
Hidden love (I will always love you)

" I love u "Bella tell Xavier,she moves closer to him and said again "I love from the first day I set my eyes on you but we can't been together because I am Rich and you are poor"Bella said to Xavier as she try to kiss him but he avoid her and said"I like someone else, I am sorry "Xavier said to bella before he walk away.That was the last time Bella saw Xavier before they meet again. Xavier a simple boy who stays with his grand parents fell hard in love love with a billionaire daughter bella.he confess his feeling to her, she said no in public but came up later and said let us date in secrets and he agreed. In public she say bad things of him and behave like she hate him while she is depends in love with him but can't say because of her proud nature so she push him away all because he comes from a poor family but everything change the day true about who he really is we she try everything in her power to get him to love her again when he is crazy in love with the girl next door let's follow the journey of highschool lover till they grow up their challenges, problem and find love from those with a broken hearts.

Paula_Etoroma · Urban
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4 Chs

I Think she likes you

it is still the same day ,In ps high school,so many students are happy and joyful.Bella fell in that group her day was going well .she couldn't stop thinking of Xavier His Blue eyes are beautiful that can make a person fall in love,to her he have a woman beauty from a man but his looks is extra ordinary, that will forget what to Do that boy is making her crazy.she have never fell like this from any man she looks back again and smile back at him.while at a Conner someone was being questioned by his friends "so what did you say to her "Anna ask Xavier smiling,she was so nervous knowing deep well that Xavier have an everlasting feeling from bella and knowing that bella is mean "I told her to smile that is all i said"Xavier answer her's and Jake question,Jake look at Xavier and started to laugh, even Anne look at Xavier with a kind of look that means are you telling the truth, Tristan just nodded his head and said "bro I understand if she abuse you,you are not the only one that is have feeling from her that have been rejected "he said, advices his friend because he knows bella and Jake like no tomorrow the three of them parents are childhood best friends (you know regular rich guy group and the want their kids to continue but didn't )"I believe you"Jake said,those words surprise everyone mostly Xavier "Thanks but why do you believe me"Xavier asking looking lost and Anna answers"Because she hardly simile,her face is normal like there is no life in her all because she is sad everyone suffer with her but with you is because of three reasons,1:she is planning to just play along with you so you can get out of her sight and with this reason,there are high possibility that's what on her mind 2:May be she was in a good Mood That Is She smile at you but that is impossible because she is never happy so is a no and the last of all is That she likes you because everyone minutes that passes by today in class she have been looking at you she is admire what a good look some one will think that you are a Greek god or her not "Anne said and everyone starts to laugh but most Jake and he said to them"one is a lie because no matter how much she wants send you away is because she hate pest so so that is a no she is not that mean as you say it, second is not impossible because it can make her smile like a angel and the last is 50/50 because she might like you or not so let's not get the wrong Idea" Jake said and Tristan and Anna start to laugh"bella like someone impossible never and if she fall in love with they are guys that are handsome,richer and more perfect and most important today was their first day talking to each other and she have not meet him before today"Tristan said as he smiles and laugh"why can bella not date tell me is it because of she insult people "Xavier ask them"no,she is have a health issues " Jake simile he show his beautiful white teeth,he might be black but he is damn hot."she have a health issue I didn't know that"Xavier ask as if he have gotten the worse news ever."it as serious as you think"jake said, with him giving Tristan and Anna sing to keep quiet "she have I didn't know"Anna said,"is ok let's have class now as you all was talking The teacher came so let's just follow the teaching,it final year Good grade best college remember"Tristan said advice them