled inwardly, "gold digger," he thought of her inwardly. "Your wish is my command," he voiced out.

Whitney smiled at him. "You ain't being formal," she commented.

Daniel smirked. "So to where miss?" He asked, his eyes intently fixed on the post.

"I have no idea but all I know is that I want to be in the best shopping mall," Whitney said in a commanding tone. If only she knew how annoyed this sentence of hers made Daniel feel.

"Are you really commanding me? You are being so informal as ever," he voiced out in a sneer.

Whitney laughed at him, "complain as much as you want, it won't get you anywhere neither will it change anything, besides you told me that my wishes were your command."

Daniel scratched the back of his head, "seems like my mouth put me into this predicament."

Both of them laughed at his words. They finally got to a mall and shopped as much as they could....

x x x x x x (on the eighteenth of July, brief details of the wedding)

The doors opened and Whitney could be seen stepping in, her flowing gown was whiter than snow. She was beautifully and regally dressed, that if not for Daniel's revenge, he would have fallen so madly for her.

She was as sparkling as the stars, she strolled to the altar.

Trinity Baptist Church was adorned with lush furniture, red carpets, flowers, seats, HD cameras and a well decorated altar.

Whitney stopped at the middle of the church. Clinton stepped out and took her by the elbow, her father was supposed to be in that position but she had no idea who he was. Clinton led her to the altar. Daniel stared at her as she slowly walked to the altar, anyone who saw his eyes would believe that he was so in love with Whitney.

The occasion proceeded and soon it was time for the wedding vows.

"Do you miss Whitney Robinson, take Mr Daniel Smith as your lawfully wedded husband?" The pastor asked.

"Yes I do," she answered, her eyes solely on Daniel.

"And you Mr Daniel Smith, do you take Miss Whitney Robinson as your lawfully wedded wife?"

Daniel knew that this vow was nothing to him. Whitney was going to be his lawfully wedded pawn and not his wedded wife.

"Mr Daniel, do you take Miss Whitney Robinson as your lawfully wedded wife?" The pastor repeated his question.

Daniel looked at Whitney, though he could not see her face. He could still tell that she was feeling a bit scared. "Yes I do," he finally answered.

"Repeat after me miss Whitney," the pastor said. "And do not forget to insert your name in the necessary position.

Whitney nodded.

"I __ take Mr Daniel Smith..."

"I Whitney Smith takes me Daniel Smith.." she repeated.

"As my lawfully wedded husband.."

"As my lawfully wedded husband."

"To be with him in good times and in bad times, for better or for worse.."

She repeated..

"To be with him for poor or for rich, till death do us part.."

 She repeated the last lines.

This time around, it was Daniel's turn.

Daniel repeated his own vows but he repeated with a bit of hesitation.

"Bring forth the ring," the pastor spoke out.

They brought the rings to him, then he put it out and said, "now it is time for you to exchange the rings."

They both exchanged the rings.

"By the power bestowed upon me, I declare the both of you husband and wife, before God and before man," The priest declared.

The priest turned to Daniel, "you may now kiss your bride," he announced happily.

Daniel held Whitney closer to him and took her lips.

Everyone clapped while they kissed.

They all celebrated the young couple and wished him good.

Finally the time for the bride to throw the wedding flower and mistakenly it landed on a male's hand, Clinton actually.

Remember I said it was a mistake.

The crowd both laughed and clapped for Clinton, even the flower was supposed to fall into the hands of a woman.

Daniel grabbed a microphone and spoke into it. "Seems like Clinton is gonna get married real soon and that's the reason why the flower landed on his hand."

Clinton laughed.

The press rushed in and took photos of them.

I wouldn't want to go into the details of the reception..

Some of Whitney's haters gossiped around, some wondered how she managed to hook Daniel to her for such a long period of time and have him wed her. What they did not know was that Whitney was innocent of all their accusations, in fact it was Daniel who was the hooker or rather the deceitful one.

x x x x x x x x x x


It has been two days since the wedding. Whitney had already packed all of her things into Daniel's house. Daniel's steward were all friendly and they welcomed her in, with joy and happiness.

x x x x x 

"Hello Dan," Clinton said over the phone.

"Hello Clinton what's up?" Daniel asked.

"I'm good. How are you and your beautiful wife doing?" Clinton asked.

"Point of order, she is not my wife," Daniel said in a warning tone.

Clinton let out a little laugh, "if she is not your wife, then who is she?"

"My pawn," Daniel replied in a high tone.

"Infact at this moment, all I feel for her is a feeling worst than that of hatred and dislike. Once I lay my hands on all of dad's properties, I will make sure that every day she spends in this house will be terror to her. At that point, she will come to realize what a beast of a husband, she got married to. Every minute she spends with me will traumatize her. I will make her life with me, so memorable to the core."

"Daniel for God's sake, divorcing her is more than enough punishment, the least you could do is pretend to love her for the meantime. Bear it in mind that she's a lady and women tend to be so delicate."

"Goodbye Clint," Daniel said and hung up immediately. He wasn't ready to listen to any of Clinton's rubbish.

Unfortunately for Whitney, she walked into the room. 

"Hey darling," she called out to her husband tenderly.

Daniel tried to force out a grin. "What is it?" He voiced out, in as much as he tried to talk to her in a nice tone, the question still came out with an angry tone.

Whitney looked at him in surprise, she wondered why he talked to her like that but she immediately dismissed the thought from her mind, concluding that he was just stressed out.

