
CHAPTER XIV: Scarlet Ribbon

Alxinfield, Year 079 Y.D.

Soon, it is time for his visit to the Emperor, with his entourage of two; Captain Arches and Captain Kaius, they march towards the magnificent residence of the Emperor, the Central Palace, with its imposing towers and dazzling marble-bricked walls behind a garden of conglomerating blossoms; irises, rosemaries, lilies and little to several of violets and fennels. Of course, there is no absence of intricate stone statues of deities and fountains that speaks of how awe-inspiring the place of the Emperor was.

When they arrive, the seemingly endless, sparkling oriel windows and rich, artful balconies steal their eyes. Ilayan can't help but acknowledge the brilliance of the architecture. He has long seen this proud home of the realm's ruler, but it still never fails to amaze him with its extravagance and mightiness. As they enter the domineering, latticed gate, all the guards they pass by offer him a salute. Their actions are not strange to him. The royal police, even not under his jurisdiction, is still several ranks lower than he is, and it is a military rule to present a respectful gesture to its superior.

At several steps away from the red-bricked perron, they dismount, leaving their mounts for the guards to tend. A groom in green livery worn with white gloves and round glasses escorts Ilayan, followed by his two captains, to enter the tall, well-carved double door.

Ilayan is astonished by the changes in the interior as they walk in; the great, luxurious chandeliers glistening from the artistically painted ceiling, the trendy tapestries that are seasonally fit, high, concrete pillars, exquisite portraits of the royal family, and fine landscapes of the Alexin sceneries, endless lofty wooden doors, the long embellished galleries, and extreme splendors of decors—sumptuous sets of furniture, delicate vases, and handcrafts of different kinds but mostly small golden figures of gods and goddesses. It appears that he has not seen the peak of lavishness, for he is left to marvel at every jeweled corner, where many liveried maids and grooms pace back and forth. There are also noble guests, evident in the high-quality fabric they are wearing, and scholarly dressed courtiers, sneakily catching glimpses of him, which he reckons, a glance of envy or intrigued. Perhaps both, but he cares not, he pays them no mind, marching dignified in his leather boots and military jacket embroidered with a red star above the chest pocket and initials of FG.

It is common knowledge that the palace is not only where the Emperor resides, but, also the venue of the court assembles on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. And even that it is currently a Tuesday, the inside remains busy with servants scurrying everywhere; mopping, dusting, or performing errands, and the officials hoping to have a word with the Emperor or any of the royal family. But aside from that, Ilayan knows the reason behind the crammed people, and that is none other but himself.

They are led to alight the royal stairs, much pleasant to Ilayan for he does not need to receive anymore of the intense stares from the people on the first floor, since on the second floor, there are only the stern, emotionless guards in light armors, chain mail and breastplate, resolute in their steel spears. But obviously, there are still cleaning ladies in their businesses, and rushing minor officials, carrying a stack of parchments and ledgers.

Given that he is born from an elite family, Ilayan can remain composed in front of the richness in the palace, at least outwardly. However, to the two captains behind him, it is not the case. Ilayan can understand them, they are both descendants of third-class households, and they are not used to seeing such grandeur. Still, he fails not to remind them of restraining their reactions. They are to visit the very ruler of the realm, and necessarily, they must appear reserved and dignified. Straightening their backs, they respond to him with a silly grin, and he can tell that they are already embarrassed, so he speaks no further and hastens his steps to not let the Emperor spend his time awaiting him.

When Ilayan approaches the Emperor's guest hall, he is received by Master Gain, head of the royal butlers. He bows before ushering him towards the direction of the entrance and pushing it open for him. He signals him to enter before him as he proceeds to report their arrival at the Emperor. How extraordinary is the ruler's air, that he, a person who fought in a war, still feels intimidation and awe? His chest and muscles are tight and he can feel his spine straighten on its own. There is a deafening silence for a moment until he hears a deep, imperious voice beckoning them to enter.

The great double door closes behind, and his men courteously follow him. This is his first time inside the Emperor's receiving chambers and, he is no more surprised by the grandness of its embellishments. Only that, it appears somehow similar to his father's study because of the cupboards that are crammed with books and a table buried by a handful of papers and parchments that he believes are the court-related matters that the Emperor oversees. At the end of the spacious room is a dais, on where stands a magnificent golden throne, stuffed with velvet. There sits the Emperor, Henry XI, in his golden trimmed brocade doublet, fur cape, and glowing sets of golden jewelry sparkling in his neck and fingers. Surprisingly, the influential ministers, court officials, some respected Military Generals, a few representatives from noble households, and several members of the royal family are in attendance. They came prepared in their best suits and dresses.

Sternly, eyes cast straight, several steps away from Captain Arches and Captain Kaius, he braves towards the throne, and with as much courtesy and manly grace he can muster, he clasps his right fist and kneels on one foot, bowing his head to express his reverence.

"This humble subject sends his greetings, Your Majesty," Ilayan says, which is also echoed by his two men.

