

Disclaimer: I don't own Honkai Impact 3rd or any of its content. It belongs to Mihoyo/ Hoyoverse. This fanfic is just written for fun and experiment. There will be some spoilers to the game in this fanfic. . . . . . . . . . In the expansive and treacherous world of Honkai, where fate weaves its intricate web, a new player emerges. Meet Autumn Korosten, a mysterious individual who inexplicably finds himself transmigrated into the body of a dying patient named Shroud. Little does he know that his arrival in this realm has set in motion a series of events that will challenge the very essence of fate itself. Autumn is a man burdened by the relentless pursuit of destiny. Targeted by the enigmatic forces of fate, he loathes the constraints and boundaries fate has imposed upon him, resenting the paths it has forced him to tread. Initially, he believes that he has returned to his world after being trapped in the Abyss for countless millennia, but unsettling signs soon point to the contrary. This world is not the one he knew, but an entirely different reality where the tides of fate flow differently. Determined to reclaim his strength and find a way back to his true world, Autumn, now Shroud sets out on a perilous journey of self-discovery and empowerment. But the land of Honkai is not one to be trifled with. Filled with inscrutable beings known as the Honkai, the world is a dangerous and chaotic place. As he delves deeper into the secrets of this realm, he begins to understand that his return home may not be as straightforward as he once hoped. Guided by unlikely allies and burdened by the weight of his past, Shroud unravels the mysteries of Honkai while striving to transcend the clutches of fate that bind him. Through battles, trials, and unexpected encounters, he learns the value of forging his destiny and the true meaning of true strength. Will Shroud be able to regain the strength required to break free from the shackles of fate and return to his original world, or will he be ensnared yet again by destiny's cruel hand? What will Shroud have to face as he grapples with fate's intricate dance in the mesmerizing world of Honkai?

Sire_K · Video Games
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111 Chs

Just as Predicted

"Oh, and before I leave," Ryuzaki remarked, an ominous air enveloping his words, "I must inform you both that tomorrow marks the impending day of questioning and interrogation."

"Tomorrow? Does that mean-" Su, upon learning that tomorrow marked the day of reckoning, was on the verge of inquiring about Shroud's recovery. However, Ryuzaki swiftly confirmed, "Indeed, it appears that Shroud has made an astonishing recovery from the injuries he sustained just the day before."

With a decisive tone, Ryuzaki continued, "I've already sent a Homu-mail to Hayato and the rest. If you wish, both of you may begin amassing evidence and construct a compelling case for your innocence."

With this counsel given, Ryuzaki took his leave, and soon after, Mizumi exited the bustling noodle bar, leaving the two friends alone amidst the lively atmosphere.

The clatter of dishes and the savoury aroma of simmering broths surrounded them, adding an intriguing contrast to their conversation.

"Evidence? Wait, do we truly need to provide evidence? I mean, didn't the director himself witness an unjust brawl between 21 and 3?" Kevin questioned with disbelief, his voice rising above the restaurant's ambient chatter.

Su furrowed his brow, the warm glow of the hanging lanterns casting intricate patterns across his contemplative face. Su also uttered his dissatisfaction.

"I agree. Even though the Director is impartial in rendering judgment, he should have already observed the incident unless..." Su began to contemplate, his furrowed brow creating intriguing patterns of shadow and light on his pensive face.

After contemplating for a bit he continued, "Is the Director perhaps unable to serve as an active witness?" Su pondered, his voice a soft undercurrent amidst the clinking of chopsticks and the sizzling of stir-fry in the kitchen.

Hearing Su's theory, Kevin was left with more questions, his brow furrowing in thought. "But why, though? Why cannot he participate as a witness if he was there?" Kevin asked, his voice laced with curiosity and frustration, as Su's explanation seemed increasingly plausible.

"I don't have the slightest idea," Su admitted honestly, after a moment of contemplation.

The clinking of cutlery and the savoury aroma of noodles filled the air around them, underscoring the enigmatic nature of their predicament as they delved deeper into their conversation within the bustling noodle bar.

"Maybe we can ask him," Kevin suggested, his gaze drifting in the direction where Ryuzaki and Mizumi were headed. Though the two had crossed quite a distance in this short span, they were still visible amidst the lively backdrop of the noodle bar.

"You mean to ask the Director directly?" Su inquired, to which Kevin shook his head.

"No, I don't think the Director would tell us even if we ask. If that wasn't the case, why would he just leave without saying anything after instructing us to gather evidence?" Kevin speculated, his scepticism evident in the atmosphere of uncertainty that enveloped their conversation.

"Then who are you referring to as 'him'?" Su asked, puzzled as his brow furrowed as he was unsure as to whom Kevin was referring to. Getting up from his stool Kevin answered, "I am referring to Shroud," Kevin replied before signalling Su to get up as well.

