
Hidden Adversary

Ah, greetings! You've stumbled upon the very first story I wrote as a young child. I originally posted this piece on another site back in 2018, but I've decided to repost it now with improved grammar and revisions. The core of the story will remain unchanged, as it holds a somewhat nostalgic feeling for me. As you delve into this story, you'll witness the story writing style of my younger self. I'll admit, looking back at it now, I can't help but cringe at it. However, it serves as a reminder of my growth and development as a writer. Over time, I studied story structure and honed my skills, allowing me to write better stories. Consider this version of the characters to be from an alternate universe, providing a fresh perspective. There will be a different version of it coming out soon, so keep an eye on it! With that said, I sincerely hope that your eyes won't be too scorched by the contents of my younger self's work.

Anim_Ti · Action
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Chapter 1

Before being known as Takeshi, Ahmad currently 12-Years-Old lived in a small country where he resided alongside his loving parents and four siblings. Among them was Hafiz, his elder brother, occasionally protective but not overly so. Jane, their third sibling, is the laziest, yet she will do house chores whenever our mother raised her voice at her. Mei, on the other hand, is their fourth sibling, the most formidable and merciless sister in the family. Lastly, there was Laila, the youngest member of the household, who preferred the endearing moniker of "Little Sister." As for Ahmad himself, he is the second sibling in the family

The family held ownership over an esteemed organization or company within their country, though it may not have been the largest enterprise, its reputation was well-established throughout the land.

On Saturday, a day when their parents would take the three sisters out for an outing to "The Mall," Hafiz beckoned Ahmad to join him in a game of soccer. He set a pair of sports shoes before Ahmad and extended an invitation, "Hey, Ahmad, want to join me for soccer at the nearby field?" As Ahmad observed the footwear, memories of the excruciating pain surged within his chest, inflicted by Hafiz's accidental yet forceful strike during a prior match, leaving a lingering bruise. Hafiz, noticing Ahmad's discomfort, voiced his concern, "Are you okay? You seem hurt... Is it because of that incident?" Ahmad, not wanting to spend another lonely afternoon in his home, and knowing that Hafiz always looked forward to their shared playtime, concealed his pain and responded, "Don't worry about it, I can run just fine" Ahmad wore the shoes and hopped up and down to demonstrate his capacity to withstand any discomfort. Hafiz, reassured by Ahmad's show of resilience, agreed, "Alright, let's go then. If you feel any pain later, you can rest on the sidelines and watch me play instead." Ahmad nodded with a slight grin and affirmed, "Okay."

On a particular day, Ahmad observed his sister Jane as she indulged in taking selfies with her old smartphone, intent on posting them on the social media platform Instagram. However, Ahmad couldn't help but feel repulsed by the exaggerated faces she made in an attempt to appear popular.

Quietly, Ahmad approached Jane, and just as she was about to snap a picture, he popped up behind her. Startled, Jane exclaimed, "Ah! Hey, mind your own business!" Ahmad couldn't resist the urge to tease her, and a mischievous smirk adorned his face. "Well, you won't become popular with that ugly baboon-like face," he remarked, causing Jane to become visibly annoyed.

"Pfft, as if you've ever had any followers. I have this many, so ha!" Jane proudly displayed her smartphone, revealing a mere ten followers. Ahmad couldn't help but burst into laughter. "You call that popular? Hahaha!" he jeered, The laughter stung Jane deeply, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Oh Well..., at least having some followers is better than none, right?" Ahmad's laughter abruptly ceased. He stood rooted to the ground, unable to retort, and silently walked away from her.

Moving on to Mei, the fourth sibling in the family, Ahmad knew better than to provoke her when she was angry. Mei had a reputation for being merciless, particularly when Jane or Hafiz teased her. Whenever her anger flared, she would seize any nearby furniture and hurl it at them. However, most of the punishment came from her swift fists, as she would grab their hair, dragging them to the ground. Once they were down, Mei wouldn't let go until they apologized. It was only Ahmad who could convince her to release her grip. He was the only one Mei would surrender to.

Lastly, there was Laila, the carefree sister who always followed her own whims. Born in the same year as Mei but on a different day and month, Laila had a penchant for singing, drawing, and playing with Mei every day. She radiated a carefree spirit, bringing joy to the family.

