

Disclaimer: I don't own Honkai Impact 3rd or any of its content. It belongs to Mihoyo/ Hoyoverse. This fanfic is just written for fun and experiment. There will be some spoilers to the game in this fanfic. . . . . . . . . . In the expansive and treacherous world of Honkai, where fate weaves its intricate web, a new player emerges. Meet Autumn Korosten, a mysterious individual who inexplicably finds himself transmigrated into the body of a dying patient named Shroud. Little does he know that his arrival in this realm has set in motion a series of events that will challenge the very essence of fate itself. Autumn is a man burdened by the relentless pursuit of destiny. Targeted by the enigmatic forces of fate, he loathes the constraints and boundaries fate has imposed upon him, resenting the paths it has forced him to tread. Initially, he believes that he has returned to his world after being trapped in the Abyss for countless millennia, but unsettling signs soon point to the contrary. This world is not the one he knew, but an entirely different reality where the tides of fate flow differently. Determined to reclaim his strength and find a way back to his true world, Autumn, now Shroud sets out on a perilous journey of self-discovery and empowerment. But the land of Honkai is not one to be trifled with. Filled with inscrutable beings known as the Honkai, the world is a dangerous and chaotic place. As he delves deeper into the secrets of this realm, he begins to understand that his return home may not be as straightforward as he once hoped. Guided by unlikely allies and burdened by the weight of his past, Shroud unravels the mysteries of Honkai while striving to transcend the clutches of fate that bind him. Through battles, trials, and unexpected encounters, he learns the value of forging his destiny and the true meaning of true strength. Will Shroud be able to regain the strength required to break free from the shackles of fate and return to his original world, or will he be ensnared yet again by destiny's cruel hand? What will Shroud have to face as he grapples with fate's intricate dance in the mesmerizing world of Honkai?

Sire_K · Video Games
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111 Chs

Su's Invitation

A/N: So, there is a small change in the story. I believe it would be better to now refer to the main character as Autumn, and although there will be times when people will call him Shroud, it will soon change, and the main character will be referred to as Autumn from now on.


"Su?" Autumn opened the message from Su, discovering an attached file. As he read the title, {Thousand Feather Sports Fest}, he mused, "A sports event, huh? Looks like Kevin's poised to secure another gold in athletics this year." Autumn perused the contents before composing a concise reply.

{Regretfully, I am unable to attend.}

His finger hovered momentarily over the send button, then abruptly froze in mid-air, suspended just above the screen.

"Can you sense that, Whisper?" Autumn posed a query, initiating a silent conversation that unfolded within the recesses of his inner consciousness.

The Whisper responded with an almost jubilant resonance, [I do sense a distant thunder, a harbinger of an impending storm,] the whisper affirmed, perceiving a tempest forming on the horizon.

This horizon, however, wasn't merely a metaphor; it was Qīyùchéng city, Shenzhou, the very place where the Sports Fest was about to take place.

"I see," Autumn simply responded before making a slight edit to his message. 'Since there is still a week before the Sports Fest, I believe I should first distribute some tasks to the crew before departing for Qīyùchéng,' he pondered before finalizing his response.

{I will be there in a few days.}

[Hey Autumn, I am curious about something.] Whisper suddenly said.

"What?" Autumn asked, to which Whisper replied, [When do you plan on getting that elf(Tsvetana)?]

"Hmm, I think I can drop by Siberia and pick her up," Autumn said, his mind contemplating the current state of the elf he intended to retrieve.

'She must still be in her embryo phase, as it's not the right time for her to hatch,' he mused as he gracefully strode towards the exit of the mansion, the grandeur of the surroundings highlighting the weight of his decisions.

As he approached the gates, ready to step into the realm beyond, the distant call of Orpheus reached his ears, "Need a ride?" The sound reverberated through the spacious halls, marking a brief pause in Autumn's stride.

Autumn turned to see Orpheus, a figure of paternal concern amidst the opulent backdrop. Nodding appreciatively, he accepted Orpheus's offer.

The next moment, both of them could be seen comfortably seated in the ornate interior of Orpheus's car. The sleek vehicle glided through the streets of Georgia, capturing the essence of their journey with each passing landmark.

"So, where do you want to go?" Orpheus inquired, steering the car through the illuminated cityscape, the urban glow casting a reflective gleam upon the sleek exterior.

"Airport," Shroud replied, his tone decisive. Orpheus, raised a brow and inquired, "Are you perhaps upset because of Seraphina?"

"No," Autumn replied almost immediately, his voice carrying a composed resonance. The interplay of city lights danced upon the contours of his expression, Seraphina had done nothing to upset him.

Truth be told, he felt a sense of gratitude towards her, as she was the one who had inadvertently assisted him in gaining autonomy over Shroud's body.

Though Autumn wouldn't reveal that to Orpheus. Orpheus, however, harboured a different thought. 'Is he trying to silently cope with the rejection?' Orpheus speculated, feeling a bit guilty. However, as Seraphina's father, he had always been sensitive when the topic of his daughter came up.

"Ahem, I know that you might not be in your best mood right now, but..." Orpheus attempted to comfort Autumn. Yet, there were no words left for comforting someone he had silently tormented for ages.

In the end, Orpheus could only mutter, "... I hope you will be able to join us again for Thanksgiving next year." He said this as the car came to a halt, having arrived at their destination—the airport.

