
Hidden force, Shadow of Vengeance

He lost everything and yet he gained an overwhelming strength to fight back... Now his mind, his body, and his heart scream for vengeance. Ten people destroyed his life... ten people killed his loved ones... And now the ten people are trembling in fear as his shadow looms over them like a hungry ghost waiting to take their lives. When Xin Wei died that day, a mysterious pea-size bead entered his body and gave him a status system. And with that, his strength, agility, power, and might improve which prepares him on his road to vengeance. Now... he would stop at nothing until he destroyed those who ruined his life and those standing in his path would suffer the same fate. ***Background is not mine grab it from google. So whoever is the artist... Thank you!

Shynobi · Action
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524 Chs


Chapter 506 Apology

He froze on the spot and before he could react, he suddenly felt a dangerous premonition in his heart as he wanted to shift his body to the side by instinct.

However, he suddenly felt something hitting him from the back.

He looks at Xin Wei in a bit of confusion and then slowly lowered his gaze to his chest.

From there he saw a bloodied tip of the blade protruding from his chest.

It was a sight that made him know that he is now in trouble.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, the sound of a series of gunshots echoed in the darkness which startled the two combatants.

Xin Wei felt something bite his side and his body subconsciously jumps to the side.

He saw the familiar figure of Rom McGill on the stairs pointing a gun at him while showing a sinister glare.

"Die! Die!" he shouted while he unloads the clip from the gun in his hand.