They left some money on the wooden table for the half-eaten ramen bowl and the finished one, along with the steaming cups of tea, before rushing towards where Ryuzaki and Mizumi were. Their footsteps created a hasty rhythm amidst the ambience of clinking dishes and lively chatter.

"Director!" Kevin shouted, his voice cutting through the bustling street, capturing Ryuzaki's attention. Ryuzaki turned to see Kevin and Su approaching, the overhead lanterns casting dramatic shadows on their determined faces.

"Hmm, was there something you were unclear about?" Ryuzaki asked, his sharp gaze fixated on the two.

Kevin shook his head, his brow furrowing. "No, it's just that, how should I say it..."

"Can you give us Shroud's contact info since he was with us at that time? I think it's fair that the three of us all work together to provide evidence," Su requested as he asked Ryuzaki for Shroud's contact details.

"Alright, sounds fair enough," Ryuzaki agreed after a moment of contemplation, he then shared Shroud's contact information with them. And after giving them Shroud's contact details he inquired, "Anything else?"

"No, sir," Kevin and Su responded in unison, concluding the conversation as Ryuzaki and Mizumi continued on their way, leaving the friends to their own devices in the bustling street.

With Shroud's contact information in hand, Kevin and Su decided to relocate to a quieter, more secluded spot before initiating a call with him.


Once they reached their chosen location, they initiated the call, and it didn't take Shroud much time to pick up.

"Hello, who might this be?" Shroud's voice came through the microphone from the other side, his tone tinged with curiosity and a hint of caution.

{Yes, Hello Shroud it's us Kevin and Su.} Kevin said.

{Kevin, Su? Wait, how did you get my number? Did you guys perhaps ask Ryu-, I mean the Director for it?} Shroud inquired.

{Yes, we met the Director a while ago by chance and got your contact info.} Su confirmed, his voice carrying the sense of secrecy that surrounded their conversation.

{I see, so what's the matter?} Shroud inquired, his voice emerging from the shadows of the secluded location where Kevin and Su had gathered.

{Well, you see...} Kevin initiated his narrative, delving into the unfolding events, elucidating how the Director had instructed them to amass crucial evidence to prove their innocence.

Hearing Kevin's words, Shroud pondered, 'Look up for evidence, huh? I suppose Ryuzaki won't be our witness then. sigh This interrogation and inquiry might be more time-consuming than I initially anticipated,' Shroud lamented silently, resigning himself to the fact that Ryuzaki wouldn't be testifying.

{Well, if you guys are concerned about the evidence, then no need to worry, I already have a piece of evidence with me,} Shroud assured them.

{Did you record the call of the previous day you had with the Director?} Kevin asked, his question catching Shroud by surprise.

'How had he managed to? Wait, could it be that he'd stolen a glimpse of my phone?' Shroud wondered, his mind racing as he absorbed Kevin's words.

Meanwhile, Kevin, realizing his slip, began to stammer a correction, only to be swiftly interrupted by Su.

{It was my doing,} Su admitted, his voice laced with contrition. {I unintentionally caught a glimpse of your phone the other day. I'm genuinely sorry if that came across as invasive, but I hope you can appreciate the serendipity of it.}

'I see, so that's the case,' Shroud ruminated, pausing briefly before remarking, {In that case, there's little more to discuss.} Shroud's words carried a sense of finality, indicating the conclusion of their conversation.

{I'll conclude the call now that you two know that we possess a valuable piece of evidence.} With that, Shroud moved to terminate the call, his finger hovering over the end call button on his phone's screen.

{Wait!} Su exclaimed, prompting Shroud to stop right as he was about to click the end-call button.

Raising a brow, Shroud inquired, {Is there anything else you two need?} Shroud asked, to which Kevin answered.

{Yes, we were wondering why the director isn't participating as a witness.} Kevin started, making Shroud's ear perk up.

He then continued, {I mean, think about it; he was a first-hand witness to what happened the previous day, where there was a clear unfair numerical advantage between Hayato and his men and the three of us}, Kevin stated.

{So why wouldn't the director participate as a witness, even if he saw everything happen in the end?} Kevin asked, and Shroud fell into silence.

"Interesting," Shroud muttered in a low voice that only he could hear.

'These two manage to think of a plausible possibility by Ryuzaki's words when he instructed them to look for evidence,' Shroud thought, genuinely impressed that the two could understand the underlying meaning behind Ryuzaki's words.

'I guess I was right to call these two to be a cut above the rest albeit by a little.' Shroud thought as he inwardly praised Kevin and Su.

'Maybe I should test them,' Shroud mused as he spoke. {Money is a good thing to have around you,} Shroud replied to Kevin and Su's inquiry in a cryptic manner.

