
Hidden Genius: Ayanokouji's Rebirth As Naruto Uzumaki

The character who is known as Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, had just finished his first year of high school. And the recent most notable thing he did was to confess a girl called Karuizawa Kei, who accepted it. Then they were in a relationship. And Kei Karuizawa then introduced her boyfriend Ayanokouji to the world of Anime. Something known as Naruto. After finishing the anime when Ayanokouji slept, and was about to begin his days as a second year, he suddenly found himself in the body of an infant the later morning. Who was none other than Uzumaki Naruto.

Gokage_Sensumo · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 2 Spar And Meeting Her.

3rd person POV:

The request from Naruto sparked interest in Hiruzen's eyes, yet his response held a cautionary note, "Alright if it's a spar then I don't mind, but you are forbidden to practice Ninjutsus alone. You can do it in someone else's guidance."

It was a half-compromise, one that allowed Naruto to engage in what he seemed to crave, the sharpening of his physical and tactical skills, but under a watchful eye to prevent any unsupervised delve into the more dangerous aspects of shinobi arts.

Then, after picking up a pebble, Naruto proposed, "Alright, then when I throw this pebble and it reaches the ground we shall start the spar."

To which Hiruzen responded, "Alright, let's do so."

Then Naruto throws the pebble up and as soon as it landed the ground, both parties became serious and analyzed each other. For a few seconds, no one made a move. Then with a strategic mind, Naruto decided to initiate the spar.


Within a fraction of seconds, Naruto quickly covered the distance and threw a straight punch with his right hand causing Hiruzen to move leftwards to evade, then Naruto threw a calf kick but stopped in the middle, and with his other leg he threw a roundhouse kick but changed the trajectory in the middle then kicked Hiruzen downwards. Which was a question mark kick. Which as soon as it touched Hiruzen, he evaded the kick by moving sideways.

Seeing Naruto's performance Hiruzen thought, 'His fighting style, it's deadly. Also just what the hell was that last kick? I have never seen anyone kick like that. Also, his overall performance is so good that I guess I can go a bit serious towards him.'

With graceful footwork, Naruto mirrored Hiruzen's movements, launching a series of punches and kicks. However, Hiruzen easily deflected Naruto's strikes with his hands, displaying his mastery of defense. Just as Naruto prepared for another attack, a swift kick aimed at his chest disrupted his rhythm. Though Naruto managed to block it, the effort was evident in his strained movements as he took a step back.

'As expected of the Third Hokage,' Naruto thought to himself, acknowledging Hiruzen's formidable skill. 'Even with just a fraction of his strength, he can end this match in an instant. Time to get serious.'

Naruto charged at Hiruzen once more, executing a spinning kick mid-air. The blow connected with Hiruzen's side, prompting Naruto to unleash a barrage of kicks with his other leg. Each strike landed with precision, hitting Hiruzen in the upper leg, chest, and face. As Naruto aimed a final punch at Hiruzen's solar plexus, Hiruzen countered with a palm strike to Naruto's chest. Despite successfully blocking the attack, Naruto was sent flying backward, crashing into a tree before tumbling to the ground.

"Naruto, since when have you been able to infuse chakra into your attacks?" Hiruzen inquired, curious about Naruto's newfound ability.

"Just today," Naruto replied casually, his expression devoid of emotion. "Surprised that a mere three-year-old could almost outperform the Hokage in a spar?" Seeing that Hiruzen pondered about something and decided to ask to Naruto about it.

Hiruzen nodded, his curiosity piqued. "Indeed, I was genuinely surprised. But Naruto, why haven't you smiled even once since we met? Any particular reasons?" As since he met Naruto he noticed that Naruto hadn't smiled even once in his presence.

Naruto's response was succinct yet enigmatic. "I'm just like that," he shrugged. "It's not that I can't smile. You simply haven't given me a reason to."

"I see," Hiruzen acknowledged, contemplating Naruto's words. "As a reward for your impressive performance, is there anything specific you'd like?" Hiruzen asked to Naruto, as he could roughly guess how Naruto had been treated. So to ease him up he could atleast do this much.

Naruto hesitated for a moment before making his request, determination flickering in his eyes. "Tell me about my parents." Naruto asked him already guessing that Hiruzen wouldn't tell him no matter what. And he got to hear what he had expected. But that wasn't what he was aiming for at all.

"For now, all I can say is your parents were great heroes who had sacrificed their life in fighting the nine tailed fox who had attacked the village few years ago. They were very strong willed and brave person." Hiruzen said to him, the typical vague backstory.

Hiruzen's words about Naruto's parents being heroic figures who sacrificed their lives in the battle against the nine-tailed fox offered little solace. "I want their names, not just tales of their bravery," Naruto thought to himself, sensing that he might soon uncover the truth he sought.

However, Hiruzen's response dashed Naruto's hopes. "No, I can't reveal that," Hiruzen responded, his voice tinged with sadness. "You're still too young. Ask me again when you've grown older, perhaps when you've become a chunin."

Naruto absorbed this information with a mixture of frustration and determination. "Were they as powerful as jounin?" he questioned, hoping for a more concrete insight into his parents' abilities.

