

Disclaimer: I don't own Honkai Impact 3rd or any of its content. It belongs to Mihoyo/ Hoyoverse. This fanfic is just written for fun and experiment. There will be some spoilers to the game in this fanfic. . . . . . . . . . In the expansive and treacherous world of Honkai, where fate weaves its intricate web, a new player emerges. Meet Autumn Korosten, a mysterious individual who inexplicably finds himself transmigrated into the body of a dying patient named Shroud. Little does he know that his arrival in this realm has set in motion a series of events that will challenge the very essence of fate itself. Autumn is a man burdened by the relentless pursuit of destiny. Targeted by the enigmatic forces of fate, he loathes the constraints and boundaries fate has imposed upon him, resenting the paths it has forced him to tread. Initially, he believes that he has returned to his world after being trapped in the Abyss for countless millennia, but unsettling signs soon point to the contrary. This world is not the one he knew, but an entirely different reality where the tides of fate flow differently. Determined to reclaim his strength and find a way back to his true world, Autumn, now Shroud sets out on a perilous journey of self-discovery and empowerment. But the land of Honkai is not one to be trifled with. Filled with inscrutable beings known as the Honkai, the world is a dangerous and chaotic place. As he delves deeper into the secrets of this realm, he begins to understand that his return home may not be as straightforward as he once hoped. Guided by unlikely allies and burdened by the weight of his past, Shroud unravels the mysteries of Honkai while striving to transcend the clutches of fate that bind him. Through battles, trials, and unexpected encounters, he learns the value of forging his destiny and the true meaning of true strength. Will Shroud be able to regain the strength required to break free from the shackles of fate and return to his original world, or will he be ensnared yet again by destiny's cruel hand? What will Shroud have to face as he grapples with fate's intricate dance in the mesmerizing world of Honkai?

Sire_K · Video Games
Not enough ratings
111 Chs

The Yellow Rabbit

"This is... undoubtedly an eruption!"

Autumn's voice sliced through the tremors. His voice was laden with a palpable concern that seized both Kevin and Su with a sudden awareness of their perilous predicament.

Both of them knew that Autumn had endured the aftermath of the very first eruption that occurred in New York a few years ago, bearing witness to its devastation firsthand.

And now, as they noticed for the very first time, they had ever noticed a subtle shift in his tone while speaking, and this small shift in demeanour was enough to solidify their apprehension.

"An... an eruption?" Mei's voice quavered, betraying her mounting dread. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Summoning her courage, she asked, "A-Are you sure this is an eruption?"

"It is indeed an eruption, Mei," Kevin answered, assuming the role of informant. His voice, though somewhat shaky, remained steady amidst the turmoil.

Mei was unaware of Autumn's past, unlike Kevin and Su, who knew about Autumn's history with eruptions. While Mei's sudden query and surprise were normal reactions, Kevin didn't want her to keep probing Autumn until she was convinced.

He feared it might lead Autumn to reveal his past, a direction Kevin wished to avoid in their conversation.

"Kevin?" Mei's eyes searched his face for reassurance but found only gravity that mirrored Autumn's declaration.

She looked beside him to be greeted by another nod from Su further underscoring the severity of their situation, leaving Mei speechless as the reality of their plight dawned upon her.

"We have to go!" Autumn's urgency drew their attention towards him, his gaze swept across the surroundings as he issued a directive. "We must leave this city, now!"

"Wait, what about the others?" Kevin's voice cut through the urgency, his innate sense of justice refusing to abandon anyone, even in the face of imminent danger.

Though he had never experienced the horrors of surviving an eruption firsthand, his research had painted a grim picture, enough to instill a deep sense of dread.

Autumn met Kevin's gaze, his expression grave as he spoke, "We must prioritize our own safety, Kevin. As much as you wish to help, you must understand that an eruption is unlike anything else. It's not just destruction; it's a slow, agonizing torment orchestrated by the Herrschers."

Autumn's voice took on a sombre tone as he began to unravel the harrowing realities of being ensnared in the throes of an eruption.

"They would play with us, torment us, and ultimately break us. And if we don't evacuate now, the very land we stand on could turn against us, turning us into nothing more than mindless husks." His words carried a weight that settled heavily upon them all.

Kevin's protest died on his lips, his heart heavy with the weight of Autumn's warnings. At that moment, Kevin understood that self-preservation is more important than altruism.

"Damn," he muttered, casting a fleeting glance backwards. With a resigned sigh, he conceded, "Very well, let's evacuate."

Autumn nodded, however, from the corner of his eyes he noticed how Mei looked as if she were in distress. Kevin also noticed this and asked, "Mei is something bothering you?"

"I-" Mei was unsure as to whether to bring that up or not, however, gathering her courage she finally spoke, "I am worried about my parents, They're still at home but..." Mei pursed her lips before continuing, "My home is near the Gingshen block."

"Hmm," Aiutmn recalled this familiar block he had heard about before remembering where it was, with a strange expression he met Kevin's gaze as Kevin understood the unspoken message, with a heavy heart, Kevin approached Mei, her trembling hands betraying the turmoil within.