Despite his sight fixed on the splendid carpet, he can feel the Emperor's piercing stare that seems to penetrate his skin. For a moment, he remains half kneeling, hoping that the Emperor does not have an opinion of him. Only then did the other's majestic voice sounded again, commanding them to rise, to which they respond with words of gratitude.

Unlike two years ago, Emperor Henry's wrinkles and white hairs are already noticeable to Ilayan. Yet the oppressive aura in his condescending eyes and domineering posture has not changed a bit. Seated beside him is Empress Hara, wearing a velvet damask gown embroidered with a delicate phoenix pattern. Her grace and elegance not aging at all. Both have confidants standing by their side.

"You have served well."

"It's all because of your Highness' support." Ilayan answers politely.

"Flattery," the Emperor says, bestowing a gracious smile. "It is your leadership skills and talent in the art of war that earned your glory. I have not given you a proper welcome so I would like to compensate through this small ceremony," he says, beckoning the chief butler.

"Take no offense but there is no need for such grandeur your Majesty," Ilayan tells him. "However, I deeply appreciate and I am utterly flattered by your arrangements," he adds as Master Gain calls a butler hidden behind the hall, carrying a wooden box covered in yellow silk.

The mysterious box immediately triggers a restrained commotion in the crowd. Most of which come from whispers, that with all the years spent training in sharpening his senses, Ilayan can recognize: some are words of admiration, some are curiosity and some are jealousy. However, there are also those whose reactions and intentions are conveyed through gestures. Lady Michelle is no different. She glances at Lady Vierra and Lady Denise exchanging no words, but, to Ilayan's assumption, he believes that the three concubines had already understood each other's meaning. It seems that he discovered the accomplices of his rumor's culprit.

"General Markus Ilayan Valquistine of the Venningham," the herald cries after the Emperor's signal, opening the scroll containing an edict in his hands. "You lead the military against the Loreik Barbarians and successfully defended the realm. The Emperor has appreciated your patriotism and contributions to the Empire. It is of course, rightful to compensate you and your soldiers" he declares, pausing for a while to scan at the crowd. Then, he proceeds to read a series of rewards, most of which are no different from those his father received at the Venningham Hall: acres of industrial and agricultural lands, several government-owned industries, millions of gold. However, it gladdens him that aside from the material merits, both of his dedicated Captains have been promoted to a second-star military officers, administering them the qualification to build their own army if they desire to be a general. And at the end, they kneel again to express their deep gratitude. However, Ilayan suspects that it could not be simple, especially since the box remains unopened. Not only him but all the people inside the hall wonder about the box's contents.

Therefore, the Emperor did not let them wait for more.

"For six years, those barbaric Loreik army has been eyeing the borders of Alexin, and for once, there was a time they almost invaded my realm. Their sword style is strange and somewhat incompatible with our way of fighting, putting our military at disadvantage, and worse, their blades are processed to be hard enough to cut ordinary swords. Yet, our military persisted. It continued for years, exhausting the treasury," the Emperor narrates as if telling an ancient story that had happened years ago. "Not until the young man of the Valquistine household devised a new set of sword style that can par with the Loreik's, what's more, he discovered the spies planted by the invaders and also a key person to the study of the blade's technology. And three years after he joined the battle, the war ended with the Loreik's embarrassing defeat. I don't think I have compensated you enough, young man. You do not realize your contribution's worth for this realm."

"I am flattered, Your Majesty." Ilayan replies. It is known to everyone, the reason why he is called 'The Hero of Gedeva'. The hopeless and losing war he drove to victory. Yet, not all know he is not the sole person to fight. It was also made possible because of his comrades. "The rewards you have given me are already enough, I am only doing my duty as General and loyal of the realm."

"Such humility is rare," the Emperor jests, that of course, earns a response of laughter from the crowd, even if they are in no mood to laugh, especially the first, second, and fifth prince. Clearly, the Emperor is implying something. And certain to Ilayan, and he knows that is also understood by most in the hall, that the Emperor is to announce a big news.

And the answer comes like a violent flash of thunder, as the Emperor beckons Master Gain to open the box. The crowd exclaims to see a scarlet ribbon inside, for everybody is aware of its meaning, as well as Ilayan, since he had used it once, and that day, was the day of his marriage with Eri. He tied it on his hair at the bridal chamber as a symbol that from that moment on, their fates are forever intertwined, and they, with the blessings of the deities, are acknowledged by the heavens as spouses.

"I am now but aging and all I desire is for my children to form their own family happily," he declares, shocking not only Ilayan but everyone in the hall. There are gasps and sounds of disbelief, but they all foresaw the Emperor's next words. "Among all of them, I am more concerned of my eldest seith, he is stubborn and cold, too clever to serve a husband. But now, I can rest assured that there can be a man to take care of him. General, I am asking you not as an Emperor but a father, will you dare to take the ribbon for my son?"

---End of Chapter----
