
Hidden angels

THIS STORY CONTAINS VIOLENCE DO NOT READ IF UNDER 10 YEARS OLD READ AT OWN RISK Nyx followed her mother's and father's orders, she made great friendships just to ruin them after, but everyone believes she has a heart of gold under her ice cold front, maybe her best friends will help her realize what she's done and she will find the courage and strength to fix her mistakes.

astrobitchy · Others
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

"Goodbye mother" I whispered, as me and my mother hid from the gaze of others, my mother, Bellatrix Lestrange, hugged me tightly and I did so back, I wrapped my arms around her slim figure and she gave me a peck on the cheek, as she lightly pushed me towards platform 9 ¾, I stopped myself and turned around, "mom" I softly sighed "can you please repeat what you said earlier? I need a refresh." She smiled and I did so too.

A slim figure caught my eyes as I stepped inside the train, he had deep black hair and bright green eyes, even though that would be the source of everyone's attention, it wasn't mine, my gaze flickered on his scar, I slowly tightened my grip on my trunk as I watched him flinch in pain, a slight smirk appeared on my face but I took it off as soon as he looked at me "what are you staring at?" he asked, his voice filled with confusion "oh my god, i'm so sorry, i'm just a very big fan" lies lies lies lies, just lies were rushing out of my mouth, I looked down at my feet "sorry" I pleaded out, I noticed a smile growing on his face as he opened his mouth "would you like to share a cabin with me?" I picked my head up immediately and frantically nodded my head, we stepped into the nearest cabin and sat down, he was in front of me, looking around in amazement "new to the whole magic stuff?" I asked "yes" he shily said "don't worry, you'll get it soon enough" I smiled "at Hogwarts there's the best teachers" I opened my arms when I said 'the best teachers" mostly just to make it look like I actually cared about him, he smiled at me and looked away. Soon, he turned back to me "I'm so sorry" he apologized "I forgot to ask your name" his gaze went do his knees and I giggled "Don't worry" I laughed "I'm Nyx" I pulled my hand out, he looked at me in a somewhat amazed expression "you're supposed to shake it" I said, snapping my fingers in front of his face, he finally came back and shook my hand "that's such a beautiful name" he smiled "thank-" I didn't get to finish my phrase when a redhead boy with freckles walked in. 

"Excuse me" he said, both me and Harry turned our attention to him "do you mind everywhere else is full" he asked "not at all" Harry politely responded "i'm Ron by the way" "Ron Weasley" 

"I'm Harry Harry Potter" Ron's mouth widened in surprise "so, so it's true I mean do you really have the- the" he stuttered "the what?" Harry asked, Ron pointed to his forehead "oh" he pulled his hair up, revealing the scar once again "wicked" Ron gasped, suddenly a woman walked in front of the cabin, offering sweets. "Anything off the trolley dears?" she asked "no thanks'' Ron pulled his own sweets up from his pocket "I'm all set" he continued. "We'll take the lot!" Harry said, pulling out at least 10 golden galleons "whoa" both me and Ron gasped in awe. The two began eating  Cockroach Clusters, Fudge Flies, Blood-flavoured lollipops, Liquorice Wands, Sugar Quills, Toothflossing Stringmints, Cauldron Cakes, Chocolate Cauldrons, Fizzing Whizzbees, Bertie Bott's, Ice Mice, Pepper Iimps, Skiving Snackboxes, Honeydukes chocolate and of course Chocolate Frogs, they talked and laughed continuously which I found kind of cute, stay in line Nyx, you cannot find them cute, never, do you want to die? Harry began opening a box of Bertie bott's "there's chocolate and peppermint. And there's also spinach, liver and tripe George sweat he got a bogey flavor at one" Ron explained as I laughed at Harry's expressions, he glared at me and turned back to Ron, then he spat the bean out and shyly looked at Ron, then Harry took a chocolate frog box in his hands "these aren't real frogs are they?" He questioned "it's just a spell" I explained "besides it's the card you want, each pack has got a famous witch or wizard, I have about 500 myself" Ron cut me off "watch it!" I called out, the frog jumped away "it's rotten luck, I've only got one good, jumping in to begin with" Ron said, then Harry pulled the car out "I've got Dumbledore" he said "I got six of him" then Harry looked up "Hey, he's gone" Harry exclaimed "Well you can't expect them to stay around all day can you?" I laughed, Ron interrupted me once again "this is Scabbers by the way, pathetic isn't he?" "just a little bit" Harry smiled "Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow, want to see?" Ron asked, both me and Harry nodded, he cleared his throat and was about to begin when a young girl stepped in front of us. "Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one" she said, her voice was very high pitched, really not as I remembered. The three of us shook our heads in response "oh are you doing magic?" Let's see then" classic role they would give her, a little smarty pants, ugh, couldn't she be my friend in slytherin or something? No she just had to be a gryffindor for this shitty plan. Ron cleared his throat once again which brought me back to reality "Sunshine daisies butter mellow turn the stupid fat rat yellow" he said "are you sure that's a real spell? well it's not very good is it?" she said, I tried not to laugh, my good friend probably found this role very hard, "of course either you try it a few simple ones, but for myself, they don't work for me" she pulled her wand out "example" her wand pointed to Harry's face "oculus reparo, that's better" she smiled at the neat work she had done, then in the sudden realization she gasped "holy cricket you're Harry Potter, I'm Hermione Granger and you are?" she asked Ron "um, Ron Weasley" he said while munching on some chocolate "pleasure, oh and what is your name?" she asked me "Nyx, nice to meet you" she smiled at me and then turned back to the others "you three better change into robes, I expect we'll be arriving soon" she the got up and began walking out, suddenly she stopped, "you've got dirt on your nose by the way, did you know?" she turned on her heels again but this time she fully left.

