
A new discovery

A year and some months later, the Eritrean army had successfully infiltrated Medrian. It was a slow process. They were extra careful with the attack. They brought in extra people when needed and lay low later on to avoid suspicions. After doing that over and over again, they finally became more than the Merdrian army but they waited some more before striking.


The smell of blood filled the air. The Eritreans had successfully struck and the Medrians could only gather a few people on their side. The outcome of the battle was already decided. At a distance, Prince Ivan was battling with the crazed emperor who refused to believe his empire would fall just like that.

The emperor breathing was very rough. He had an intent to kill as he went for Ivan's head again and again. He was sure the bastard prince must have meticulously planned with someone to be able to take him and his empire down. No... He was not down yet. If he was going to lose his empire, then the stupid prince would have to die. He remembered how he had painstakingly ruled the empire and his attacks became more furious. His eyes had a crazed look to them but Ivan was still calm. Too calm.

Prince Ivan looked at the emperor he was fighting with with a disgusted expression" You know how it feels to lose what you hold dear to you now right? I know you sent someone to kill my father the last time. So do you think he'd let you off? You then blame me for attacking you? You are ridiculous."

The emperor was scared out of his wits and he was more determined that Ivan would die with him " So what? I tried to kill your father. Even if I wasn't successful, I would be successful in killing you" a dangerous light flashed in the emperor's eyes" You have to die. You will die. I will make sure of it".

Their swords made a 'clang' sound repeatedly as they fought. The emperor failed to notice that Ivan was relaxed and he didn't look serious at all. He wasn't taking the emperor seriously. The man's sword skills were like a child's. He looked at the emperor right in the eyes and said" Say your last prayers"

The emperor was confused " What do you mean by say....." his words were cut short. Prince Ivan didn't wait for the emperor to finish speaking. He beheaded him. The emperor's head was lying on the ground and his face was full of shock. Ivan turned and looked around. The soldiers watched their prince's every movement. He was so young but so powerful. He was going to be a great king in the future. Their eyes were full of admiration for him.

A soldier walked up to him and bowed" Your highness, while we were searching around, we found something huge. It's a library and there's some kind of power radiating from within every corner of it"

Ivan nodded" Take me there". The soldier led the way. They walked for some minutes before stepping into a library. Ivan turned to the soldier " Is this it". The soldier shook his head" Your highness, please hold on". The soldier walked up to a certain book. He pulled it forward a little and a shelf full of books opened making a large entrance into another library. Ivan sensed the power immediately he walked into the library. He went behind a shelf of books and he saw the source of the power. It was like an orb. The orb was pure white and it was radiating with energy. Ivan walked up to the orb and examined it. He raised his hand to touch it and when his hand touched the orb, he felt like a shock go through every nerve of his body. Just then he heard a thud and a book fell right at his feet. He picked it up and decided to take a look at it. The first page was about different creatures. Vampires, humans, witches and magical fairies. It was said that the magical fairies then had appeared out of nowhere. Other people refused to accept them because they thought a race couldn't just appear out of nowhere. Humans at that time were not aware of the existence of other races. They believed in spirits and all but they never believed in vampires, witches and magical fairies. The fairies found a place to settle themselves and they called it Faelyn. Faelyn blossomed and vampires began to accept the fairies and then the witches. The queen got married to a witch and then they had a son together. One day, the fairies king and queen disappeared and then there was no one else to take over but their son, Vrinda. Vrinda at first continued ruling the way his parents did and soon enough he got greedy. He wanted more power. He wanted to rule over the whole world. He managed to take over the human empire as they were the weakest race. The humans became slaves and most were forced to work for hours. The vampires and witches collaborated and decided to attack the fairies. And then war raged on for years. People kept dying but there was no solution. Faelyn became a mess and everything in the land was destroyed. The king of the vampires did the forbidden and drank a potion hidden for decades. The potion was to have been made by the queen of an unknown race back then and the person who drank it would have ultimate power. But there was a side effect. If the person couldn't control it, they would become crazed. The king took the risk and the power blew him and everything around him up. Most vampires had escaped at that time but the witches who survived were little. It was said that some faeries survived and no one knew where Vrinda was.

Ivan closed the book and was shocked at the discovery. So there were vampires around him and he didn't know them. He walked outside and toured the palace. He was going to come and stay here with his future wife since that was he and his father agreed upon. He decided to stay for a while to regulate the affairs of the land. He knew he had a lot of discovering to do.

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