{What?} Kevin responded, his brows furrowing in confusion as he tried to grasp Shroud's cryptic hint.

The secluded park was cloaked in darkness, illuminated only by the soft, ambient glow of nearby streetlights, which cast long shadows across Kevin's face, accentuating the perplexity etched into his expression.

Meanwhile, Su sat on a weathered bench, the dim glow of his phone's screen illuminating his face, adding an air of suspense to the moment. The distant chirping of crickets and the occasional hoot of an owl added a touch of nature's nocturnal symphony to the scene.

{Shroud, by any chance, are you implying that Hayato had bribed the Director?} Su asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty, the tranquil yet dark surroundings amplifying the weight of the question.

Shroud's grin widened as he listened to Su's insight from his hospital bed, the soft beep of medical equipment serving as a constant reminder of his current state.

'Looks like it was Su who figured out the meaning behind Ryuzaki's words,' Shroud thought, his eyes glinting with approval.

Shroud was then about to give his answer but before he could say anything, Kevin, still puzzled, interjected, the park's dark serenity providing a dramatic backdrop to their conversation.

{Su, I don't think that's possible, I don't think that the Director was bribed,} Kevin interjected, his aquamarine eyes glowing in the eerie dark park.

{There is almost zero chance the director would have accepted a bribe from Hayato.} Kevin thought, his mind racing.

{I think maybe it's because Hayato's parents and the Director might have a business together.} Kevin speculated, his voice calm and measured despite the darkness surrounding them.

Kevin's way of thinking made much more sense, considering the intricate web of connections that could exist between influential individuals.

Kevin then looked at the phone screen, waiting for Shroud's response, the eerie silence of the secluded park enhancing the gravity of their discussion.

Meanwhile, at the Nagazora hospital, Shroud was grinning from ear to ear, a flicker of amusement lighting up his eyes. 'These two are indeed prized students of Senba Academy; they are sharp thinkers,' Shroud nodded in acknowledgement.

'Su seems to be better at grasping the meaning behind cryptic and riddle-like words,' he mused, 'he just needs to eliminate unlikely possibilities, and he might make an excellent detective.' Shroud envisioned Su excelling in the field, uncovering the truth through his deductive prowess.

'As for Kevin, although he may be slow at catching on initially,' Shroud continued his silent musings, 'once he catches on, he is capable of making rational speculations.' Shroud commented inwardly.

'In the future, if he could also formulate and improve upon plans, he could become a remarkable leader.' Shroud contemplated the untapped potential within Kevin, his mind brimming with possibilities for the duo.

'Now that would be something interesting to see,' Shroud entertained the thought of the two achieving something significant in the future before speaking.

{Well, you both are right in a way, but I would have to say Kevin's words are the most likely possibility,} Shroud replied.

{But why, though? Isn't it the Director's responsibility to be impartial? Why would he be helping Hayato and his men?} Kevin said, his dissatisfaction evident in his voice, the questions hanging in the air of the dark, secluded park.

{As I have said earlier, Kevin, money is a good thing to have around you,} Shroud began, leaning on the edge of the hospital bed. {And if what you said earlier is right, then maybe the Director's partnership with Hayato's parents might be a serious one.}

He paused for a moment, his eyes scanning the room. {Also, if the director didn't want to be impartial about this situation, he wouldn't have broached the thought of giving us a chance to prove ourselves innocent. He is the Director of the academy, and if he wants, he could expel any student body.}

Shroud's words hung in the air, a reminder of the limitations they faced in challenging Ryuzaki's decisions. The night outside the hospital window was still, casting an air of quiet contemplation over the room.

{Dammit}, Kevin muttered in frustration, his voice tinged with disappointment.

Su, on the other hand, was also frowning, but after Shroud had explained the rationale and the logic behind why the Director hadn't decided to help the three, he understood that losing a powerful business partner was indeed an unfavourable outcome for the Director.

It forced Ryuzaki to restrict his actions, ensuring he didn't lose a valuable partner who could help him in the long term.

Furthermore, there was also the possibility that the Director could have completely overlooked this incident to avoid provoking Hayato's parents and jeopardizing their business partnership.

{Then what should we do, how should we move on with this?}" Su asked, expecting an answer from Shroud. However, to their dismay, Shroud replied, {There is nothing we can do}, causing Su and Kevin to lower their heads, their hopes dimming.

[A/N: Napoleon is that you?]

'Is there nothing we can do?' Kevin and Su thought in unison before Shroud added, {We just have to provide evidence and defend ourselves, and Hayato himself will choose to drop out.}

The unexpected statement left both Kevin and Su wide-eyed, their confusion evident in their expressions. They couldn't help but inquire, {Huh? How?} Their curiosity and anticipation hung in the dark, still night, mirroring the complexity of the situation they found themselves in.

