
Hidden Desires.1

Marcia_Gioseffi1 · Urban
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15 Chs

cat and mouse game

Ray cursed under his breath. How did you win over a woman like that?

The history of domestic violence got in the way. He didn't quite know what to do. Or how to approach it.

An aggressor. Someone who can hide behind a diploma, a religious altar, behind an influential politician in a small town... The initial protective measure had worked little when she moved to another city in Brazil until she decided to leave the country.

Electronic GPS (Global Positioning Systems) monitoring programs for perpetrators of domestic violence are having a high success rate in protecting victims. There were cases of reduced incidence. Ray was faced with a world he had never thought existed.

He put pressure together with the lawyers. Because the vast majority of GPS-tracked aggressors no longer bothered their victims. That man was insane. He would decide with a supervisor of the program "exclusion areas" - or areas that the attacker could not penetrate. Simple places like near home, work or a college. He had exerted some influence in the case.

And it worked in a very practical way. The anklet alarm screamed. Monitoring supervision service. He hadn't much appreciated knowing he was the target of a psychopath for getting close to Elisabeth. The judicial GPS anklets helped by keeping the aggressor in the exclusion areas.

Because for most men, court orders are nothing more than unimportant roles. He saw with good eyes. It would make Elisabeth more confident. Victims like this felt more comfortable leaving home, visiting family and friends, and looking for a job. Starting a new life, getting a job and restarting relationships with family and friends...

And the daily fee for using electronic monitoring was never cheap. And it's not a punishment imposed on a defendant who hasn't yet been tried, let alone convicted. A wretch like that didn't stop to think about making threats and imposing himself because he was physically stronger.

GPS tracking of suspects should assess the need to protect the victim against the rights and interests of an alleged aggressor. It was statistical data. Most of the women murdered were victims of people close to them, according to the FBI's homicide reports.

Social isolation during the pandemic increased serious social problems. There had been a drastic increase and several people were asking for help, but they weren't seeking help. The courts were closed or working during emergency hours, making it difficult.

The beginning of her relationship years before... There had been a specific pattern for her ex-boyfriend's behaviour. Controlling behaviour is sometimes even explained by cultural differences. And then... the rest of the service arrives. Punches, kicks.

He tried to hang her with a cell phone charger cable.

Moments of absolute desperation and then the only possible way out for a victim to stay alive. If she plays dead.

It doesn't matter colour, ethnicity, sexual orientation or religion. ..the law guarantees protection to any individual victim of physical or psychological aggression. Sexual abuse. When a woman is forced to do something that causes discomfort or simply doesn't want to do it, it qualifies as sexual abuse.

Ray took a deep breath. It was an approximation attempt. A very forced bump, but he was pretty sure Elisabeth would make any excuse to skip dinner.

Damn bum.

Decidedly, he opened the bathroom closet door in the suite and took out a bucket and filled it with water. It wouldn't be long before the deck's entire supply ran out of reserve.

Control and patience. Show absolute calm.

His hand tapped on her cabin door with a heavy sigh. He was past the age of behaving like a teenager. And yet… This was starting to get exciting. The art of conquest and seduction. First, he wanted to make it very clear that Elisabeth could leave whenever she wanted to.

It is worth it?

Silence. An eternity.

She won't open it. What do I do with her? Just concentration and focus. Damn it, Ray. Where is she? Damn miserable asshole that imbecile.


He forced a smile. Not bad for a shy Oi. Small beginnings and advancing inch by inch.

-There was a problem and some of the water supply pipes on this deck are being repaired. I thought I might need...

It was a small gap in the door. He could see the huge doubtful eyes. And he hated, even more, the shadow of distrust in him and deeper the fear.

Just keep making conversation. Don't be flustered. Don't screw it up, Ray.

Very slowly. He saw the door open and Elisabeth appeared before him. The bucket of water was still in her hand. She had the towel wrapped around her head and a few strands of hair still escaped with suds. There was the distinct smell of soap in the air.

-IT IS. - she said awkwardly. I figured it out. My hair...

Ray nodded now without any remorse.

I'm no good. Stop this. Just the temptation to touch her… Damn, I want this woman. Holy shit she gave birth. Be optimistic, Ray. Slowly. Don't be hasty. Show time.

-Well, as you helped me with the bandage. I think I can return the help. You can leave the door open. Today is a very hot and muggy day. Come.

Elisabeth watched him walk towards the bathroom doubtfully.

It was unexpected.

And the plan to switch hemispheres because he's absolutely beautiful?

- Tilt your head over the sink while I splash water so you can get the rest of the shampoo out of your hair.

Everything is fine. That means physical contact. No panic.

She nodded, feigning all naturalness. Shit. He is seductive. Oh please... This is too fast.