"I will try if I am not busy, that is," Autumn simply replied as he exited the vehicle with his belongings. Observing the departing figure of Autumn, Orpheus couldn't help but say, "I guess he won't be coming next year."


Suddenly, a message popped up on his phone. Orpheus brought out his device to check what it was, and his eyes narrowed as he read the subject and the sender's name.

{Congratulations, Overseer candidate of the Moths

- Fire Moth}

*sigh* "I can already feel a headache coming," Orpheus muttered, his brow furrowing as he read the contents of the message sent by the Fire Moth.

The words seemed to carry an ominous weight, casting a shadow over the otherwise ordinary day. Meanwhile, Autumn, unperturbed by the unfolding tension inside the car, headed towards his private jet which was stationed at the airport.

He advanced towards the gleaming aircraft, the polished exterior reflecting the ambient lights of the airport. The staff and the pilot awaited his instructions, their anticipation was palpable. Autumn informed the crew that their destination was Siberia before charting a course to Qīyùchéng city.

"Alright, time is of the essence. Let's depart," Autumn stated as everyone responded simultaneously, "Yes, Sir!"

*soaring turbine noise* - The aircraft took off, its powerful engines roaring to life, propelling it into the night sky...


"Hey Kevin, Su, someone has come to meet you two," a young man's voice reverberated through the canteen. All eyes turned towards him before shifting to a table where three people were seated.

There, a white-haired boy with aquamarine eyes sat alongside a boy with grey hair and fuchsia eyes, and a dark indigo-haired girl with matching eye color.

Kevin looked in the direction of the young man who had just spoken, pondering about his identity. Meanwhile, Su's eyes lit up with recognition, and Mei observed curiously, intrigued by the unexpected visitor.

Su tapped on Kevin's shoulder and suggested, "Let's go meet him," eager to reunite with a friend after a while.

"!!?" Kevin raised a questioning brow, noticing the excitement in Su's eyes. "Su, do you know this visitor?"

Su looked at Kevin, realizing he hadn't filled him in on Shroud's arrival. With a smile, Su explained, "Oh, it's Shroud." Kevin's surprise was palpable as he exclaimed, "Wait, he is here?"

A nod from Su and a brief explanation followed. "I recently sent him a message about the Sports Fest, and he did say that he would be here. It must be him."

"Oh, I see," Kevin nodded in understanding. However, a concern crept into his expression as he considered the impromptu invitation. "But was it a good idea to call him on such short notice?" Su froze, a tinge of guilt crossing his features, realizing the oversight.

Observing Su's reaction, Kevin acknowledged the spontaneity of Shroud's arrival. He placed reassuring hands on Su's shoulders, saying, "Well, better if we don't keep him waiting now, right?" Su nodded, and Kevin, turning to Mei, extended an invitation.

"Want to join us?" Kevin asked, and Mei, hesitating for a moment, eventually nodded, intrigued by the prospect of meeting this unexpected visitor.


Thousand Leaf Plains...

The Thousand Leaf Plains stood as a sanctuary of tranquillity within Thousand Feather College, tucked away from the bustling activities of the academic institution.

Within the serene confines of this plain, Autumn found himself surrounded by a tapestry of vibrant blossoms, their colours dancing in harmony with the gentle breeze.

The fragrance of blooming flowers wafted through the air, creating a serene atmosphere that starkly contrasted with the energetic pulse of the college.

Sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled patterns on the cobblestone walkways. In this oasis of nature, Shroud felt a sense of calm, a respite from the constant whirlwind that breezed past his skin.

'This place is quite good, for an institute of this magnitude,' Autumn thought, subconsciously recalling some faded memories from his past. Though it had been a very long time, he still retained fragments of his college life. Yet, these memories had faded to the point of near non-existence.

"Shroud!" As Autumn was reminiscing a forgotten memory, a familiar voice reached him from behind. He turned around to see a white-haired boy with impressive momentum for his age heading towards him with an unstoppable stride.

Beyond him, he spotted another familiar face with grey hair and an unfamiliar girl with dark indigo hair. Although Autumn was curious about the identity of the girl, he decided to wait patiently for them.

Kevin was naturally the first to close the gap and greet him. "Hey Shroud, it's been a while," Kevin said with a smile. Autumn looked at Kevin and gave a nod in return. "It's indeed been a while, Kevin."

They exchanged a few words before Su and Mei arrived, panting. "*pant* Geez, Kevin, don't run so fast. You know I *pant* am not a good runner," Mei said with a pout.

Kevin apologized, and Su greeted Autumn, "It's been a while, Shroud," Su said, his breath still disoriented. Autumn responded similarly to Su's greeting before turning his attention to Mei. Noticing his gaze, Mei introduced herself.

"Hello, you must be Shroud. I did hear quite a bit about you. My name is Mei," Mei said with a curt nod. Autumn also introduced himself, "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Mei. I believe it's not necessary to introduce myself," Autumn said.

The group then started to chat but they couldn't chat for long as the bell rang, signalling the end of lunch. It was time for Kevin, Su, and Mei to return to their classes. Autumn decided to explore the city, so he mentioned that he would catch up with them later, and they parted ways.



A/N: Hope you enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment. Your thoughts and criticism are valuable in helping me improve and stay motivated to write more.