"Mei," Kevin's voice, though gentle, carried an underlying urgency. Mei's lips quivered as she struggled to find her voice amidst the chaos of emotions threatening to engulf her.

It wasn't mere reluctance that held them back from venturing into Gingshen block, but the raw, unspoken truth that lingered within its shattered streets—a truth that shattered Mei's heart into a thousand fragmented pieces.

"We... we should move," Mei managed to whisper, her words a fragile thread holding back the flood of grief threatening to consume her. With a solemn glance exchanged between them, Kevin acknowledged her silent plea.

At that moment, with their resolve steeled against the looming spectre of despair, the quartet embarked on their journey, leaving behind the smouldering ruins of the cityscape. As they four were leaving Autumn looked in the direction of Gingshen block before silently murmuring, 'Good luck Autumn.'


Amidst the desolation of Gingshen block, a lone figure stood, her dark hair billowing in the wind as she surveyed the wreckage with an air of sinister satisfaction. A crackling pink aura enveloped her, a tangible manifestation of her unfathomable power.

"So, this is the power of the god," she murmured, a malicious smirk playing upon her lips as she revelled in the chaos she had wrought. The crackling energy surged around her, a tempest of lightning swirling with untamed fury.

In an instant, a projectile hurtled toward her with alarming speed, but the girl's reflexes were as sharp as her gaze. With a deft spin, she evaded the incoming threat, a mere whisper of movement amidst the storm of destruction.

As the sound of engines echoed overhead, the girl's attention shifted skyward, her expression disdainful. With a contemptuous snort, she singled out one of the aircraft, her outstretched finger a harbinger of impending doom.

In a flash of brilliance, the targeted aircraft faltered, its mechanical systems succumbing to a sudden and catastrophic malfunction. With a cacophony of sputtering engines and sparking wires, it plummeted from the sky, the herrscher had completely caused a highly advanced piece of engineering to fail with a simple trick up her sleeve.

As the pilot's jet spiralled out of control, he made a split-second decision to eject, his body propelled clear of the doomed aircraft just moments before impact. With a heart-pounding rush, he watched as the jet careened toward the earth, a fiery beacon of destruction hurtling toward the ground below.

"Phew," he exhaled, his relief palpable as he surveyed the chaos from the relative safety of his parachute. But his respite was short-lived, for his gaze was drawn to a strange glow emanating from his periphery.

His heart sank as he beheld the spectral figure that materialized beside him—a small, ethereal creature with delicate wings and a halo encircling its head. An archangel.

"Fu-" Before he could utter a single word, dread constricting his throat, the archangel moved with blinding speed. With a swift motion, it unfurled its wings in a graceful arc, its celestial aura masking the brutality of its intent. In an instant, the arc completed its deadly trajectory, severing the pilot's head from his body with chilling precision.

Silent and surreal, the pilot's lifeless form descended, still tethered to the remnants of his doomed jet, the only aberration in the unfolding tragedy—a lone figure, headless amidst the wreckage.

As other pilots descended, their fate mirroring that of the unfortunate soul before them, the Herrscher's satisfaction knew no bounds. A satisfied smirk played upon her lips, her laughter echoing with manic glee through the desolate landscape. But her moment of triumph was short-lived.

With uncanny precision, a metal pipe hurtled toward her, a deadly projectile aimed with lethal intent. With reflexes as fast as lightning, the herrscher dodged the projectile just in time, but not without consequence. A searing pain lanced across her cheek as the pipe grazed her skin, leaving behind a trail of crimson.

Enraged by the audacity of the attack, the herrscher turned her gaze toward the source of the assault, her eyes ablaze with fury. And there, amidst the rubble and chaos, stood an uncanny figure—a towering yellow rabbit with a perpetually silly grin plastered across its face, its gaze meeting hers with an innocence that belied the chaos of the moment.

Caught momentarily off guard by the uncanny appearance of the yellow rabbit, the Herrscher's fury surged anew, a tempest of lightning crackling with lethal intensity.


The bolts of lightning were like predators ready to pounce on their prey and, with a flick of her wrist, the herrscher unleashed bolts of electricity charged with millions of amps, each strike aimed with deadly precision.

Yet, to her astonishment, the yellow rabbit danced effortlessly between the arcs of lightning, its movements fluid and graceful, surpassing even her own formidable reflexes.

Frustration etched deep lines upon the Herrscher's face as she beheld this enigmatic creature. "Who are you?" she demanded, her voice laced with a mixture of anger and curiosity.


But the yellow rabbit remained silent, its inscrutable gaze fixed upon her with an intensity that belied its outward appearance. Behind the mask, however, the rabbit pondered its next move. 

'Hmm,' the rabbit mused inwardly, a faint sense of disappointment lingering within its thoughts.

'A bit below my expectation, I must say.' Yet, beneath the surface, a spark of anticipation flickered to life. 'But let us see if this Herrscher possesses the power to withstand my tests. She may not have gone all out yet.'

 Though unaware of the rabbit's schemes, the Herrscher, consumed by her desire to eliminate this perplexing adversary, unleashed another barrage of lightning bolts with even greater ferocity.