Ahmad's parents toiled tirelessly day and night, sometimes even working well into the next day or week. Despite their heavy schedule, Ahmad and his siblings admired and supported their parents' hard work. Although both of the parent's dream was to expand the company globally, they chose to remain in Sarawak and Kuala Lumpur. Over the course of a month, they successfully expanded their company, garnering over a million members. Ahmad's father held a position of authority and commanded immense respect even in the underground world, a single misstep from any employee spelled torment until their dying breath. Meanwhile, Ahmad's mother served as his father's trusted co-boss, assisting him in managing large-scale projects.

Every year, their parents rewarded Ahmad's siblings with New Year allowances, an annual tradition. However, Ahmad was left without such an allowance, with his father promising him, "You will receive it later." Although disappointed each year, Ahmad kept his emotions in check. With patience as his guiding principle, he never threw a tantrum or expressed resentment towards his parents. Instead, he warmly replied, "It's okay. I'll wait." Their parents embraced all of their children, leaving Ahmad feeling a mix of emotions.

One day, Ahmad's principal handed him a travel voucher and compensation for his journey. Overjoyed, Ahmad exclaimed, "Really?! This is amazing!" The principal explained that Ahmad had earned this reward through his exceptional dedication to his studies. Achieving a perfect score of 100 on all his tests, Ahmad stood out as the brightest student. After graduating from middle school at a tender age, Ahmad had become a source of great pride for both the government and the school counselors. Emotion welled up in his teacher's eyes, for she held high hopes for Ahmad's future.

The special treatment granted Ahmad a month-long trip to Japan, a country he adored because of the Japanese cartoon that he watched. However, there was a bittersweet twist. His family couldn't accompany him on this trip, as it was only for Ahmad. Nonetheless, Ahmad's parents and siblings were thrilled for him and offered their heartfelt congratulations. Although hesitant to bid farewell to his family, Ahmad had another pressing concern occupying his mind. Through online research, he stumbled upon unsettling information. He discovered that numerous organizations harbored ill intentions toward his family's company.

"I'll be fine for a month but what about all of you? There are organizations plotting against you! Will you be safe?" Ahmad voiced his concerns to his parents, worry etched on his youthful face.

"Don't worry, Ahmad," reassured his mother with a touch of concern in her voice. "We'll be just fine here. Go ahead and enjoy your time. We can take care of anything that comes our way." Her worry had prompted her to prepare a safety bag, just in case.

Ahmad tried his best not to let sadness cloud his expression as he accepted the safety bag from his mother. Ahmad attempted to sound confident. "But I've also prepared a safety bag just for you, in case you encounter any problems while I'm away."

His older brother, with a tough and gangster-like appearance, approached him. "Such big talk for a little brother going alone overseas," he remarked, teasingly.

Ahmad shook his head, a mischievous smile on his face. "I won't be going alone," he replied proudly. "I've got a maid who will be with me once I'm there."

Hafiz expressed his amazement. "Wow, lucky you then," he said with a hint of envy.

As Ahmad's departure time drew near, he grabbed the safe bag, ready to embark on his journey. "Well, my flight is leaving. Make sure to say my farewell to Jane, Mei, and Laila. Okay, big bro?" Ahmad requested.

Hafiz chuckled, "Yeah, sure. I don't think they'll be too happy about it, haha," he replied.

With a final wave and heartfelt hugs exchanged, Ahmad made his way to the boarding gate. "I'm off! see you all in a month!" he called out, his excitement palpable. His family reciprocated with enthusiastic goodbyes, their voices overlapping, echoing their confidence that everything would be fine during his one-month trip. Ahmad held onto the belief that his family would be well taken care of, allowing him to relax and savor the time his parents had given him, despite a lingering thought that it might be the last embrace he shared with them.

