
Hidden force, Shadow of Vengeance

He lost everything and yet he gained an overwhelming strength to fight back... Now his mind, his body, and his heart scream for vengeance. Ten people destroyed his life... ten people killed his loved ones... And now the ten people are trembling in fear as his shadow looms over them like a hungry ghost waiting to take their lives. When Xin Wei died that day, a mysterious pea-size bead entered his body and gave him a status system. And with that, his strength, agility, power, and might improve which prepares him on his road to vengeance. Now... he would stop at nothing until he destroyed those who ruined his life and those standing in his path would suffer the same fate. ***Background is not mine grab it from google. So whoever is the artist... Thank you!

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524 Chs

Traveling to City H

Chapter 17


With a dark desire and lust-filled eyes, I saw Lee Baitong suddenly wanting to grab Lee Wanwan from behind. His expression of excitement and yearning are expressed in his face as his eyes are glowing with complicated feelings.

However, how could I let him do as he wished?

Without a second thought, I suddenly take a step and moved behind Lee Baitong. Before he could do anything I already grabbed his neck and hit his acupoints to render him immobile.

Lee Wanwan enters her room without noticing the figure of Lee Baitong who is standing in one of the corners while his eyes are showing confusion as he could not move his body and he is in the posture of grabbing someone.

I suddenly hit his neck which made him faint. Then I drag him towards his room and put him in bed. As I left that room, I was feeling a bit sinister and contented with what I have done and I could not help but show a smile on my face.

The next morning, I open my eyes after a night of absorbing Qi. I could see that in my stats my Qi has returned to 150. However, it seems that I'm stuck to 150 for now as no matter how much I tried to absorb, it just enters my body and would flow towards the pea-size object near my heart.

At this time, I did not know what to do and so I just decided to work with what I have for now.

As I went through my stuff, I began to arrange and prepare everything for my departure to City H. After going through my preparation, I then carried my backpack and walks down the stairs.

Lee Wanwan's figure also came out of her room, she is wearing a white printed shirt and shorts which showed too much of her skin. Although I was a bit distracted, I was able to avert my eyes and showed her a faint smile.

I noticed that the gaze of Lee Wanwan seems odd as if she was stunned upon seeing me.

"Good morning!" she suddenly greeted with an awkward expression on her lovely face.

"Good morning!" I casually greeted back.

"Are… are you leaving already?" she suddenly asked as she saw my backpack.

"Yes… I have to return today… Thank you for the hospitality."

"Umn… you're welcome. Before leaving, have breakfast with us first." Lee Wanwan invited which I did not reject.

As I went down the dining room, I saw that there are already a group of people currently sitting on the long dining table. The servants are busy serving food as the people discuss amongst them their own businesses.

When I appear in front of them, everyone is looking at me with strange gazes. Some of the young women sitting at the table are throwing me some flirty smiles which made me feel awkward. I am not used to this kind of feeling.

The attention given to me right now is unnerving for me.

"Young lad… Come, have breakfast with us." the old man said with a smile.

"Thank you, Elder Lee…"

I did not bother with anyone as I ate my breakfast, but I could feel the gazes that are thrown in my direction which made my skin crawl.

"I never would have imagined that he is still young and he looks really handsome…"

"Yesterday, I thought he is just a bum… damn it, why is Wanwan that lucky to find a guy?"

"She did not deserve him…"

The young women suddenly discussed in a hushed tone, but I could hear them because of my sharp hearing. However, I did not bother with them.

After eating, I thanked Elder Lee and walked out of the front porch of the huge mansion.

"Wait… Brother Wei… Can… Can I ask you a question?" Lee Wanwan suddenly said.

"You… you were the one who saves me and my classmates in the forest, right? You're that mysterious guy…" she said with a blush.

I was a bit dumbstruck as I did not expect that she would say this. Wait? Did she saw me at that time?

"I… I was barely conscious but… I say a person carrying me inside the tent and then closing it… Plus… the backpack… It's… It's one of my school mate's…" she said as she suddenly grabs the metal tag on the backpack zipper.

"I give it to him as a birthday present… He is one of my college friends." She said with a smile.

I did not say anything as I knew that she has already recognized it. What can I say? Anyway, it's true…

I just nodded my head and gave her a smile.

"Thank you… you've saved me twice, and I… I don't know how to pay you…" she said.

Then suddenly, she seems to have thought of something as she suddenly grabs my hand.

"Wait… Don't go yet, okay?" Lee Wanwan ran inside the house and after 2 minutes, she suddenly came out.

"This… Please accept this. It would be helpful in your travels…" she handed me a bank card which made me frown.

"This is the only thing I can think of on how to repay you… the password of the card is xxxxxx…"

I left the Lee Mansion and directly went to the bus terminal. As soon as I arrive, I saw a lot of police officers checking the bags of those who go in and out of the terminal.

I think they started doing this because of the situation in City H. Since large syndicates and gangs are rampant in the city, other cities became strict in accepting those who enter and exit the city.

Thinking up to this point, I suddenly realize that I have to leave the blade inside my bag. So instead of getting in line, I walk to a corner and began rummaging inside my bag. Most of the clothes I have in there are camping clothes and have already been washed in the Lee Mansion. Hence the blades underneath the backpack are my only problem.

Where to dump them I did not know.

Suddenly an idea came unto me. I rearrange my backpack and seeing that everything is according to what I have in mind, I walk to the side and wore the mountaineering clothes I have.

Then I return in line.

When it was my time to be checked, the security checker frowns upon seeing the metal and blades inside my backpack. When his eyes landed on me, he seems to show a knowing look in his eyes.

"Going home?" he asked suddenly.

"Ah, yes… I stayed in the mountain for a long time… I missed home." I said with an excited expression on my face.

"Well, it's nice to climb mountains nowadays," he added while double-checking the clothes inside my bag.

"Ah, yes… Look, I found some herbs… I can't wait to give it to my grandpa. I think it would help him get well…" I replied while taking a small wooden box on the side of the bag.

When the man saw me trying to open the wooden box, he shook his head.

"It's okay, it's okay… Just proceed to the terminal…" he said with a smile.

"Thank you!" I replied politely.

I was able to get on the bus to City H without a hitch.

It would take around 12 hours of travel to City H, so I have a lot of time to plan out my next move upon arriving in the city.

I knew that today the time has come for me to exact my revenge. I knew that today I will be able to see those who killed Lin Qiao and my parents. Those faces that have haunted me in my dreams, the heavy conscience in my heart which has made me feel grief and sorrow. Now I can see my parent's grave if ever there is one, and also go back to see the old man's urn ash and return it to his family.

I have a lot of things to do and debt to collect from people who owed me.

I will not stop until I get the justice I deserve, and I know I can get it with these hands of mine.

As I was thinking thus far, the bus has already left the terminal.

I haven't noticed it but seated beside me is a woman wearing a cap and dark shades. I could not see her face clearly, but the scent of her light perfume is not repulsive. In fact, it has attracted my attention at this time.

I took a glance at her, but suddenly noticed the man on the opposite side of the aisle seat. The man would look at the woman every now and then, and I could see that he seem to be thinking of something. I suddenly heard him whisper to his seatmate.

"This woman looks really fine… I think we can get her upon arriving in City H… Hihi…"

Deep in my heart, I could already feel the lawlessness that is really happening in City H. How could a normal person think of getting a woman just because they have their eyes on her? It really disgusts me to think that some people would think as such.