The crackling energy surged toward the yellow rabbit like a relentless storm, each bolt poised to strike with deadly precision. But to her astonishment, the rabbit remained unfazed, extending a hand forward as if inviting the lightning to converge upon it. 

With a surreal display of power, the rabbit absorbed the lightning as though it were a mere conduit, channelling the energy with a calmness that defied comprehension. As the Herrscher watched in disbelief, her rage giving way to bewilderment, she cried out in frustration, "How is this possible?"


Skill: [Energetica Accumulans]- helps the practitioner in accumulating energy. Basically can help to absorb energy up to a limit.


As the Herrscher stood in a momentary daze, unaware of the rabbit's trickery, the creature's thoughts turned decisive.

'Hmm,' it mused inwardly, disappointment evident in its silent contemplation. 'A few billion amps below my expectation. Perhaps this Herrscher isn't truly fit for testing after all. It seems I may need to dispose of her. Judging by her demeanour, she likely wouldn't agree to submit willingly.'

With a subtle gesture, the yellow rabbit summoned forth the same bolts of lightning it had absorbed earlier. However, there was a notable difference in their intensity—a ferocity that surpassed even the lightning bolt that the Herrscher had conjured.

As the crackling energy surged around it, the rabbit's eyes glinted with a ferocious killing intent, Sensing this surge of killing intent emanating from the yellow rabbit, the Herrscher's instincts kicked into overdrive, a primal fear gripping her heart as she involuntarily took a step back.

Her composure faltered for the briefest of moments, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features before she swiftly adopted a defensive stance.

With every fibre of her being on edge, the Herrscher braced herself for the impending onslaught, her mind racing as she prepared to face this unexpected adversary.

Though she wielded formidable power, the intensity of the rabbit's intent sent shivers down her spine, a reminder of the perilous game she now found herself embroiled in.

As the bolts of lightning coalesced around the yellow rabbit, they began to arrange themselves in a mesmerizing display.

Smaller, seemingly weaker bolts orbited around a central, larger bolt, forming a magnetic field that pulsed with raw energy. The Herrscher watched with a mix of curiosity and wariness, unable to discern the significance behind this intricate pattern.

To her, it seemed like a futile and trivial gesture, a mere spectacle in the midst of their impending confrontation. Yet, any keen observer versed in the laws of physics would recognize the underlying complexity of the arrangement.

The smaller bolts, arranged in a circular or hexagonal pattern around the central one, functioned as the coils of an electromagnet, their collective energy weaving together to amplify the potency of the larger bolt at the core.

With a swift gesture, the now amplified was returned back to the herrscher. 'Hmm, this should be enough to deal with her unless...'

Observing the bolt of lightning that was hurling towards her, the herrscher with a swift hand gesture dispelled the attack as if the attack which was returned wasn't even enough for her to be serious.

However, *crackle*- another similar bolt of lighting manifested this time, however, it was more vigorous.

"What?" The Herrscher's cry of confusion was cut short as the lightning bolt surged forward with unprecedented speed and fluidity. Instinctively, she raised her guard, preparing to deflect or evade the oncoming strike. However, as she observed the trajectory of the bolt, a flicker of realization crossed her features.

With a confidence bordering on arrogance, she stood her ground, her demeanour akin to that of a main character in a story who knew the outcome before it unfolded- The lightning bolt will miss.

And true to her expectation, the lightning bolt veered off course, missing its intended target by a hair's breadth.

A triumphant smirk twisted her lips as she stood defiant, mocking the yellow rabbit for its apparent failure.

"Heh," she scoffed, her sneer a testament to her overconfidence. But her moment of triumph was short-lived.

*Sorrowful wails*

A chorus of sorrowful wails echoed behind her, drawing the Herrscher's attention to the horror unfolding behind her.

Turning on her heel, she beheld a sight that defied belief—the countless Honkai beasts she had summoned, her loyal minions, lay slain in the wake of the rampaging lightning bolt.

With ruthless efficiency, the bolt carved a path of destruction through their ranks, its sentience guiding it unerringly toward its targets.


Skill: [Vitali-Flux Infusio]: users can infuse objects with vitality, enhancing their life force and durability. [Essentially it can give a form of psuedo-sentience]


Fury surged within the Herrscher as she attempted to seize control of the unruly bolt, her aura flaring with raw power.

Yet, to her surprise, the rabbit offered no resistance, allowing her to manipulate the bolt as she saw fit. But the damage had already been done, and the loss of her minions fueled her wrath like never before.

"So, your power is indeed electromagnetism," the rabbit's words cut through the chaos, its observation ringing clear in the Herrscher's ears.

In response, her aura intensified, crystalline wings of purplish hue manifesting behind her in a show of deadly resolve.

"I will kill you," she muttered through gritted teeth, her fury igniting reddish lightning that crackled with ominous intent. This battle was far from over.

To be continued...


A/N: Hope you enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment. Your thoughts and criticism are valuable in helping me improve and stay motivated to write more.

I am back baby, daily updates till something major comes up.