
Hidden Boss: The Author Become Mob

What do you want to do If you really reincarnated in your own novel? Become a Hero? A villian? A Side Character? Let's accompany Kenn to his Adventure as a New persona in his Novel.. Let's watch him if he becomes a hero or a villain..

LuciFirst_05 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Amidst Chaos, the Unwavering Calm of Leo

With only two hours remaining in Raven's trial for his students, there are only four complete groups left. Meanwhile, a water mage named Ethan is bravely battling monsters in the depths of the lake. His excitement grows as he collects numerous rare pearls, knowing he can sell them at a high price after the trial. With each [Aquathorn] he defeats, he gains valuable attributes and kills points.

As Ethan ventures deeper into the lake, he suddenly stumbles upon a large emerald stone adorned with ancient inscriptions. The stone pulsates with pure mana, filling him with a sense of luck and anticipation. "This will be a fantastic material for the alchemist," Ethan muses to himself, feeling like he has struck gold this time.


The sound of Ethan's heart pounding with excitement reverberates in his chest. He can practically taste the richness of the rewards awaiting him.

Ethan's eyes were filled with greed, so he swiftly made his way to the Stone. As his fingers brushed against the cool surface, a peculiar sensation gripped him. His spine tingled with an icy shiver, and his hair stood on end, as if whispering a warning. Panic surged through him, urging him to flee for his life.

Suddenly, an ear-splitting noise echoed in his ears, like a piercing screech—eeeeeek!

Ethan's heart raced as he turned to escape, but before he could take a step, he caught a glimpse of an enormous eye fixed upon him. The sight froze him in his tracks, and his breath caught in his throat.

The hidden mechanisms of the dungeon activated, forcing Ethan to teleport away from the dungeon's depths. In an instant, he found himself outside, gasping for air as his body trembled in fear for what he experienced.

Exhausted and overwhelmed, Ethan's consciousness slipped away, leaving him floating in the unknown, his mind lost in the depths of unconsciousness.


The dungeon quaked relentlessly, its tremors reverberating through every corridor. The air was filled with an ominous roar, a deafening sound that echoed through the depths, causing panic among the denizens of the dungeon. Monsters scurried frantically, desperately seeking shelter from the impending doom.

Yet amidst the chaos, four determined teams stood their ground. Their hearts pounded in their chests, adrenaline surging through their veins. Despite the overwhelming fear that threatened to consume them, their curiosity pushed them forward. With unwavering resolve, they embarked on a treacherous journey towards the source of the thunderous roar.

Step by cautious step, they ventured deeper into the dungeon, their ears attuned to the spine-chilling sounds that surrounded them. The earth beneath them quivered in a menacing rhythm, like the ominous growl of a caged beast. The teams exchanged nervous glances, their anticipation mounting with each passing moment.

Finally, they arrived at the heart-stopping spectacle that awaited them. There, in all its terrifying grandeur, loomed a colossal monster—a serpent of immense proportions. Its serpentine body twisted and writhed, its sinewy muscles flexing with power. A single horn adorned its menacing snout, serving as a testament to its ferocity.

The sight sent shivers down their spines, and their hearts skipped a beat. It was a moment of both awe and dread, as they stood face-to-face with a creature that defied their wildest imaginations. The onomatopoeic roars of the serpent intensified the suspense, reverberating through the air like thunderclaps, further amplifying the tension that hung in the atmosphere.

Yet, despite the overwhelming danger and the palpable fear that gripped their souls, the teams found a newfound determination. They steeled their nerves, drawing strength from each other and the collective desire to uncover the truth behind the cataclysmic events unfolding in the dungeon. With hearts resolute, they prepared to confront the formidable adversary before them, ready to face whatever perils lay in wait.

As the teams cautiously approached the monstrous serpent, their high-tech systems flickered to life, projecting a holographic display. Eager to gather any information they could, they fixed their gaze on the ethereal image that materialized before them. But to their bewilderment, the display simply showed a single word: "Bakunawa." Surrounding the name were enigmatic question marks, obscuring any further details about the creature.


[Name : Bakunawa]


Level: [?????]

Affinity: [?????]





Unbeknownst to the teams, the name held great significance. [Bakunawa], a divine creature in myths and legend, was said to possess unimaginable power. In ancient lore, it was believed that Bakunawa had committed a grave sin by devouring the moon, angering the gods. In response, the deities sealed the serpent with their divine might, binding it with chains forged from heavenly energy and inscribed with sacred writings.

The teams found themselves confronted with an entity shrouded in mystery. The characteristics of [Bakunawa] remained elusive, leaving them to ponder the true nature of this ancient behemoth. What were its abilities? How formidable was its strength? These questions lingered in their minds, further fueling their trepidation.

To their ears, the very air seemed to whisper the echoes of the serpent's power. A low, guttural rumble resonated through the dungeon, akin to the hiss of a coiled snake preparing to strike. The sound reverberated, growing in intensity, as if the very atmosphere itself trembled in response to the presence of Bakunawa.

As the teams studied the holographic projection, their hearts pounded in sync with the rapid flickering of the display. The unanswered queries danced before their eyes, teasing them with their enigmatic nature. Each question mark seemed to pulsate with a mesmerizing aura, heightening the suspense that gripped their senses.

In the face of this extraordinary adversary, the teams' minds raced, their imaginations conjuring visions of the serpent's colossal form. They envisioned its scaled body, glistening with an otherworldly sheen, as it coiled and twisted in a serpentine dance of ancient power. The onomatopoeic echoes of its presence, like a resounding **ssssss**,echoed through the depths, sending chills down their spines.

Amidst the turmoil and panic, there was one individual who remained remarkably composed—Leo. While the dungeon trembled and monsters scattered in fear, Leo stood firm, his demeanor unshaken. In the midst of the heart-pounding chaos, his steady presence provided a beacon of tranquility. With unwavering focus and a calmness that defied the surrounding chaos, Leo's resolute determination remained unyielding.

End of Chapter.