A month had gone by, and Ahmad was on his way back to his family. Excitement filled his heart as the stories that he wanted to share with them about his time in Japan—the fascinating culture, the friendly citizens, and so much more. The taxi dropped him off near his house, not too far away, as he wanted to surprise his family. With a cheerful wave, he watched the taxi drive away before heading toward his home. However, what awaited Ahmad upon his arrival shattered his joy. In front of his eyes, the house stood engulfed in raging flames, sending ashes flying through the air. Fear gripped his heart, and without a moment's hesitation, he dashed towards the blazing inferno. He called out for his family, their names echoing desperately through the burning wreckage. Amidst the chaos, a faint response reached his ears. It was his mother's voice, emanating from their bedroom on the upper floor. With adrenaline coursing through his veins, Ahmad sprinted upstairs, determined to rescue them. He reached the bedroom door and tried to open it, but it refused to budge. Undeterred, he threw his body against the door with all his might, forcing it open.

As the door swung open, a scene of unspeakable horror greeted him. His entire family lay motionless, their lives claimed by the merciless fire, except for his mother, who was gravely injured but still clung to life. Tears streamed down Ahmad's face as he cradled his mother in his arms, desperation, and anguish consuming him.

"M-Mom?!" Ahmad's voice quivered, his heart breaking at the sight of his mother's weakened state. "Don't worry, I'm going to get you all out of here!"

Through labored breaths, his mother mustered the strength to speak. "Ahmad... Pl-please... go and live your life happily, okay?" A fit of coughs shook her frail body, spattering blood onto Ahmad's face. The sight only intensified his grief, and he refused to accept the cruel reality unfolding before him.

"Don't say that please, there must be a way" Ahmad pleaded desperately, clinging to the hope of a miracle. But as his mother held Ahmad in a final embrace, she whispered something into his ear. "Take care." With her last remaining strength, she pushed him out of the window, sending him hurtling toward the ground below. Just as he was about to land, a powerful explosion erupted behind him, propelling him even further away, until he crashed into the wall of a neighboring house. Through blurry vision, he managed to glimpse the face of a man standing near his house, wearing a sinister smile. "You..." he muttered before succumbing to unconsciousness.

Ahmad regained consciousness in a hospital bed. As he glanced around the room, he noticed other patients lying nearby, their eyes fixated on the television. With his head bandaged, he turned his attention to the screen and saw news coverage of the devastating fire that had consumed his home. The memory of the man he had seen standing near the house fueled his rage. Overwhelmed by frustration and grief, Ahmad unleashed his anger by repeatedly punching the bed, startling the other patients awake.

"Why?!" Ahmad repeated his question, his voice laced with frustration. "I knew something like this would happen, yet ignored it just to enjoy my trip?! This must be a nightmare, right? Please, someone, wake me up..." Desperate to confirm his reality, Ahmad pinched his arm, but it yielded no response. In a last attempt, he punched himself, only to find that the pain was all too real. Suddenly, a face flashed vividly in his mind, etched into his memory. "That man...They will pay for what they did!"

Concerned by the commotion, the nurse and doctor hurried into the room. The nurse struggled to calm Ahmad down, exclaiming, "This child! Hold him down so we can administer the sedative" However, Ahmad's pent-up frustration erupted, and he lashed out, sending the nurse flying into the wall with a forceful punch. The doctor intervened, trying to calm the agitated child. "Calm down child!" Ahmad pushed the doctor away, prompting the doctor to call for assistance.

"Get away! I want to go back to my house!" Ahmad pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation.

"No, you must not. You're badly injured from that fire," said the other nurse then two guards entered the room, attempting to restrain Ahmad. Fueled by determination, Ahmad fought back, using his legs to kick both guards while struggling to get out of bed. Ignoring the pain and discomfort, he pulled out every injection and needle embedded in his body before making a hasty escape from the hospital. Doctors and guards pursued him relentlessly, but eventually, Ahmad managed to elude them.

Hours later, Ahmad arrived at what used to be his home, now reduced to rubble by the fire. As he surveyed the wreckage, he noticed a box covered in dirt. Curiosity piqued, he wondered what lay inside. With trembling hands, he opened the box, revealing a large sum of cash along with a note left by his late father.