Once we arrived all of the students, new and old, stepped out of their cabins and hurried out. When we finally left the clutter of people, me, Harry and Ron arrived in front of a large man, I believe his name was Hagrid, he led us to the 'castle' and then told us to stay with an old lady, she was a professor, McGonagall or something. She led us through the stairs, my mother told me they were scary for a young child but I found them extremely fun, when I get older I might push people down the stairs for fun. Wait, no that's not part of the mission, but if I get time, no Nyx no! I looked at her again and a student ran to the front "Trevor!" he jumped as he grabbed the toad, McGonagall looked down at him with a weird face, was she pooping or something? Then she began explaining everything about the houses, yet I didn't hear one bit, I was scanning the room, lost in my own thoughts, each student was listening as if their life depended on it and all I did was think about what my mother explained and all of my tasks. Suddenly the doors opened and that brought me back to reality. Each and every student turned around to face us, the long tables were filled with students and only the most popular could sit in the front, I turned my head to the slytherin table and looked at it, eyeing my place as I walked. We arrived in front of the stage and stopped on our tracks, the teachers sat at a long table and when Mcgonagall passed in front of us she gave a slight smile to the crowd. After she started calling names and each student stepped up to be sorted, "Hermione Granger'' she loudly said, Hermione walked up to the stool and sat on it, "mmh let me think, Gryffindor!" The hat yelled, the table cheered and jumped, Ron and Harry were both sorted after and got Gryffindor "Nyx Riddle'' Mcgonagall called, I got up and sat on the stool, "You have many traits but by far the strongest is...You are cunning and ambitious, Slytherin!" I jumped up as the Slytherin table did, I got slytherin, my mom will be so proud! Then I sat at the seat I had been eyeing and watched the rest getting sorted. "Draco Malfoy" she called, he got up with a smirk and soon after he was sitting down next to me, I scoffed at him and he smirked, "Hey Nyx" he said, I rolled my eyes, gosh can't he just shut up? I smiled sarcastically at him and ignored his hello, "It's rude to ignore people Riddle" he scoffed, I turned my head towards him and smirked "you really think you're all that huh?" I said, he looked at me as if he'd never been disrespected "you now not all people love you and wish to be you, some people would prefer to have you killed" I scoffed, turning my head around to face Dumbledore who had just started his speech. Then after the super long speech food finally appeared, I grabbed my plate and filled it with steak and fries, I was frustrated with Draco, I knew him, hell we were best friends years ago and he didn't even have the nerve to remember me. 

