
Hidden Edges

Being married to a Connor, Crystal Anderson is caught up in the family's drama, mystery and tradition. She goes on a family vacation in the woods with her husband, Dylan Connor, Betty and Jake Connor, Dylan's parents where scary truths are unfolded, decisions are made, things are seen, hearts are broken, blood is shed. Is there an escape? If there is, can she really escape?

Blackturtle · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Chapter 83

Holding unto my hand tightly, he drags me through this narrow path as we both run away from the man chasing after us. He's far behind but any delay on our part would lead to something I'm definitely not prepared for.

"This way!" He says and turns right into another narrow path in the middle of two tall buildings, still dragging me along as my weak legs struggle to catch up with his extremely fast pace. What's happened to Zara now? I really pray she is alright.

The guilt would eat me up from my insides if anything bad happens to that woman who seems to be the only one alongside Jana who has what little compassion for me.

"In here!" He says again and I wonder the point of telling me which way to go if he's going to drag me anyways like a big heavy sack. We go into a dark empty building and immediately run upstairs, hiding behind an open door that leads to a room.

We stand tightly together, really close to the wall with the open door hiding us fairly well. I hear fast footsteps that comes to an abrupt stop, making my heart pound painfully in my chest as I stand in fear with my knees shaking embarrassingly. He tightens his hold on my trembling hand and gives me a look that says "everything will be fine."

"Show your face now human!" The man yells from downstairs and my breath hitches in my throat. "I'll find you anyways but you might as well save your lovely friend because I won't spare him if I have to find you!"

His grip on my palm tightens again just a little and I look at him.

"Am I your lovely friend?" He asks and smiles, revealing a flawless dentition and I frown confused. How can you smile and ask me something of the sort in a situation like this?! My heart is about to freaking escape from it's cage!.

Loud thumping of approaching footsteps brings back my attention completely and my fear takes on a whole new level immediately. I can't afford to be taken away again, not here and not now.

"Oh human!" He says in his weird accent in a singsong voice, sounding really horrible just like the fright he's giving off, "I can smell you close by already. Come out or no!" He says sharply, "stay right where you are. I'm going to have so much fun removing your lad's guts and making you watch me while you listen to his screams and torment!"

I struggle to not breathe in fear that it might rat us out as I look up to 'green eyes' and see him smiling like he's at a museum or something. What's going on?! Why does he keep smiling? Is he a part of them as well? Has he been pretending and lying the entire time?! This is bad. This is really bad. What do I do? I can't put myself out there and at the same time, I can't stay here and endanger him. He might be genuinely helping me and I can't kill one of my very limited helpers. What do I do?!

The footsteps gets closer and I hold my breath in deeper, bite my lip and tighten my hold on his hand unintentionally but I can't stop it. I need something to hold on to so I don't freak out and do something stupid.

The footsteps stops right in front of the open room where we're standing but the door blocks him from seeing us. If he can truly smell us, I bet he knows we're hiding behind this door.

"Come out now." He says in a thick scary voice, the echoes that follow are even more frightening.

"Or what?" Green eyes replies and my eyes go wide immediately. He just fucking gave out our location!

Before I can do anything, I feel his hand around my waist and my book falls to ground as he lifts me up and kicks the door so it slams shut, making the man lose balance and stagger a bit. He takes it as his chance and uses me as a weapon, using my legs to his head and drops me to the ground quickly but gently. My legs hurt from the effect but I think his head hurt even more as he groans in pain and holds his head. He's completely bald and huge with an axe in his right hand.

Green eyes unhesitatingly does some stunt and in the twinkle of an eye, he's straddling the huge man's neck with his legs locked around his neck and body upside down.

He looks at me, smirks and winks then immediately spins around or something but the huge man uncontrollably turns around quickly, wailing and moving his heavy axe in the air, not knowing how to hit green eyes without hurting himself as well. Few seconds of green eyes enjoying a merry-go-round on the huge man's neck, he jumps and stealthily lands on his feet while the burly man is still trying to get a hold of himself.

"I wonder if it'd be even more fun ripping out your guts, old man!" Green eyes laughs and beyond my comprehension, he tackles the giddy huge man to ground with a super speed and plants his axe right in the middle of his wide smooth forehead, killing him instantly.

"I'm sure he has no guts," he says and stands up, smiling and wiping his hand on his jeans, "there'll be no need to bother myself with such frivolities."

I stay kneeling on the ground with my eyes glued to this weird but happy looking man in front of me who just killed a person almost twice his size for my sake without much effort needed. He did it like it he was at the park, having so much fun.

Who is he? Why did he save me? Does he want something from me?

I'm grateful I'm alive for now but what's next? Can I go back to the palace with these people out there on the lookout for me? Is Zara alright? Has Sean heard anything? What do I do now?

"Before you brood over everything that just happened," he says and puts out his hand for me to take, "why don't you come in."

"Huh?" I ask and his smile widens, reaching his beautiful green eyes.

"Welcome to my home."

Thanks for reading another awesome chapter!

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