
Hidden Fighters

In "Hidden Fighters" the main character, Amane Fujimiya, is a man of mystery with a hidden past. A former legend in the world of martial arts and the enigmatic first generation legend, Amane has disappeared from society, leaving behind his friends, family, and a shattered love story with Mihuru Shinra, the woman he still secretly adores. Years later, Amane's estranged son, Izumi who embarks on a quest to uncover the truth about his father's disappearance and his own roots. Along the way, he encounters a powerful mentor, Fuji Shikimori, who trains him in martial arts and reveals the existence of a hidden world of legends and demons. As Izumi delves deeper into this world, he learns that his father, Amane, is not only alive but also a key player in the enigmatic Hidden Fighters. The story unfolds with secrets, betrayals, and a complex web of relationships that tie together Amane, Mihuru, Izumi, and their friends. Amane's journey to protect Mihuru from the shadows, his rivalry with the enigmatic legendary Demon, and Izumi's quest for answers set the stage for a thrilling tale of martial arts, hidden identities, and the enduring power of love and family bonds. As father and son reunite to confront their past, the legend of the Demon's Return reaches its epic climax, revealing shocking truths and challenging the characters' perceptions of good and evil. "Hidden Fighters" is a gripping story of redemption, forgiveness, and the relentless pursuit of love and justice, where the legacy of legends lives on, and the power of the human spirit shines brightly even in the darkest of times.

The_Mystry · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Veiled Intentions

Mihuru's restlessness persisted as the time passes by, her thoughts consumed by Izumi's impending return. She couldn't ignore the cryptic words of the enigmatic man known as DG. His reassurance had given her hope, but his sudden coldness left her bewildered.

  In the evening, as Mihuru sat alone in her lavish office, gazing out at the city lights, she couldn't contain her anxiety. She decided to reach out to DG, the only person who seemed to have any leads on her son's whereabouts.

  **Mihuru:** (*nervously, speaking into her phone*) "DG, I... I need to talk to you. Can we meet?"

  Amane, still maintaining his Cold attitude, contemplated her request. He knew this conversation was inevitable, but he wasn't prepared to reveal his true identity.

  **Amane (DG):** (*with a hint of reluctance*) "Fine, we can meet. Tomorrow, at the Cafe.Will share the location to you"

  Mihuru was relieved to have secured a meeting with DG, hoping he could provide more information about Izumi. Little did she know that this encounter would unravel a web of secrets and hidden emotions that had been carefully concealed for years.

  Mihuru couldn't contain her anxiety. She reached out to her family, sharing her concern and the mysterious involvement of DG in her son's return.

  **Mihuru:** (*to her father, Jake*) "Dad, I've arranged to meet DG tomorrow. He claims to know where Izumi is. What if it's true? What if he's safe and coming back?"

  Jake reassured his daughter, knowing how much she had suffered since Amane's supposed death.

  **Jake:** (*supportive*) "Mihuru, if this DG person has any information about Izumi, it's a good sign. You've done everything to find him. Let's hope for the best."

  Meanwhile, Amane had his own conversation with his parents. They knew the secret behind his DG persona and had seen the toll it took on him.

  **Amane:** (*with determination*) "I've already told her that he is alright. I promised Mihuru he'd return soon. After that, I need to make a decision about my own life."

  **Shuuto Fujimiya:** (*thoughtfully*) "Amane, we support you no matter what you decide. Your happiness is what matters most."

  Amane nodded, his mind filled with uncertainty about the days to come. Little did he know that the meeting with Mihuru the next day would bring a revelation that could change everything they thought they knew. Mihuru sat at the café, anxiously awaiting DG's arrival. Her thoughts were filled with gratitude for this enigmatic figure who had promised to reunite her with her long-lost son. She had gone from finding DG annoying to relying on him for hope.

  When DG finally arrived, Mihuru couldn't help but smile at him.

  **Mihuru:** (*grateful*) "DG, thank you for everything. I don't know how you did it, but you've given me hope. I can't express how much this means to me."

  DG, still veiled in mystery, nodded in acknowledgment. However, his demeanor had shifted from the reassuring figure she had met yesterday.

  **Amane (DG):** (*distant*) "Mihuru, I've done what I could. Your son will return tomorrow. After that, I won't be a part of your life."

Mihuru was taken aback by his sudden change in tone and his declaration of distancing himself.

**Mihuru:** (*confused and concerned*) "Wait, DG, why the sudden change? What did I do?"

  Amane (DG) hesitated for a moment before responding.

  **Amane (DG):** (*guarded*) "It's not about you, Mihuru. I have my reasons. Just know that my involvement ends here."

  Mihuru was puzzled and a bit hurt by his words. She had grown to rely on DG's support and reassurance, but now he seemed determined to withdraw.

  **Mihuru:** (*worried*) "But what if something happens to my son? What if he doesn't return?"

  Amane (DG) looked at her with a mixture of emotions in his hidden eyes.

  **Amane (DG):** (*resigned*) "Misses Chairwoman, you possess the power to destroy me, and I won't stop you. But I can't continue to be a part of this. My path ends here."

  With that, Amane (DG) stood up and walked away, leaving Mihuru in a state of confusion and anxiety.

  Mihuru sat alone in the café, her thoughts swirling in a whirlwind of confusion and uncertainty. The promise of her son's return had given her newfound hope, yet it had come with an unexpected twist from DG. She watched as people passed by, her mind a maze of emotions.

  **Mihuru:** (*thinking to herself*) "What just happened? DG, the one who promised to help me, now wants to distance himself. He's done the impossible - finding Izumi when I couldn't. But why this abrupt change? And why the cryptic behavior?"

Mihuru sighed deeply, realizing how little she knew about the mysterious figure who had given her hope. She had gone from annoyance to gratitude in a short time, and now she was left with a sense of unease.

**Mihuru:** (*confused and worried*) "Izumi is coming back tomorrow. What if he doesn't return, and DG is no longer there to help? Is it possible that I pushed Izumi away somehow? What am I going to do?"

As she pondered her situation, Mihuru couldn't help but feel a mixture of hope and fear for the impending reunion with her son, Izumi. She was determined to see this through, with or without DG's involvement, but the uncertainty of the future weighed heavily on her mind.Amane walked away from the café, the bustling city streets seeming quieter than usual as he grappled with his own emotions. He knew he had to be strong for Mihuru, even though his heart ached with each step he took away from her.

**Amane:** (*to himself*) "I can't let my feelings get in the way. This isn't about me or what we once were. It's about Mihuru and her son. I need to be there for her, even if it means keeping my true identity a secret."

Amane continued to walk through the city, his thoughts consumed by the complex web of emotions surrounding him. He couldn't help but wonder about Mihuru's feelings, her sense of gratitude mixed with confusion due to his recent actions. Little did he know that the upcoming reunion with Izumi would hold even more surprises and challenges for them all.