{Pride over Prestige}, Shroud said in another cryptic manner before adding, {It's getting dark, I should better get some rest. You two should also do the same; tomorrow will be quite the hassle of a day.} Shroud's words left a sense of mystery hanging in the air.


Shroud ended the call, leaving only the soft, rhythmic beeping of the hospital equipment in the background, punctuating the silence of the night.


The next day...

The day of the interrogation had dawned, casting a heavy air of tension over Senba Academy, especially with the school's administrative and the students in question who were caught in a brawl within school compounds.

Shroud, Su, and Kevin had prepared for this pivotal moment, knowing that their defence needed to be both impeccable and compelling. As they entered the room, the atmosphere was thick with anticipation.

The director and the school administration, clad in their formal attire, sat at a long table, an air of authority surrounding them.

Shroud knew that he couldn't rely solely on the recorded call he had obtained the previous day. The stakes were too high. It was time to employ his narrative skills, to craft a story that would defend not just himself but also Su and Kevin.

Shroud began to speak, his words flowing with the finesse of a seasoned storyteller. With each sentence, he painted a vivid picture of the events of that fateful day, using the power of narrative to shape perceptions.

Shroud described the chaos, the confusion, and the feeling of being unfairly targeted, all while emphasizing the trio's innocence. Su and Kevin, inspired by Shroud's eloquence, interjected with their insights and perspectives.

They provided additional context and explanations, reinforcing the narrative that Shroud was constructing. The room listened in rapt attention as the trio defended their actions with words as their weapons.

The administrators, initially sceptical, soon found their doubt giving way to surprise and curiosity as the hours passed.

Shroud's storytelling was, in essence, a powerful defence strategy that dismantled the accusations against them. The three students were not just defending themselves; they were taking control of the narrative.

However, the most surprising turn of events came when Hayato, the very instigator of the incident, unexpectedly announced his decision to drop out.

The room fell into stunned silence as both Kevin and Su widened their eyes, their astonishment etched across their faces.

They couldn't believe how Shroud's prediction had unfolded before their eyes, leaving them in awe of his uncanny foresight.

Kevin and Su exchanged incredulous glances. They couldn't fathom how Shroud had foreseen this outcome.

After Hayato's surprising decision to drop out, the school administrators quickly convened, their hushed conversations reflecting the urgency of the situation.

It became evident that, with Hayato leaving Senba School, there was no longer a pressing need to take the matter further. They reached a swift decision to close the case.

The room buzzed with an air of finality as the administrators filed out, their decision echoing through the minds of all present. Shroud, Su, and Kevin exchanged glances.

The interrogation and questioning had ended, and the trio found themselves outside, the cool breeze providing a sense of closure to a turbulent day. It was only then that Kevin and Su couldn't contain their curiosity any longer. They turned to Shroud, their expressions a mix of wonder and puzzlement.

Kevin spoke up first, "Shroud, how did you know this was going to happen?"

Shroud's eyes gleamed with a mixture of amusement and pride. He leaned in, placing deliberate emphasis on the following words, "Do you remember my words from the previous day? 'Pride over Prestige.'"

He went on to detail his reasoning, his voice carrying conviction. "In my eyes, Hayato is a prideful kid who cares deeply about his reputation," he began.

"Even if he avoided expulsion, his reputation would be tarnished. Instead of enduring the shame of a tainted reputation, he chose to leave the school completely, preserving his pride," Shroud explained, his words leaving a profound understanding of the situation in their wake.

Shroud then informed them that he had some matters to attend to and left the two alone as they pondered over his words. They couldn't help but be impressed by his astute thinking capabilities.

"Kevin, do you still remember what the Director had told us the previous day?" Su asked Kevin, their voices hushed in the empty hallway. Kevin replied, "Which one?"

"Make friends with Shroud," Su reminded Kevin, their hushed conversation resembling a secretive classified exchange between agents. It brought back the Director's request for them to befriend Shroud to help him open his heart to the world again.

Meanwhile, as Shroud walked away, he too couldn't help but contemplate his next moves, his silhouette fading into the academy's hallway. 'Now that I have dealt with that pest, how should I do it?'

The trio's thoughts aligned as both Kevin and Su, along with Shroud in a separate space, asked themselves, 'How should we/I make friends with him/them?' The common question echoed through their minds.

To be continued...


A/N: Hope you enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment. Your thoughts and criticism are valuable in helping me improve and stay motivated to write more.

Many say Kaslanas are stupid, but I don't think that they are. They might not be the brightest, but they're not complete morons.

I was thinking of making Kevin seem stupid at first, but since he is the literal leader of the Flame Chasers, there is no way that he is stupid for others to call him their leader; strength doesn't equal the right to be the leader of a group. He might be a bit silly, but he's not a moron.