
Hidden Boss of Konohazz


JarroLightfeather · Action
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2 Chs


Light, endless light is shining, time here seems to have lost its meaning, this sea of ​​light has existed for a long time, like a vast ocean spreading everywhere. From time to time there is a bright wave on the sea, and the surging of these waves seems to be playing a happy movement. I don't know how long it took, a new force appeared under the ocean of light, the decay and weakening of light, leaving behind a cold and empty void, they hide in this place where the light cannot shine, and slowly breed and belong to themselves the power of. Along with the expansion of the ocean of light, this force also spread.

This power gradually grows with the spread of light. Gradually it no longer satisfies everything it can have. It begins to become hungry and greedy. This power of darkness is like a barrel of the most greedy vampire that can twist everything , Finally showed his fangs at the moment when Light reached its strongest. Darkness, or it prefers its new name: Void, it finally declares war on the source of its birth. The power of light and the void are opposed to each other, but they are inseparable from each other. The confrontation of the two forces eventually leads to a strong catastrophic explosion. In an instant, the various forces flew across and collided with each other. The impulse generated by the explosion cleared an area, and after the collision of light and darkness, they were repelled from this boundary.

At this moment, a brand-new physical universe was born. From the collision between the light and the void, the nascent universe of Shuttle Pot, where there are not many aftermaths of energy, all kinds of matter merge and rotate with the convergence of energy, forming countless primitive worlds. After a long time of washing, this universe—the dark void—continuously expands.

With the explosion of light and void, stable energy and matter merged to form the original dark void, and correspondingly, too intense and unstable energy gradually gathered, and they formed a brand new plane, which is the twisted void. After the distortion of the void was formed, the light and darkness that could not enter the new realm fought more fiercely at the edge of this realm. Yes, this unstable plane was even more chaotic. Although there is no connection between the Twisting Void and the Dark Void, with the collision of light and darkness, the chaotic and disorderly energy in the Twisting Void will occasionally break through the boundary and enter the Dark Void, beginning to affect and distort the creation in reality. And this is the

"This is the origin of this universe"