
Hidden force, Shadow of Vengeance

He lost everything and yet he gained an overwhelming strength to fight back... Now his mind, his body, and his heart scream for vengeance. Ten people destroyed his life... ten people killed his loved ones... And now the ten people are trembling in fear as his shadow looms over them like a hungry ghost waiting to take their lives. When Xin Wei died that day, a mysterious pea-size bead entered his body and gave him a status system. And with that, his strength, agility, power, and might improve which prepares him on his road to vengeance. Now... he would stop at nothing until he destroyed those who ruined his life and those standing in his path would suffer the same fate. ***Background is not mine grab it from google. So whoever is the artist... Thank you!

Shynobi · Action
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524 Chs

End of the month tournament

Chapter 89


Xin Wei began his training in the blacksmithing area while he also would compound pills and medicine in the alchemists association. Old Chang knew about this but said nothing. However, his treatment towards Xin Wei became a bit cold. After spending 2 days in the blacksmithing area, Xin Wei has finally learned something about blacksmithing and weapon refining and his intelligence stats have raised another level.

Today is the end-of-the-month tournament for the Outer Sect disciples. The first test is the Qi level test. This is a simple test that would determine the Qi level of an individual. This is done by placing one's palm on the touchpad and the machine would measure the amount of Qi that the person has placed. This way, they could determine the level of a Qi practitioner.

This process has been in existence for a while now and was discovered by an inner sect elder who is also a scientist at the start of the appearance of the Qi in the world.

At this time, many of the Outer Sect's disciples are feeling excited as they all walk to the open field of the Outer Sect.

"Hey, how do you think you would place in this month's level assessment?"

"I think I can already feel the improvement in my body… I am thinking that I have broken through and have reached the 1st level…"

"Fools, the two of you are not even in the first level… Why brag about it…" someone on the side smirked.

"Do you think, the rankings would change today?"

"Maybe… I heard that Fa Wenching has been in close doors cultivation ever since she appears last time. I think she has already broken through and would show everyone in this tournament of her ascension to the Inner Sect."

"Sigh, I envy her for having such a great master…"

"Hehe… I heard it's not her master that was the cause of this all… it was that ugly boy who was a newbie in the sect. I heard he has been making those high-grade pills which the other in the top ten are fighting to get their hands on…" the person whispered.

But his words are not a secret in the Outer Sect anymore. As I listened to the conversation in the crowd, I did not bother with them and just stayed in the outer part of the crowd.

Ever since yesterday after taking the new batches of level 4 and level 5 pills, Old Chang did not return to the alchemy laboratory. So I just continue concocting pills and sent the rest to the Outer Sect personnel in charge of collecting the pills.

While the crowd is waiting, a middle-aged man walks on the platform where there is a large screen behind him and a small rostrum that looks like the testing machine.

"Good day everyone… I hope that you all are ready to see your monthly progress. Those who are unable to reach the qualification and have not reached the 1st layer after 2 months of practice would be kicked out to the Outer Sect lower level discipleship… So I hope that you have made progress at this time…" the middle-aged man said while looking at the crowd.

When the crowd heard this they all kept their silence. This is because a large number of the people in this place have been in the Outer Sect without reaching the 1st level of Qi Practice. With this, they knew that they would surely be eliminated and be sent to the lowest status in the sect. They would become servants and slaves of those who have a status in the sect.

If this happens, then they would not have time to practice anymore. This is akin to making their situation worse than ever before.

And so everyone is in panic as they waited for the start of the event.

I just look at this scene and waited on the side.

Suddenly, a figure came walking in my direction. It was Fa Wenling.

"It seems that you have worked hard… But you have made a mistake this time…" she said in a low tone.

"Old Chang did not like people who are not grateful for what he gave them…" she said with a frown.

I did not know what she is trying to say, but I have already guessed that the old man was unhappy when I learned blacksmithing. However, I have to feign ignorance to this matter.

"What does senior Wenling mean? I am not ungrateful and have always done what Master Rn Changming told me to do." I replied as I tried showing a confused expression.

"Hihi… Your mistake is learning blacksmithing… Old Chang did not like people who do not concentrate on one thing and would spend their time learning just any random stuff. He dislikes people who are fickle-minded and not resolute." She said in a low voice then walk past me.

I just frown but did not say anything anymore.

After she left, I soon noticed a few figures approaching behind my back.

"It seems that you've lost your backing… It's time to put you into place…" a person standing from behind me said in a low tone.

Then a couple of large-built men surrounded me. The one standing behind me seems to be grabbing something and then suddenly grabs my shoulder.

When his finger touches my robe, I knew what he is planning to do.

"Going to stab me within the crowd, I guess their guts are really something else…" I thought.

I did not react and just waited for that moment when the blade is going to touch my robe. And soon, I felt it.

With a twist of my body, the man missed stabbing me from behind but instead, the knife passes through and the one that was stabbed was the man standing in front of me blocking the sight of the other people in the crowd.


A sudden loud shout interrupted the crowd.

Then they saw a large built man staggering on the ground while trying to grab something on his back. Then suddenly a bloody knife fell to the ground while the person holding the knife was looking at the large man with a flabbergasted expression.

"How… How could this happen…" he muttered while looking at the person he wanted to stab.

How could find me, when I have already snake my way through the crowd.

The other burly men were not looking at me at that time and have their attention on the burly guy which was stabbed by their companion.

The commotion has already alerted the elders of the Outer Sect as they suddenly appear to surround the group of burly men and the man who stabbed his companion.

"What is happening here?" an elder asked while looking at the burly man on the ground with blood pouring out of his wound.

This elder could tell that the man is not only stabbed but also poisoned.

"You dare use poison?!" he shouted in anger.

The man is already shaking in fear. He did not know what to say and his eyes are darting all over the place trying to find me.

But how could he find me when I am already mixed with the onlookers.

"Get them and do an interrogation…" the elder shouted.

Suddenly a tall elder walks as the crowd parted.

"There is no need for that! I will personally interrogate these men myself…"

Seeing this elder, the rest of the elders in the surroundings turned silent. They knew that there is something wrong with this scene. And it seems that this thing is related to this Outer Sect elder.

I am a bit unconvinced with this, and I felt a bit angry deep inside. But I could not let my emotion get affected by this kind of scene. So I did not want to take drastic action for now, but that does not mean I will let this person escape. This only mistake is that he offended me…

Inside my sleeve is a thin needle. From one of my pockets, I open a small thumb-size bottle where a small green pill is lying inside. I then carefully dip the tip of the needle in that green pill.

Then I carefully watch that old elder and after waiting for a clearing to appear, I did not hesitate to flick the needle to the back of his neck where his long silver hair is hanging.

The needle did not penetrate deeply and just landed slightly on his skin making him feel that something has pricked him.

I then saw his hand swatting that area and sending the needle flying to the grassy ground.

"Let's see the effect of this thing…" I muttered to myself while watching the scene from afar.

In front of the crowd, that elder suddenly began to stagger.

It was as if his limbs became soft as he began to wobble uncontrollably.

"Elder! What is wrong with you!" shouted one of the elders as he immediately supported the middle-aged man.

Seeing this result, I feel contended.

"This thing is that effective… Very nice… Hehe…" I thought as I walk out of the crowd.