"Ahmad, if you're reading this, then you should know that we are already gone, but you are not. Remember when you didn't receive your New Year's allowances? Well, this money is for you, son. We apologize for keeping this a secret from you, but today was inevitable for us. So, if you are truly alive right now, go on and live your life to the fullest. Don't do anything foolish with the money or put your life at risk. Inside this box, you'll find $50,000,000 which is now your allowance. An organization has been trying to take it from us, but I've hidden it where it will never be found. hoping that you will find this, this is our final goodbye, from your loving family. We will always be with you. Take care."

As Ahmad read the heartfelt note to its conclusion, tears streamed down his face, mixing with anger "Just wait, all of you. They will pay once I get my hands on them." After months of tireless searching and relentless questioning, Ahmad finally stumbled upon a lead—a conversation between members of the organization that he relentlessly searched for.

As Ahmad reached the conclusion of the heartfelt note, his tear-streaked face reflected a mix of sorrow and seething anger. "Just wait, all of you. They will pay once I get my hands on them," he muttered under his breath. After months of tireless searching and relentless questioning, Ahmad had finally stumbled upon a lead—a conversation between members of the organization he had been relentlessly hunting. Curiosity piqued, Ahmad discreetly eavesdropped on their discussion about a particular family. "Hey, what do you think might have happened to the ***** family?" one of them asked. Ahmad's heart skipped a beat as his family name was mentioned. He continued to listen intently.

"By then they all should've burned to a crisp. Let's hurry up and go to the office. The boss is waiting for us" one of the men remarked, nonchalantly sticking a toothpick between his teeth. Another chimed in, "Did all of them get in the fire?"

"Not sure. I saw one kid fly out of the window. Well, he's probably dead"

"Alright, I'm finished. Let's go" the other declared, flicking the toothpick that inadvertently struck Ahmad. "Oh, you pay the bills this time. It's your turn,"

Ahmad slipped on his black hoodie and stealthily trailed behind them. Minutes later, the men became aware of Ahmad's presence and confronted Ahmad before swiftly drawing their guns.

The man with pink hair aimed his weapon at Ahmad. "What's a kid like you following two strangers in the middle of the night?"

"You'll find out soon"

"What do you mean?" Confusion etched across their faces, the men warned Ahmad that they were serious and threatened him with one gunshot.

"Don't try to play with us. These guns are not toys" Unfazed, Ahmad pulled back his hoodie, revealing his face to them. "Remember me?" Ahmad swiftly disarmed one of the gunmen and incapacitated the one who didn't resemble the face of his family's murderer, sending him crashing to the ground.

Ahmad's finger firmly held the trigger of the gun, its cold metal barrel pointing directly at the trembling murderer before him. "Now, talk" the terrified man pleaded for mercy, his voice quivering with fear. "Pl-please, wait! I can tell you everything. What do you want?"

Ahmad's eyes bore into the man's soul "Who ordered the explosion at the ***** family household?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," the man stammered, with little patience left, Ahmad swiftly pulled the trigger, the gunshot grazing the man's stomach.

"TALK! I know you were there, you stood by that house—my house!" Ahmad's voice reverberated with a mix of anger and grief, coughing up blood, the man struggled to meet Ahmad's unwavering gaze, his shock evident in his wide eyes. "You're that kid... the one who flew out of the window! Aren't you dead?!"

Ahmad's expression turned cold, "Enough with your charade. Tell me who took the lives of my family, or else I'll turn your head into a mess" Impatience dripped from his words as he stared down at the trembling man, the man pleaded for his life, his words stuttering through his fear-stricken lips. the air mingling with the scent of blood.

"Alright, you seem to not value your life that much" Ahmad remarked with a hint of disdain, his finger tightening around the trigger. The man's words spilled out incoherently, a desperate attempt to salvage his existence.

"Popa!" the man confessed, his voice strained as he knelt on the ground. "Pathetic name," Ahmad remarked with a mixture of disgust and disappointment. "But if what you say is true, then I'll give you a spare way"

"Thank y—"

"To the afterlife," Ahmad interjected, his voice cold and resolute. With a final pull of the trigger ending the man's life. The weight of a burning grudge consumed Ahmad's mind as he turned away, leaving behind the lifeless body. Thoughts of exacting retribution on their leader—the one who had ordered the death of his family—engulfed his every waking moment as he made his way back.

(Chapter 1 End)