To his relief, Hiruzen confirmed Naruto's suspicions, providing a glimpse into his parents' strength. "Yes, they were indeed formidable," Hiruzen affirmed. "Both of them attained the prestigious rank of elite jounin, just beneath the Hokage in our village's hierarchy."

Naruto's mind buzzed with possibilities, his resolve solidifying. "Alright, then," he declared, his voice steady with determination. "Grant me access to my parents' wealth."

As Naruto raised his hands to make his request, the weight of his words hung in the air, signaling a pivotal moment in their conversation.



"Then y-you..." ,Hiruzen muttered under his breath, his expression contorted in frustration as he cursed himself for inadvertently revealing Naruto's parents' elite Jounin status. Now, faced with Naruto's demand for their wealth, he knew he had no choice but to comply.

"Yeah, that's correct," Naruto replied sharply, his tone tinged with resentment. "And before you suggest donating any of it to the village for its supposed betterment, let me remind you of something. If it weren't for you, I'd have left this damn village long ago. They barely even feed me, and when I ask for basic necessities, I'm met with disdain. I don't have access to storybooks or friends, and the village's neglect has left me feeling isolated. So, tell me, why should I donate my parents' money to this place?"

Hiruzen's mind raced as he processed Naruto's bitter words. 'No wonder he sees my actions as mere propaganda,' he thought ruefully, empathizing with Naruto's pain as he said, "Naruto what do you mean by not getting enough foo—"

Before Hiruzen could respond, Naruto interjected sharply. "Enough with your lies," he snapped. "You have those masked watchers keeping tabs on me. Don't pretend you're oblivious to it."

Hiruzen's internal turmoil intensified. 'This is the first time I've heard about this. And Naruto, you noticed my ANBU?' he pondered silently, perplexed by the situation. 'Why haven't they reported any of this to me?'

"Alright, alright," Hiruzen relented, his tone softened by a newfound resolve. "I'll hand over all of your parents' Ryo. Let's put an end to this emotional turmoil, shall we?" He silently vowed to avoid upsetting Naruto in the future, determined to mend their fractured relationship.

"Alright, so how much will I get!?" Naruto asked, his expression brightening with a touch of innocence.

Seeing Naruto's reaction, Hiruzen cursed internally. 'What a devil,' he thought to himself before responding, "How about I pay you 15,000 Ryo each month until you graduate from the academy?"

Naruto's face fell, clearly displeased. "But that would mean my parents only have 1,620,000 Ryo left, considering I have nine years until graduation. Were they really elite Jounin, or were they just chunin?" he questioned skeptically.

(A/N 9 × 12 = 108 and 108 × 15000 = 1,620,000.)

Hiruzen felt a pang of irritation. "You even know how to do math? Damn it," he muttered under his breath. "Alright, I'll make it 150,000 Ryo. Now, are you happy!?"

"Yeah, super happy. Thanks a lot, Jiji," Naruto said, his voice filled with false enthusiasm as he inwardly celebrated his victory. 'I win.'

Skipping ahead to Hiruzen's office:

"Alright, Bear. Can you tell me what was your damn mission? Hmm!?" Hiruzen demanded, his tone sharp as he addressed the leader of the ANBU team tasked with watching over Naruto.

"To watch over that Jinchuriki and report everything to you, Lord Hokage," the captain of the ANBU replied nervously, sensing the tension in the air. Hearing that, Hiruzen leaked out tons of Killing intent he could muster.

Hiruzen's anger flared at the mention of Naruto's treatment. "Firstly, that's 'him' to you. And tell me, what's this about Naruto not getting enough food and only receiving one meal a day?" he interrogated, his voice laced with barely concealed fury.

The ANBU captain trembled in fear, beads of sweat forming on his brow as he realized the gravity of his mistake. He knew he had messed up badly.

Soon after, he and his team faced punishment even worse than death itself for their negligence.

With this, Naruto found himself in possession of a rather swanky apartment, a far cry from the humble abode he inhabited in the canon. Not only was it fancier, but he also didn't have to worry about paying rent, and the neighborhood was relatively peaceful, promising fewer disturbances.

As time passed, Naruto settled into his newfound comfort, leading a life far more comfortable than his canonical counterpart.

Then came winter.

Bam! Bam!

The rhythmic collision of fist against tree trunk echoed through the air, signaling the end of Naruto's intense boxing session for the day. Satisfied with his training, Naruto reflected, "Once again, today's session feels incredibly fulfilling. And my physique seems to have improved yet again. Must be the Uzumaki bloodline kicking in."

Tossing aside his jacket, he declared, "That's enough training for this afternoon," before slipping it on and deciding to take a leisurely stroll through the village for a change of scenery.

As he wandered through the streets, Naruto eventually found himself at a playground where a small, white-eyed girl was being bullied by a group of older boys.

Observing the scene, Naruto couldn't help but recognize her. "So we finally meet, huh? Hinata Hyuga."

(A/N So hey guys, here's the second chapter hope you enjoyed it. Also I have a question. Just what shall I do with the Uchiha Massacre. Kill the Uchihas or shall I just kill Danzou? It would be helpful to hear your thoughts. Lastly sorry for the short chapter.)