"It seems like today has been quite exhausting for you, so I will ask the maids to bring your food up here."

"You do not have to worry about me, I can manage on my own," Daniel dropped and stopped up.

"Seems like you have forgotten that I am now your wife and my duty is to take care of you," she reminded.

Daniel tried to control his anger, this woman was really getting on his nerves.

"I am going to sleep Whitney, I feel so tired," Daniel announced, wanting to dismiss her so desperately.

Whitney sat at the edge of the bed and looked dejectedly at her husband. "Daniel do I still mean anything to you?"

This question made Daniel re think. He knew he could still lose her if he continued this way and losing her this early would make him lose the properties too.

"I am sorry baby, I just had a bad day at work. Do not over think it, I still love you. Go to bed now," he said and laid down.

Whitney nodded and laid down too. 

They laid in bed in darkness and silence. As for Daniel, he cursed his luck. He consoled himself by believing that very soon he would get rid of this woman beside him.

The night crawled past them, causing neither of them to get enough sleep.

The next day...

Whitney prepared breakfast with the help of the chef.

Daniel came downstairs and went straight to the dining. He sat down and said, "what am I having for breakfast?"

Whitney smiled, "chicken sauce and red tea."

Daniel smiled wanly, "I can't wait to taste it, so please serve me."

Whitney poured the red tea from the teapot into his cup, accidentally the red tea splashed on his shirt. Out of anger he stood up and jammed his hand on her cheek. (Wasn't this maltreatment too early)Whitney held her cheek in pain, she opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out of it.

"Can't you do anything properly?" He asked in a fit of rage.

Whitney looked at him with sorrow in her eyes, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to spill it, I will clean it up now," she said and quickly started using her hand to wipe off the tea on his shirt.

"Take your hands off me, your careless thing. Never you touch me again, you filthy thing..." He picked up the cup of red tea and poured it all over her, from the top of her head.

Fortunately for Whitney, the hotness of the tea had reduced, else her skin would have been burning. Even with the tea he poured on her, she still did not say anything.

"Get out of my sight you reckless thing," he shouted. "One more thing, you better make sure, you never serve me or prepare my meal again," he shouted at her and in front of the maids, without hesitation.

Whitney was short of words at his character but it wasn't something knew to her. He had behaved like this to her, the very first day. 

"Excuse me," Daniel said rudely and walked out on her.

It took her some minutes before she could regain her stand.

"What did I do Dan?" She asked with fear surrounding her eyes.

A female chef came close to her and held her, "Mrs Whitney do not mind Mr Daniel, he usually gets angry in this manner. Trust me ma'am, he will surely get over it and come back to apologise to you," the chef assured.

Whitney slumped on the chair, tears rolling down her eyes. She looked up to the maid and said, "it was just a little mistake that I made, did he have to over react? He even slapped me," she said, the stream of tears increasing.

"Mrs Whitney you have to be strong. You are his wife and you have all it takes to change him," the maid added.

The maid wasn't an ordinary one, she was Daniel's nanny and that was the reason she knew so much about him.

"He is always stubborn and unnecessarily angry most times but deep down he is so good and caring," she added.

Whitney looked at her with hope. Maybe nanny Mia was right...

x x x x x x x x x

"Can I come in?" Eric said, opening the door to Whitney's office.

"Yeah," she said, without looking up. Infact she did not recognize the person. "Please call me John for me," she added.

"Don't you at least care to know who has come to see you?" Eric asked, walking forward.

She looked up eagerly. She hit her head. "So sorry, forgive me. I didn't recognize it was you, come and have a seat."

"Why do I feel like you are having a hard time. Did you get into a fight with anyone?" Eric asked.

Whitney's pale face became lively at once. "How did you know?" She asked, looking at him in surprise.

"I am good at reading people's expressions. So tell me who made you sad."

Whitney looked away, "I do not want to talk about it. It was just a little misunderstanding besides it has passed already."

"I have this feeling that I know who caused you this sadness," Eric said, his eyes intently on her.

Whitney folded her hands and looked at him, "are you a fortune teller too?"

"Not really but I know it's Daniel that is behind this mood of yours," he replied.

Whitney's eye portrayed agony. She shook side ways, as a way of saying no. 

""Do not lie to me Whitney. I know that you had a fight with Daniel. I guess you must slipped somewhere and then Daniel over reacted. My cousin can never change. He is the only guy I know that can raise his hand to a woman and still not have his conscience pricking him, he is just so unbelievable."

Whitney didn't say anything, it seemed as though she was lost in thought.

"Cheer up sister in law. Things like this do happen. Daniel doesn't have a sister, so he doesn't know how to behave with girls__"

"He doesn't have a sister?" Whitney said in a fake life. "But what about you?" Her voice high in anger.

"You do not have a sister too, yet you are so good in communing with ladies. I just wish Daniel was like you or he could learn to be like you."

This was exactly what Eric wanted to hear. He wanted her to compare Daniel to him. He wanted to slowly gain her trust. He was so sure that her relationship with Daniel wouldn't last. So he patiently waited for all this. Eric's mind wasn't in the properties anymore, his eyes were now on his cousin's woman. It felt as though he was already so obsessed with her, it was either her or no other. She was in his blood like a virus and every time his eyes landed on her,  it made him want her more. Eric was certain that he would get her soon, all he had to do was continuously play his role perfectly. All he needed to do was continuously pretend to be good and keep on spoiling Daniel's name.

"Listen Whitney, I know Daniel so well. He can never change."

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