Everyone followed the head girl or boy for their house, our head girl had very dark brown hair and brown eyes, I believe her name is Kennedy, she was also part of the plan. Everyone listened to her say the password 'pureblood',  it was gonna be easy to remember. Inside I found my dorm, I had to share it with a girl named Pansy, Pansy Parkinson, her face kind of looked like a pug but I didn't tell her, she seemed nice and I wanted to make a friendship with her. "Hey so your name is Nyx right?" She asked "yes, and you're Pansy?" I replied "correct, also don't find me weird please, I know your name because Draco, my best friend told me about you, he said you two were best friends 2 years ago" she smiled "he remembers me?" I asked, a soft smile forming on my face "yes, he got sad because you were so rude" she jumped on her bed "but he was so rude to me" I said "he didn't realize it was you at the moment but when you snapped he did" she explained "I'll be right back" I yelled as I ran out the room, hoping to find Draco. He was on the sofa, "Draco!" I yelled "I thought you forgot about me" I hugged him 



"I will never forget you"


"yes Nyx, never"

I hugged him tighter and cried into his shoulder, "whoa why are you crying Riddle?" He laughed "sorry, I missed you" I said between sniffles, Draco grabbed my sleeve and pushed me next to him, pulling me in a hug once again. 

The next morning I woke up and realized how late I was.


I grabbed my uniform and quickly put it on, then I got my books from my trunk and ran out. In the common room I found Draco, he fell asleep on the couch, I knew I was going to be late for class but pushed the thought away, then I nicely laid my books on the table and walked closer to him. "Draco, wake up" I said, he turned around in his sleep and grumpily pushed me away "Draco, wake up!" I loudly ordered, this time he turned around to face me and got up on his butt "Don't be a meanie" he rubbed his eyes "I'm not, now go get dressed and get your stuff" I said "fast." 

After Draco came back we smiled at each other and headed to our first class, potions. Me and draco entered the class and were a bit late, Snape eyed us rudely and we sat down. "There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class, as such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art the dispersion making, however for those select few who possess the predisposition I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses'' He started, hugging his cape as he whispered the word 'senses' "I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death" Draco looked at him in amazement, I knew he was going to ace this class, "then again maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention" Snape looked at Harry now, I smirked, "Mr. Potter our new celebrity, tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Hermione's hand shot up but was ignored "you don't know well let's try again where, Mr. Potter, would you look at If I asked you to find me a bezoar?" Snape asked "I don't know sir" Harry answered "and what is the difference between monkshood and wolfbane?" Snape asked "I don't know sir" Harry shily answered "pretty clearly fame isn't everything, is it Mr. Potter?" Snape asked, Harry shook his head and the lesson started. I almost fell asleep but luckily Draco woke me up each time. 

Finally, class ended "Oi! Draco" I yelled as we left, Draco was ahead of me and I ran to catch up "Sorry firecracker" he laughed "not that nickname again" I rolled my eyes "yes that nickname again" Draco grabbed my arm and pulled me in the common room "What are you-" he cut me off, "we are skipping today" he said "I am going to braid your hair, and I need your help to bleach mine" I laughed "really, do we have to?" I asked "yes firecracker now let's get to work"  he tugged my arm and I followed him to his dorm "I hate you donut" I said "No you don't, and also why did you bring that awful nickname back?" he asked, I smirked at him in response. We had these very old nicknames that we created about 5 years ago, we both hated them but it was hilarious to call each other them. I sat on my bed, holding the brush Draco had handed me. He came from the bathroom with hair bands, they were black, like my hair. He also had colored clips in his hand which I loved, he got them for my birthday years ago and the only time I used them was when he helped me. "Donut, why are you walking in slow mo?" I laughed, Draco frowned at me and I laughed even more. He finally sat on my bed with me. "Do you know Pansy?" I asked "yes, I do, why?" he replied "It just looks like she has a crush on you" he laughed "wait- you're not kidding" Draco suddenly realized "no she doesn't, not at all, I know that's fake news" he lied to himself "come on it's obvious" he shook his head and began brushing my hair. "How are you amazing at brushing people's hair?" I asked "I don't know, I just am" he picked a pink clip and placed it in my hair, keeping my front strand back, then he got a yellow one and did the same on the same strand, but this time it was lower, directly under the pink one. He kept doing this until the whole strand was done, after he went on the other side and did the same, he was now putting them in lines on my hair, it looked random but It was so beautiful, my black hair had so much contrast with the colored clips and I loved it "it's so pretty, thank you" I softly smiled at draco, he did the same back and jumped up "I used your butterfly clips! I think they're so pretty" he smiled "I wish I had them" he then frowned "we can share mine" I said, he turned around to face me and grabbed my shoulders "really?" "yes" "yay!"

