
Hidden Fates (New Moon Trilogy) (Eddeathra Saga)

*SEQUEL TO TILL WE MEET AGAIN. READ THAT FIRST* Lauren has successfully saved Ben's life and finds out the shocking truth that he is Icas's brother. But when she receives a mysterious call from an old friend, she decides to return to Eddeathra. Reunite with old friends and old enemies and meet new ones too as she tries to stop an assassination attempt on King Odi's life and learn that not all things are what they appear to be. Read the rest of the Eddeathra Saga on my profile!

NYCgirl123 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Old Friend

Black. Shadows. Darkness.

Those three had everything in common. Lauren stood in pure darkness with no way to tell which way was up, or which way was down. She couldn't tell if she was in a small room, or on a large field. There was no sense of time or space. Lauren could only guess that she was in a dream. Dreams had a tendency to do that, especially if they were Eddeathrian Dreams sent by Maisha.

Lauren looked down to see that she was standing and reached her hand down to see what she was standing on but her hand kept on going down. It was as if she was floating in the air.

Lauren looked up to see a young man with dark hair dressed in blue staring at her. His expression was full of worry as he stared Lauren in the eyes. She wasn't sure what was worrying her friend. He looked older so she guessed that some time had certainly passed in Eddeathra. "What's wrong, Odi?" she asked, but she got no reply. Is something wrong? Did something happen?

Lauren reached out to grab his hand, but she suddenly felt herself being jerked away and being tugged downward as she was pulled into the real world.