
Hidden Fighters

In "Hidden Fighters" the main character, Amane Fujimiya, is a man of mystery with a hidden past. A former legend in the world of martial arts and the enigmatic first generation legend, Amane has disappeared from society, leaving behind his friends, family, and a shattered love story with Mihuru Shinra, the woman he still secretly adores. Years later, Amane's estranged son, Izumi who embarks on a quest to uncover the truth about his father's disappearance and his own roots. Along the way, he encounters a powerful mentor, Fuji Shikimori, who trains him in martial arts and reveals the existence of a hidden world of legends and demons. As Izumi delves deeper into this world, he learns that his father, Amane, is not only alive but also a key player in the enigmatic Hidden Fighters. The story unfolds with secrets, betrayals, and a complex web of relationships that tie together Amane, Mihuru, Izumi, and their friends. Amane's journey to protect Mihuru from the shadows, his rivalry with the enigmatic legendary Demon, and Izumi's quest for answers set the stage for a thrilling tale of martial arts, hidden identities, and the enduring power of love and family bonds. As father and son reunite to confront their past, the legend of the Demon's Return reaches its epic climax, revealing shocking truths and challenging the characters' perceptions of good and evil. "Hidden Fighters" is a gripping story of redemption, forgiveness, and the relentless pursuit of love and justice, where the legacy of legends lives on, and the power of the human spirit shines brightly even in the darkest of times.

The_Mystry · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Fuji's Determination (Fuji's Past)

*12 Years Ago - Fuji's Story:*

  Fuji Shikimori, a 12-year-old boy, lived a life overshadowed by academic struggles. His family, apart from his parents, Jhon and Miyabi, often looked down on him due to his inability to excel in studies. In a society that highly valued academic achievements, Fuji found himself consistently at the bottom of his class.

  **Fuji's Classmate 1:** (*mocking*) "Hey, Fuji, are you ever going to stop being the last one in class?"

  **Fuji's Classmate 2:** (*teasing*) "Yeah, maybe one day you'll catch up to us, Fuji!"

  Despite the taunts and teasing, Fuji never gave in to despair. He had dreams, aspirations that went beyond the confines of traditional education.

  **Young Fuji:** (*determined*) "I might not be the best in studies, but I'll find my own path, something I'm passionate about."

  Fuji's parents, Jhon and Miyabi, understood their son's struggles and never let his academic performance define his worth.

  **Jhon Shikimori:** (*supportive*) "Fuji, don't let their words get to you. We believe in you, and we know you'll find your own way to shine."

  **Miyabi Shikimori:** (*encouraging*) "You have unique talents, Fuji. We're proud of you no matter what."

  One gloomy day, as Fuji sat alone in the park, the weight of his academic struggles pressed heavily on his shoulders. Doubt gnawed at his confidence, and he wondered if he would ever find his true path. Lost in his thoughts, he hardly noticed his younger sister, Michan, approaching.

  **Michan Shikimori:** (*cheerful*) "Big brother, why do you look so down?"

  Startled, Fuji turned to see Michan standing there, her eyes filled with concern.

  **Young Fuji:** (*sighs*) "Oh, it's nothing, Michan. Just some school stuff."

  **Michan Shikimori:** (*determined*) "You know, big brother, I think you're amazing. You're not just about school. You have your own talents and strengths that others don't see."

  Her words struck a chord in Fuji's heart. Despite being younger, Michan had a way of understanding him that few others did.

  **Young Fuji:** (*smiles weakly*) "Thanks, Michan, but it's hard when everyone expects me to be good at school."

  **Michan Shikimori:** (*encouraging*) "Don't worry about what others expect. Find what you love, and you'll excel at it. You're my big brother, and I believe in you."

  Her unwavering faith in him filled Fuji with renewed determination.

  **Young Fuji:** (*grateful*) "You're right, Michan. I'll find my passion and work towards it, no matter what."

  Little did he know that these words of encouragement from his sister would become a guiding light on his journey, leading him to discover his true strength and purpose in life.