We then hurried to the bathroom and he sat down on a chair I had placed before, then I grabbed the bottle of bleach and checked the instructions "okay, easy" I mumbled, then I opened it and put a little on the brush shaped like a sponge, "stay still" I told Draco, he obeyed and I started brushing his hair with the brush, after 20 minutes, that felt like hours, of doing so I finally finished and Draco went to wash his hair. "Are you done?" I yelled when I heard the water stopping "yep" Draco walked out of the bathroom fully dressed and ready to spill the 'tea' with me "why do you call it 'tea'? That's what muggles call it" I said "because, it sounds fancier this way" he explained, then we sat on the bed again and spilled the so called 'tea'

After we finished spilling the 'tea' It was time for lunch, me and Draco ran through the students to get our spots, we passed everyone and I noticed Hermione staring at me "Draco, I'll be right back" I said, hurrying away towards Hermione. "What is it?" I asked her "You know everything right?" She asked "yep" I replied "how are you doing?" I asked "good, now go we don't want to seem suspicious"  she said, and we both ran off in opposite directions. Suddenly I fell, not because I tripped, but because Someone threw a spell at me, I hit my head on the floor, Draco came running towards me, his goons following and panicking, Harry, Ron and Hermione joined Draco and I could hear them debating on what to do. "We should call a teacher" Hermione said, logic "But what if they get us in trouble?" Harry says "So what!? Would you prefer your friend to be safe and you in trouble or her in danger and you safe?" Draco snapped, they finally decided to pick me up and bring me to the hospital wing, I was laid down on a bed and Draco sat next to me while the others were forced to leave. "Hey firecracker, I hope you're okay, let me know if you wake up and need anything" he whispered nicely, making me fall asleep more. I wanted to get up and talk but I felt a knot in my throat, someone must have put something in my drink, but who? I decided to get up slowly, Draco noticed and immediately turned his head around to look at me "are you okay firecracker?" he asked, putting a hand on my back to keep me steady, I pointed to my throat and then to a piece of parchment next to him, he handed it to me and got up to get a quill. "Here" Draco handed me the quill, I started writing almost immediately:

Someone put something in my drink, I feel a knot in my throat Draco. What happened? 

"Firecracker, are you sure someone put something in your drink? Or is it just because you're panicking right now?" He asked me, but I heard only half of his words, I started hyperventilating, breathing heavily just to feel the knot in my throat grow bigger and making me choke, I started coughing but no sound came out of my mouth, I tried to use my hands to bring oxygen in my mouth but nothing worked "Madame Pomfrey" Draco yelled "please come help, something is happening to Nyx" he yelled again, now I was holding my neck with both hands, struggling to breathe and trying to yell, Madame Pomfrey came running in "oh dear" "what happened to her?" "I don't know" said Draco "she was writing on this piece of parchment and then she suddenly started hyperventilating, I don't- I don't- I don't know what- what's going on Madame Pomfrey, do something" Draco whispered on the verge of tears "please" he was now crying, hugging me and trying to help me out "you have to leave Draco, now" she said "okay, but please call me when she is feeling better" he cleaned his tears up and left. Madame Pomfrey approached me and pulled her wand out, she then pointed it at me and my vision went black. 

"Is she okay?" Draco asked "yes, she should be able to talk, but dont force her because it could ruin her vocal cords" "would you like to sit there?" Madam Pofrey said, I was now sitting up, coffing the pain out "what" I started, but I felt a sharp pain, then i turned around to look for the parchment and quill, they were still there, I picked them up and started writing again: When I try to talk I feel a sharp pain in my throat, why is that? I wrote and handed it to her "dear, that is normal, just an after effect of the treatment" she explained, I nodded and turned to Draco, then I waved at him with a smile, he did so back "How are you?" he asked, I wrote a half happy half sad face on the parchment and Draco laughed. 

The next couple days I had to stay in the hospital wing and Draco came every day, before class, during lunch, after class, and after dinner, he comforted me all the time and made me happy even in the situation I was in.