
The new world

-Well,u screwed up;u better run now.- Flames were coming from under Hugo,covering the whole stair and spreading to the walls,the only choice he had was running,so he threw the bucket too down the stairs and started running with everything he had up the stairs.

Unfortunately for him,the lava elf chasing him wasn't slowed in the slightest,the flames around her melted the bucket before it even touched the ground,and Hugo's attempt at slowing her made the elf even angrier,her fury made the flames even more hot and savage, and they started running amok in the space around her,torching everything in their path.

Watching all of this happening,Hugo started running with newfound haste.However the fire was way faster than how much he could possibly be,and some of his clothes were already burnt.He was reaching the end of the stairway,at the top there were two possible exits,he either had to go on the balcony,or into the captain's chambers.

While he was running,the lava elf behind him was trying to get a glimpse of Hugo,the flames however burned bright all around on the stairs,and Hugo was turning in the black color of the ground with all the flames and his new skill,making her even more angry.

Once she reached the top of the stairway,the elf chose to go outside on the balcony,seeing the door to her chambers was still closed.On the balcony however there was no one,she could see the vast mountains of grey cinder around her and the bulwark's legs moving rhythmically under the tower made of black iron,but all around her she could only see grey and black,not a trace of the creature that offended her.Scorned by all this,the lava elf decided to retire in her chambers,but not after venting her rage on some poor birds passing by,the air under them was so hot that they were fried ,and fell onto the balcony.-QUICK! that's your chance.-

<To do what exactly?>Hugo really couldn't understand what Gcorp had done to him,he was in this world alone with some crazy psycho in his head telling him lie after lie,-You think I'm lying to you?I.AM.YOU.This is a fact,I'm your subconscious self,the part of your brain where you hide your deepest desires,i am the one who makes you feel fear,happyness I give you your dreams and know you even better than yourself!Now hurry up and eat that bird! If you do that,I'll promise to explain everything that has happened to you.-

Surprised by all that his other self said,Hugo reached out for the birds lying on the balcony,he could see his hands and arms black as the metal tower,unfortunately for him,he couldn't become as hard as the metal tower,but the ability to change color was truly godsend,once he finished removing the feathers,he started ate the first bird.

-NEW SPECIES DISCOVERED:SWARM CROW ASSIMILATION PROGRESS 8%. c'mon keep eating them, I'll explain once you 're done-

Just as he finished eating it,his subconscious self gave him this warning, Hugo decided to trust him this time and kept eating the crows until his assimilation progress was at 100%,at this moment,his subconsciousness told him to stop, it was finally the moment for the explanation he deserved!

-So,let's start from the beginning,i am your subconscious,i was awoken by Gcorp procedures,they also gave me generic info about this world,and explained me what we are doing in this place. First of all,your mimetic ability is something that Gcorp awakened too,they injected a mix of dnas and evolutive fluid in every candidate to help you in your first night. The skills you awaken from this point onwards are awoken by you yourself without any help,they may be correlated with the dnas presents in the fluid they injected,but the fluid reacts to the stimulus you receive,there are other ways to awaken abilities, and those are to assimilate new species by consuming them, I was given a program interface to help you handle all you have on hand at the moment, I highly suggest u check it out,to do so ,please think:Chart.


Name: Hugo Magheri






Skills: Mimesis,Agile Movements,Swarm call

Items:Dna fluid

-So this is you right now,keep in mind that 1 is used to measure the total potential of one human,wich means you have strenght almost of 2 humans,the skills are the abilities obtained by you so far:mimesis lets you change the color of your skin and was gifted to you from Gcorp. Agile movements was instead created by you with all the training you did. Swarm call instead was obtained by completely assimilating the crows,this ability lets u call nearby birds and tell them an easy to execute command.

I do not know why they are doing all of this, what do i know is that u can easily escape if you play your cards correctly and get some really strong power. You will have to stay in this world every time you sleep,i can talk to you only in here,and while you stay in here your body is sleeping in the real world,but when you are in the real world,the time is frozen in here,time restarts only at night here.

12 hours in this world are 1 night in the real world.

And this is all i know.-

so i thought explaining precisely how everything works was something due and that's why i wrote the chapter like this,i know it might be boring,but i prefer to tell everything now and not doing it piece by piece.

I hope to be able to write more than one chapter a month soon ,thanks for reading and farewell.

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