
Hidden force, Shadow of Vengeance

He lost everything and yet he gained an overwhelming strength to fight back... Now his mind, his body, and his heart scream for vengeance. Ten people destroyed his life... ten people killed his loved ones... And now the ten people are trembling in fear as his shadow looms over them like a hungry ghost waiting to take their lives. When Xin Wei died that day, a mysterious pea-size bead entered his body and gave him a status system. And with that, his strength, agility, power, and might improve which prepares him on his road to vengeance. Now... he would stop at nothing until he destroyed those who ruined his life and those standing in his path would suffer the same fate. ***Background is not mine grab it from google. So whoever is the artist... Thank you!

Shynobi · Action
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524 Chs

Medical Prowess (3)

Chapter 95


The young woman on the bed is around 19-years-old. She has short bob hair and an above-average pretty face. I noticed that half of her body is covered with bandages which show the degree of her wound.

Since I was coerced by these women to come here and treat one of their female friends, I seem to have no qualms to help them at all.

It seems that this all started when I helped their leader, Sister Guan.

As I grab the chart at the edge of the bed, I carefully checked everything that has been done to help her.

But before I could say anything a strong and seemingly angry tone reprimanded me.

"What are you doing here? You are not a doctor in this infirmary, return to your place…" a female doctor shouted as she walked near me.

I did not reply and casually returns the medical chart.

Then I turn to face the female doctor. I was taken aback when I saw her face. This is because… she looks kind of similar to Su Binghei. If not for her hair and her more pronounced eyes, I could mistake her for Su Binghei.

Although this woman reprimands me, I could tell that she is showing genuine concern to her patient as she suddenly walks beside the bed and blocks me from checking the young woman.

"Who are you to come here? I won't let you hurt Anqian… She has already suffered from that match. Why would you people not let her go?" she suddenly said with traces of tears coming out of her eyes.

The other women around her showed guilty expressions on their faces while looking at me.

"Sigh… Doctor Su… I know how you feel. But you clearly told us that it is hopeless and that Anqian would be crippled if she did not receive treatment from an expert, right? I brought Brother Fu Chou here because I trust him." Sister Guan explained.

Upon hearing this, the expression of the female doctor called Doctor Su changes. She has heard of the name Fu Chou in the Outer Sect and has learned that he is an expert alchemist and a trained doctor. Plus she also heard that he is ugly and has a scary face.

But upon seeing the face of the man in front of her, she could not help but believe the rumors for once. Not only is this person ugly but his huge scar almost scared her when she first saw him. Instead of saying that he is a doctor, she would believe if someone says that he is a hired killer or something.

Though she already understood the situation, she still did not want to move away and stubbornly stood blocking the young man's path.

In her heart, she feels a bit unwell, as she could not trust anyone in this Outer Sect. She has seen the brutality of these people and saw how women are treated in this place. But thankfully for Sister Guan's effort, many women in the Outer Sect have gained a foothold here. And because of that, she could not trust just any man.

Right at this moment, I could not help but feel a bit annoyed at this woman in front of me. Well, one reason is her stubbornness, but the other main reason is her face.

She is far too similar to that woman… and I seem to be unable to contain my anger.

"Step back… or I will make you…" my voice suddenly became low and cold and I could see the young woman tremble a bit.

"You…" she wanted to say something, but it seems that my glare stopped her.

"Sister Su Tianxi… It's okay… Let Fu Chou check Anqian… Please…" Sister Guan said as she suddenly walks to Su Tianxi's side and held her arms in a comforting hug.

Seeing the woman leaving to the side, my anger seems to also dissipate a little.

Sister Guan has felt the strong killing intent in the eyes of Fu Chou at that moment. So she quickly reacted and coerced her friend to move aside. She would not want anything happening at this time and right now, the most crucial part is to heal Anqian.

The women in the surroundings watch as the young doctor checks her pulse. Though he has already checked the chart, it seems that this young man did not trust the result of the examination.

It took a while, before he retracted his hand, and then suddenly from his side, he takes out a small box of disposable needles.

Su Tianxi wanted to react, but Sister Guan held her arms and seemingly saying to her to just watch.

The young doctor did not say or explain anything as he just flicks the needles in his hand and quickly inserted them in some parts of the skin of Anqian. Anqian watches in horror and was expecting to feel some kind of pain. However, she discovers that it does not hurt at all.

"These are your pain receptors… I just block them for a moment… I will do something in your body that would need them block because if you feel it, you will pass out in pain. But I need you to be conscious…" the young doctor said in a calm tone.

Everyone was a bit baffled at his statement.

Suddenly, with a shocked expression, the woman inside the room did not expect that the young doctor would suddenly extend his index finger and then poke Anxian on her left chest, right rib, and lower left hip.

When he did this, the expression of Su Tianxi turned pale. This is because she knew those locations. Those are the locations of the fractures that Anqian suffered. They operated on those parts but the bones are comminuted fracture. They needed to put some steel on those bones to fully heal them and are waiting for the expert.

However, it seems that the sect did not want to find one and that is the reason why Su Tainxi is feeling a bit frustrated.

But then this person suddenly pokes those sports which would surely make Anqian feel pained.

But then, what she saw next almost made her dumbfounded.

There was no crying in pain or thrashing in the pain. Anqian just lay there feeling baffled with her brows slightly knitted. Suddenly, she exclaimed which astonished every one.

"Some… something is crawling underneath my skin…" she said with a slightly fearful voice.

"Calm down… those are your fractured bones… I'm trying to mend them…" the calm tone of the young doctor once again baffled everyone.

Mending? How? He is not even touching her skin; all he is doing is moving his fingers in the air.

Suddenly, the expression of Tang Guan turned into astonishment. But then was changed into disbelief.

She is astonished as she knew that this type of ability should not be able to manifest unless this person is a psychic or has a psychokinetic ability. But those with that kind of ability would have a hard time using Qi, right?

However, right in front of her eyes, this is happening. So there is another answer. According to the sect, some who have reached level 9 or 10 could develop this type of ability. But upon looking at the young man, she could not believe such a thing to be possible.

And this is what caused her to show disbelief in her eyes.

After around 20 minutes, the young doctor finished what he is doing and carefully inserted another couple of needles. But this time, he put his palm on Anqian's lower stomach.

Anqian could not believe what this doctor is doing, but she has no time to reach too. With her face blushing, she could feel a warm sensation entering her body through her dantian.

The calm and warm energy slowly made her very comfortable as she unconsciously closes her eyes and savors the feeling.

"Ahhh…" a slight moan even escaped her mouth which she did not even notice.

But those who are looking at her could not help but also blush a little.

None of them could feel it, but Tang Guan has felt it at this time. The Qi in the air suddenly began moving. It was as if some invisible force is controlling every Qi around her and the direction of that is towards Anqian.

"That should be a very nice and warm feeling…" Tang Guan thought as she also could not help but suddenly absorb a bit of those Qi in the air.

After 30 minutes…

Calmness return to the area as the Qi in the air slowly turns back to normal.

The expression of Anqian is already good and her complexion better.

No one noticed that the young doctor has already left. But everyone is still in a trance.

For some unknown reason, the women surrounding the bed also began absorbing the gathering Qi in the air which made the surroundings quiet.

The only one who did not understand the situation is Su Tianxi as she is not a Qi practitioner. However, she knew that something has happened and that something has affected her friends in the room.

When the young doctor left, she could not help herself but follow him from behind.